A Generic Representation of Power Grids Enabling Open-Source Model Conversion Modules
To install this project, perform the following steps:
- Clone the project
- Open a terminal of the virtual environment where you want to use the project
- Tested with Python 3.10
into the cloned directorypip install .
orpip install -e .
to install the project editable.- Use
pip install -e .[dev]
to install with development dependencies
- Use
- Script that convert from PowerFactory to the generic format and from there to other formats are available in the
folder. - As of now, you have to edit the specific script to change the desired model and output file.
- Run the script, e.g.:
python .\scripts\pf_to_jmdl.py
Check out the documentation under: epowcore.readthedocs.io.
The source for the documention is available in the documentation\source
While it is possible to read the source on its own, an HTML version of the documentation offers a nicer formatting and search capabilities.
Build the documentation:
sphinx-apidoc -f -d 3 -E -o ./documentation/source/apidoc ./epowcore/ ./epowcore/generic ./epowcore/jmdl ./epowcore/power_factory/ ./epowcore/rscad/ ./epowcore/simscape/ ./epowcore/geojson/
sphinx-build -b html documentation/source documentation/build/html -c ./documentation/source/
(Generic Data Format): Contains the overall generic core model, component models, and other basic classes.generic
: Contains generic data structures and methods that work on generic models.geo_json
: Contain the platform specific methods for format conversions.
pytest --cov=epowcore tests/; coverage xml
M. Weber, A. Kocher, H. K. Çakmak and V. Hagenmeyer, "ePowCoRe: A Novel Generic Representation of Power Grids Enabling Open-Source Model Conversion Modules," 2024 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES), Vienna, Austria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/OSMSES62085.2024.10668981.