APi for testing Go language. To start the project, first install the required dependencies.
##Package Hi, this folder can be used for the project dependencies. Set your GOPATH and GOBIN to this folder to import the go dependencies in this folder.
export GOPATH=$PWD/packages
mkdir $GOPATH/bin
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
Please don't push all the dependencies Repo's to our gitRepo. At the moment this seems a bad idea too me.
To install all the dependencies you can simply do:
go get ./
Now you can run this project localy.
go run main.go
##Docker There is a docker file to create a docker image from this go API.
docker build . -t 'IMAGE_NAME'
##Docker Compose The docker Compose file will boot up a configured MongoDb and the created goapi image. Please configure the name of the image to the previous docker build image.
Have fun.