This is the main page and contents for the samples in this repository. To navigate this repository, you can select a sample and stage from the branch list:
- Sample 1 - Converting and running a local tests in automation
- Start - shows a sample project that we are going to convert
- Parents and OBR's - convert our starting project to the structure required to run in automation
- Deploying - deploy our test artifacts to a maven repository
- Test Streams - Setting up a new test stream on our ecosystem
- Jenkins and Automation - How to call and run our tests in automation
- Sample 2 - Creating a Simple Galasa Manager (draft)
- Start - creates a sample tests to show value and gives context to the manager lifecycle
- Initialise - starts creating the basic layout of the manager and how to init one
- Dependancies - shows how to add dependancies on other managers
- Annotations - discusses how to create annotations that can be used in a test class
- Provision - How to get some useful value out of yor manager