Dashboard analyzer is a Java application which provides tools for processing and analyzing of screenshots of dashboard user interfaces. It was created as part of my dissertation at Brno University of Technology: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~ihynek/dashboards/
It provides the following functionality:
- loads images (from file or url)
- detects (automatically/manually using the interactive editor) regions which represent visually dominant objects (with respect to Gestalt laws / subjective perception of the user)
- performs image operations and filters (gray-scale, posterization, thresholding, Hough-transform, etc.), show image histograms
- performs pixel-based metrics analyzing UI characteristics (colorfulness, pixel-based balance, symmetry, etc...)
- performs object-based metrics analyzing UI characteristics (Ngo's metrics of aesthetics and their modifications)
- processes folders containing various UI descriptions of regions (analysis of subjective perception of users, generating heatmaps, etc.)
For more information, see the project wiki: https://github.com/Jirka/dash/wiki
- Java >=1.8
- git
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release)
TODO: convert to maven projects
- Clone the repository:
- Eclipse IDE: Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Git > Clone Git repository (in Git Repositories View)
- or: 'git clone https://github.com/Jirka/dash.git' command
- or: download and unpack zip file manually
- Import projects into Eclipse IDE:
- File > Import > General > Existing projects into workspace > select all projects without the 'dash' root project
- wait until projects are successfully builded
- Run the application:
- run DashApp.java file located in the projects dashapp.rel.public (Right click on the file in Package explorer view > Run as > Java application);
- note that there are other runnable realeases -- e. g., dashapp.rel.* used for specific purposes and demonstrations of the application
- Export a .jar file using Eclipse IDE:
- open export dialog: File > Export > Java > Runnable JAR file
- select launch configuration (the DashAppFile from previous section)
- specify Export destination using File browser (e.g.: home/user/Desktop/dashapp.jar)
- check 'Package required libraries into generated JAR'
- select Finish
- Run the generated .jar file:
- Windows: double click on .jar file
- Linux: run 'java -jar dashapp.jar' (do not forget to set permissions: 'chmod +x dashapp.jar')
See the project wiki: https://github.com/Jirka/dash/wiki