Essential commands is a Minecraft (Fabric) mod that adds several simple commands to the game. It is a purely serverside mod (but does work on LAN singleplayer worlds).
Requires fabric permissions api.
Essential Commands supports permissions mods like LuckPerms! All commands and sub-commands have their own permissions node in the form:
All of these commands support automatic tab completion using Minecraft's new commands system.
- /tpa <target-player>
- /tpaccept <target-player>
- /tpdeny <target-player>
- /home set <home-name>
- /home tp <home-name>
- /home delete <home-name>
- /warp set <warp-name>
- /warp tp <warp-name>
- /warp delete <warp-name>
- /back
Questions? Contact me in my Discord server.