An Enhanced Virtual Screening Approach based on Pocket Ligand Similarity
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
EViS is an enhanced virtual screening method which integrates ligand docking, protein pocket template searching and ligand template shape similarity calculating. A novel PL-score to characterize local pocket-ligand template similarity is used to evaluate the screening compounds. The docking poses (MOL2 format) obtained by any docking programs can be evaluated by PL-score comparing with the native pocket-ligand pairs in BioLip dataset.
- Before running EViS, the following packages should be installed.
- gcc: gcc-8.3.0
- python version : 2.7
- numpy: numpy 1.16.6
- git clone:
git clone
running the following commands
cd EViS
tar -xvzf user_input.tar.gz
module load gcc/gcc-8.3.0
EViS program needs two consecutive steps (please ensure the last step was completed before running the next step):
1, prepare the screening compounds (MOL2 format) and pocket ('.POC' format) into the input folder.
put all compounds (MOL2 format) into (user_input/results_docking/ligand_mol2/) subfolder.
put the pocket file (named as "nativepocket.poc") into the (user_input/results_docking/pocket/) subfolder.
The pocket is like as:
POC nativepocket
ATOM 253 N VAL A 49 6.937 3.497 -28.457 1.00 34.68 N
ATOM 254 CA VAL A 49 6.465 2.179 -28.887 1.00 34.68 C
ATOM 255 C VAL A 49 5.665 2.297 -30.179 1.00 34.68 C
ATOM 256 O VAL A 49 5.965 1.651 -31.192 1.00 34.68 O
If you are still not sure the input files, you can check the example files in this repository.
For exmple:
cd script
pocket folder:
- pocket_align.POC : all pocket templates for nativepocket.poc with similarity >0.5
- : top 50 (maximum) template pockets information
- pocket_topN.mol2 : the template ligands binding with the topN template pockets in BioLip dataset.
ligands_mol2 folder:
- .lsalign : the similarity file between the screening compound and topN template ligands save in "pocket_topN.mol2"
results_docking folder:
- PLscore.result : the final PL-score results for the screening compounds.
If you have any questions, please contact with Wenyi Zhang([email protected])
- Wenyi Zhang ([email protected])
- JingHuang ([email protected])
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.