- MongoDB
- AngularJS
- Hapi
- Raspberry Pi
- Ionic
- Oauth
This open-source projects aims at building a seed project with shared code between web and mobile app. It includes a server instance connected to a database along with token-based and Oauth authentication. The Raspberry Pi mini computer is to be determined.
These instructions are for quick setup. Instructions are for OSX but should work fine on Linux too. Windows not tested.
Check version installed
$: node -v
Download and install
Note: node comes with npm, to check npm version use
$: npm -v
Check version installed
$: mongod --version
Install mongodb using brew
Check version installed
$: git --version
Install git using installer
Clone git repository. On your operating system create a directory where this project will live and clone this repo.
$: git clone https://github.com/JesusGuerrero/MAHRIO.git
Install global modules
$: sudo npm install supervisor grunt bower -g
Install local application modules. Change into MAHRIO directory and ensure package.json is there. Then run command.
$: npm install
You should now have a folder 'node_modules' in same location as the package.json, these are the modules required to run the server/api.
Install bower packaged libraries. Change into MAHRIO directory and ensure bower.json is there. Then run command.
$: bower install
You should now have a folder 'bower_components' in sam elocation as the bower.json, these are the libraries required to run front-end/UI of the app.
In order to leverage the database, ensure that mongod is running before the WebApp. To run mongod with custom config ensure you are still in the directory, next to the package.json, and run startup the dameon using
mongod --config mongoDB/config/mongod.conf
The configuration file is meant to have the data for development contained in your local workspace and the logs too. This is never checked in, and ignored by .gitignore
Having the database running, and all the node_modules (including global) installed, you can run application by using supervisor
$: supervisor server/index.js
or by using node
$: node server/index.js
Supervisor allows for monitoring changes to the code and auto-rebuilding for faster functional testing. Node on the other hand can be configured in WebStorm and fully-debuggable with IDE
Bower is used to add new front-end libraries and keep track by using bower.json, so for example when any jquery plugins needed you can log their requirement by installing via bower so that it gets saved to bower.json every time. When you install in using bower you also need to update Gruntfile so that it takes the necessary files from bower package and includes them in the build. This helps to keep libraries managed, and a task-runner to build the app is updated to any new libraries. Some examples added through bower are angular, bootstrap and jquery.
Grunt is used to jslint any files modified, also copy from client to server folder, and finally build less files to css.
To run grunt watcher, ensure you are at the top-level next to the Gruntfile.json
$: grunt
To run grunt once to build the system, ensure you are at the top-level next to the Gruntfile.json
$: grunt build
TODO, this is a work in progress but the basic setup is there. To run testing use
$: grunt karma
and also
npm test
Node.JS changes frequently, and it's suggested you load the PPA in order to grab the stable latest version. Work is in progress on customizing a Vagrantfile for this purpose, with instructions forthcoming.
have any questions or troubke with the setup? email [email protected]
Hapi [http://hapijs.com]
AngularJS [https://angularjs.org]
MongoDB [http://www.mongodb.org]
Jade [http://jade-lang.com]
Bootstrap 3.3.2 [http://getbootstrap.com]
Font-Awesome 4.2.0 [http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome]
jQuery 2.1.1 [http://jquery.com]