Repository used to unify keypoints estimators output into a single format, thus making them comparable and analysable.
Datasets | Description | Download Link |
AEC | "Aprendo En Casa" Peruvian Sign Language (LSP), Videos are taken from datasets/AEC/Videos/SEGMENTED_SIGN | drive |
PUCP_PSL_DGI156 | "PUCP University - Peruvian Sign Language (LSP) - Dirección de investigación N° 156", Videos are taken from datasets/PUCP_PSL_DGI156/Videos/cropped | drive |
PUCP_PSL_DGI305 | "PUCP University - Peruvian Sign Language (LSP) - Dirección de investigación N° 305" | Not available yet |
WLASL (Word Level ASL) | "Word-level American Sign Language". Need to download and follow the WLASL guide | github |
AUTSL (Turkish SL) | "The Arkara University Turkish Sign Language" | website |
INCLUDE (Indian SL) | "A Large Scale Dataset for Indian Sign Language Recognition" | website |
More information about AEC and PUCP_PSL_DGI156 in PeruSIL
The other datasets have to be located manually in the "dataset" folder
- Mediapipe
- Openpose
- Wholepose
There will be one output for each keypoint estimator used and data set (and mixes) chosen it is need you to create "output" folder
the output is an H5 file (.hdf5) with this structure:
group("#") where # is an index
each group will have:
- ["video_name"] = name of the video (this includes the relative path that starts after the name of the dataset)
- ["label"] = isolated signs showed in the video
- ["data"] = an TxCxK structure
video_name example (in AEC dataset): "Videos/SEGMENTED_SIGN/ira_alegria/abuelo_118.mp4"
- T = timestep of the video
- C = x and y coords
- K = keypoints (with this order: "pose", "face", "left hand" and "right hand")
create a new conda enviroment with python 3.8 (recommended) then run:
- Mediapipe
This library is already installed if you did the "prepare the enviroment" section. It also be installing by running:
pip install mediapipe
- Wholepose
go to keypointEstimators/models/wholepose Run:
this will download "wholebody_hrnet_w48_384x384" pretrained model of Coco-Wholebody github. The link was obtained from (Smile-lab)[]
- OpenPose
Go to keypointEstimators/models/
This will download the openpose repository and then install it with the requiered dependencies to use openpose in python.
If you have another Nvidia architecture that not correspont with the one in cmake, please modify cmake parameters
then add this line at the beginning of the ".bashrc" (linux)
export CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/python/openpose:$PYTHONPATH
if you are using miniconda, also add
export PATH="/home/<user>/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"
in case of anaconda, replace "miniconda" with it (check if the version correspond with the number used)
Just run:
Select the dataset you want to mix (or to process isolated) And then, select the keypoint estimator model (only one per run)
The output will be in "output" folder.
If your preprocessed data is organized with each instance in its respective file, you can utilize the following script
You just need to provide the path to the respective folder that contains all the files.