Tests when a background target (e.g. a galaxy or star) could be occulted by the moon or a planet.
In astronomy, lunar occultations can be useful because timing can be more accurate than imaging resolution.
Occultations block some part of the target object and allow one to study the remainder.
For example, occultations of a star by Pluto can be used to measure the surface of Pluto. Or, occultations of a distant galaxy by the moon can be used to measure the size of the nucleus of the galaxy.
I wanted to see if NuSTAR AGN observations can take advantage of an occultation.
Provided a target list, lunar-filter-rough.py and planet-filter-rough.py produce candidate event files.
lunar-filter.py and planet-filter.py check if these candidates can be viable.
At least until 2020, no Swift/BAT AGN will be occulted by the moon or a planet.