Releases: JohnNay/datafsm
Releases · JohnNay/datafsm
datafsm 0.1.1 - Second release
datafsm 0.1.1
Second release of package.
- Updated vignette to properly simulate tit-for-tat data, and set a seed. Added FRD data vignette to show more advanced use of package on real data.
- Changed stop to warning if length(names) > 3. Added some text to stop() for ncol(data) != inputs.
- Made var_imp more modular. Took out core computation and put it in its own function. Added a var_imp2 function that uses output of this new importance() function and returns results for every element of state matrix, not just the colSums and puts that in a new slot in the main object called varImp2. var_imp2 returns raw performance scores.
- Added documentation for varImp2. Added check for another (4th) covariate value in C++. Test for main func now expects a warning rather than an error for when we have more than 3 predictors.
- BIGGEST CHANGE: Added evolve_model_ntimes() function to run evolve_model() ntimes and return either the best or all of them, depending on user specification.
- In evolve_model() instead of missing(), now use is.null() so evolve_model can be called inside other functions easily.
First release of package to CRAN
datafsm 0.1
First release of package to CRAN.