Rumble Quiz is a multiplayer mobile trivia game. It was built by Alex Taylor, Nikki Truong, Rocio Sainz-Maza and Jo Watson as the final project of the Northcoders Software Development bootcamp.
The back-end of the project was built with express and node-postgres for the storage of user data and socket-io for managing web-socket data sharing. The full list of dependencies can be found in package.json
The api is hosted at:
The front-end can be found here!
To run the server locally:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install dependencies.
npm i
Set up .env files for environment variables.
There are two .env files required: .env.test and .env .development. These should go in root directory
echo "PGDATABASE=rumble_quiz_test" > .env.test
echo "PGDATABASE=rumble_quiz" > .env.development
- Setup and seed local databases
npm run setup-dbs
npm run seed
- Run tests Test files are found in
npm test users.test
npm test avatars.test
npm test sound.test