This package introduces a new blade directive called @macro
which allows reusable scope-protected blade code blocks.
Just like what @include
does but with zero runtime I/O.
uses native PHP include
directive, which causes runtime I/O, Event if Opcache is fully enabled.
But sometimes @include
is used when we want to just Don't repeat ourselves
But this abstraction should not cause any performance bottleneck.
For Laravel >= 5.5.0:
composer require jobinja/blade-macro
For Laravel <= 5.3.0:
composer require jobinja/blade-macro:1.0.*
Just use the following service provider in your app.php
Then you can simply replace your needed old @include
directives with the new @macro
@include('some_partial', ['some_var' => 'some_value')
// Should be replaced with:
@macro('some_partial', ['some_var' => 'some_value'])
By default the package re-compiles blade views on each request in development environment, if you want to disable this feature run:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=JobinjaTeam\BladeMacro\JobinjaBladeMacroServiceProvider
and config the package based on your needs.
Please see #16583 or simply read the following:
Consider the following loop:
@for($i=1; $i < 500000; $i++)
@include('iteration_presenter', ['iteration' => $i])
The above code will be replaced by something like the following:
<?php for($i=1; $i < 5000000; $i++){ ?>
// Just for example in real world laravel wraps this
// around a method to satisfy scope protected data.
include './blade_compiled_path/iteration_presenter.php';
<?php } ?>
The above code includes the iteration_presenter.blade.php file for 5,000,000 times, which causes heavy I/O calls, but the only
reason we have used the iteration_presenter
partial is to create more abstraction and don't repeat ourselves.
Instead of using native include
directive we have created a new @macro
directive which simply copy/pastes the
partial content in compile time, and simply there is no I/O then:
@for($i=1; $i < 500000; $i++)
@macro('iteration_presenter', ['iteration' => $i])
The above @macro
directive will be translated to the following:
<?php for($i=1; $i < 5000000; $i++){ ?>
<?php (function ($scopeData) { extract($scopeData); ?>
<?php echo e($iteration);?>
<?php })($someHowComputedScope) ;?>
<?php } ?>
composer test
Licensed under MIT, part of the effort for making better.