A Gulp toolkit for front-end web development.
Inspired by https://css-tricks.com/gulp-for-beginners
Live reload HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the browser immediately upon changing these files during development
Process Sass and add sourcemaps for debugging CSS
Automatically add browser vendor prefixes to CSS selectors that need them
Concatenate and minify CSS and JavaScript during the build process
Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
Inline image and font files into the main stylesheet
Include HTML fragments using
<!--#include file="" -->
statements -
Generate a custom Modernizr file based off of classes found in CSS
Validate HTML after the build process
Deploy a build to GitHub Pages
Clone this repo and cd to it on your machine
$ npm update --save-dev
to install all gulp plugins -
$ gem install scss_lint
(for the Sass lint plugin)
Cd to the directory where you installed the Gulp toolkit
Confirm that Gulp system is installed:
$ gulp hello
During development, run
$ gulp
to watch live changes to your files -
To minify images during development, run
$ gulp minify-images
after adding new, unoptimized images -
To update the custom modernizr file based off of classes found in CSS, run
$ gulp modernizr
after introducing new CSS features referenced in the Modernizr development build -
To create a build of finished files, run
$ gulp build
To validate HTML of a build using the W3C validation service, run
$ gulp validateHTML
To deploy a build to a web server, run
$ gulp deploy
The app directory is where development takes place, where files are created and modified. When a build is run, it creates a dist directory of finished files, ready for distribution to production environments. The dist directory is ignored by Git, since we don't need to check our builds into source control. Each time a build is created, it will overwrite all previous contents within dist. The app and dist directory names can be changed by updating the path references in gulpfile.js
The following files and directories configure the Gulp Toolkit. The node_modules directory is ignored by Git.
- gulpfile.js
- node_modules
- package.json
- scss-lint-config.yml
For details about using and configuring each Gulp plugin, find them listed within gulpfile.js
, then search them from the gulp.js plugin page and read their documentation.
This toolkit can inline image and font files as Base64 into the CSS to eliminate the paths to these assets and reduce HTTP requests for better performance. To do this, change a CSS selector's url
value to inline
. More about inlining files with PostCSS Assets
When running the gulp-sftp
plugin via $ gulp deploy
, it will return the error, SFTP error or directory exists
for directories that are already on the server (like /images
). This is not an actual error and the plugin will overwrite the directory with the uploaded contents, as expected.