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Remove unused translations and revert bad fix
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Jerrrry123 committed Jul 31, 2022
1 parent a29677d commit a3003fe
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Showing 13 changed files with 13 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/JSlangLib.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if GENERATE_TEMPLATE then

if not filesystem.exists(LANG_DIR .. 'template.lua') then
local f = assert( .. 'template.lua', 'a'))
f:write('lang.set_translate(\'\') --insert lang code here e.x. fr en or de\n\nlocal f = lang.find\nlocal t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end\n\n')
f:write('lang.set_translate(\'\') --insert lang code here e.x. fr en or de\n\nlocal f = lang.find\nlocal t = lang.translate\n\n')

Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Dutch.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Meldingen aan')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Stop met het maken van sjabloonbestanden, je hebt er veel te veel!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Forceren')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s onderzeeër naar de oppervlakte.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Kan de laatste release niet ophalen.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Ik kan niet garanderen dat deze opties 100% veilig zijn. Ik heb ze getest op mijn main, maar ik ben dom.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'klimladder')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'verlaten voertuig')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/French.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Notifications sur')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Arrêtez de créer des fichiers modèles, vous en avez beaucoup trop !')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Forcer')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s sous-marin à la surface.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Impossible d\'obtenir la dernière version.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Je ne peux pas garantir que ces options sont sûres à 100 %. Je les ai testés sur mon principal, mais je suis stupide.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'Échelle d\'escalade')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'véhicule sortant')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/German.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Benachrichtigungen an')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Hören Sie auf, Vorlagendateien zu erstellen, Sie haben viel zu viele!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Erzwingen')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s U-Boot an die Oberfläche.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Neueste Version konnte nicht abgerufen werden.')
t(f('min'), 'Mindest')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Ich kann nicht garantieren, dass diese Optionen 100 % sicher sind. Ich habe sie an meinem Hauptfach getestet, aber ich bin dumm.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'Kletterleiter')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'aussteigendes Fahrzeug')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Korean.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), '알림')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), '템플릿 파일 생성을 중지하세요. 너무 많습니다!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), '강제')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '수면으로의 잠수함.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), '최신 릴리스를 가져오지 못했습니다.')
t(f('min'), '')
t(f('s'), '에스')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), '이러한 옵션이 100% 안전하다고 보장할 수 없습니다. 나는 그것들을 내 메인에서 테스트했지만 나는 바보입니다.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), '등반 사다리')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), '나가는 차량')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Lithuanian.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Pranešimai įjungti')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Nustokite kurti šabloninių failų, jų yra per daug!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Priversti')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), 'povandeninis laivas į paviršių.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Nepavyko gauti naujausio leidimo.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Negaliu garantuoti, kad šios parinktys yra 100% saugios. Išbandžiau juos pagrindiniame, bet esu kvailas.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'kopimas Kopėčiomis')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'išvažiuojanti transporto priemonė')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Polish.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
lang.set_translate('pl') --thank you DumbBird#9143 for creating this translation ^-^

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Włącz powiadomienia')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Przestań tworzyć szablony, masz ich o wiele za dużo!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Wymuszanie łodzi podwodnej')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Nie udało się pobrać najnowszej wersji.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Nie mogę zagwarantować, że opcje te są w 100% bezpieczne. Zostały one przetestowane prze mnie na moim głównym konice, ale jestem głupi.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'wspina się po drabinie')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'wychodzi z pojazdu')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Portugese.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Notificações ativadas')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Pare de criar arquivos de modelo, você tem muitos!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Forçando')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s submarino para a superfície.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Falha ao obter a versão mais recente.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Não posso garantir que essas opções sejam 100% seguras. Eu os testei no meu main, mas sou estúpido.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'escada de escalada')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'saindo do veículo')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Russian.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Уведомления о')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Прекратите создавать файлы шаблонов, у вас их слишком много!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Принуждение')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), 'подводная лодка на поверхность.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'Не удалось получить последнюю версию.')
t(f('min'), 'мин')
t(f('s'), 'с')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Я не могу гарантировать, что эти варианты на 100% безопасны. Я проверил их на своем основном, но я глуп.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'Восхождение Лестница')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'выходящий из автомобиля')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Simplified_Chinese.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
lang.set_translate('zh') --thank you zzzz#5116 for creating this translation ^-^

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), '通知已开启')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), '已停止创建模板文件,你已经有太多模板了!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), '强制')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s 潜艇浮出水面')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), '获取最新版本失败')
t(f('min'), '分钟--')
t(f('s'), '')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), '我不能保证这些选项是100%安全的. 我在我的大号测试了它们,但我太蠢了.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), '爬梯')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), '离开载具')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Spanish.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Notificaciones en')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Deja de crear archivos de plantilla, ¡tienes demasiados!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'Forzar')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'s submarino a la superficie.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'No se pudo obtener la última versión.')
t(f('min'), 'min')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'No puedo garantizar que estas opciones sean 100% seguras. Los probé en mi principal, pero soy estúpido.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'escalera de escalada')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'saliendo del vehiculo')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/Turkish.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), 'Bildirimler açık')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), 'Şablon dosyaları oluşturmayı bırakın, çok fazla dosyanız var!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), 'zorlamak')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '\'ın denizaltısı yüzeye.')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), 'En son sürüm alınamadı.')
t(f('min'), 'dk')
t(f('s'), 's')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), 'Bu seçeneklerin %100 güvenli olduğunu garanti edemem. Onları ana bilgisayarımda test ettim, ama aptalım.')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), 'tırmanma merdiveni')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), 'araçtan çıkmak')
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions store/JerryScript/Language/template.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
lang.set_translate('') --insert lang code here e.x. fr en or de

local f = lang.find
local t = function(a, b) if a != lang.find(b) then lang.translate(a, b) end end
local t = lang.translate

t(f('Notifications on'), '')
t(f('Stop creating template files, you have way too many!'), '')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ t(f('Lets you set the delay for how often entities are pushed in entity storm.')
t(f('Forcing'), '')
t(f('\'s submarine to the surface.'), '')
t(f('Failed to get latest release.'), '')
t(f('min'), '')
t(f('s'), '')
t(f('I can\'t guarantee that these options are 100% safe. I tested them on my main, but im stupid.'), '')
t(f('climbing Ladder'), '')
t(f('exiting vehicle'), '')
Expand Down

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