- Vendor Administration
- Display a listing of all vendors
- Onboard new vendors onto the marketplace
- Product Catalog Management
- Browse all products offered by a specific vendor
- Introduce new products to a vendor's catalog
- Product Discovery
- Facilitate a search feature that allows users to discover products using tags, the search should return products where the tag matches any part of the product's name or its associated tags
- Product Purchase
- You should support product purchase. Record in database which customer purchases which product
- Order Modification
- Users must have the option to modify their orders, including the removal of specific products or the cancellation of the entire order before it enters the shipping process
- Python 3.11
- [Optional] Virtual environment such as conda:
conda create -n comp7640 python=3.11
- Run pip install to install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to MySQL workbench and create a database called 'ecommerce':
- Go to global_profile.py and enter your MySQL credential:
database_login_user = SqlAdmin(username, password, 'ecommerce')
Where username and password are your MySQL user and password respectively.
- To create the required tables, run initDB.py:
python initDB.py
[Optional] To change the password for Vendor Admin login, go to setVendorAdminCredential.py and change the values for the variables 'username' and 'password', the default values are 'testing' and '1234' respectively.
To set up a vendor admin login credential, run setVendorAdminCredential.py:
python setVendorAdminCredential.py
- To launch the website, run main.py:
python main.py
- Go to for the login and register page.
- Click the 'Login' tab, choose 'Admin' from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the username and password for Vendor Admin page, default values are 'testing' and '1234' respectively.
- Click the 'Login' button.
- Click "Go to vendor list" to view the list of all vendors.
- To onboard a new vendor, click "Add Vendor", enter the fields for "Business Name", "Score", and "Address", click "Save".
- To register for a vendor account, go back to the home page and click "Register" tab (
- Select "Vendor" from the drop down menu, enter the vendor information (username, password, location, phone number).
- Click "Register".
- There are some initial vendor accounts specified in initDB.py. For example, you can login with the username 'Apple' and password 'apple2024'.
- The corresponding Python code for initializing these accounts are given below:
apple_password = 'apple2024'
samsung_password = 'samsung2024'
xiaomi_password = 'xiaomi2024'
huawei_password = 'huawei2024'
nvidia_password = 'nvidia2024'
amd_password = 'amd2024'
# TODO: Need to update the salt here
apple_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(apple_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
samsung_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(samsung_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
xiaomi_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(xiaomi_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
huawei_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(huawei_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
nvidia_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(nvidia_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
amd_hashed_password = sha256(str.encode(amd_password + str(1))).hexdigest()
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('Apple', 4.9, 'California, USA', apple_hashed_password, 1))
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('Samsung', 4.8, 'Seoul, Korea', samsung_hashed_password, 1))
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('Xiaomi', 4.7, 'Beijing, China', xiaomi_hashed_password, 1))
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('Huawei', 4.6, 'Shenzhen, China', huawei_hashed_password, 1))
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('Nvidia', 4.9, 'California, USA', nvidia_hashed_password, 1))
cursor.execute(query.addVendor(), ('AMD', 4.8, 'California, USA', amd_hashed_password, 1))
- To browse the products offered by a specific vendor, login a vendor account.
- Go back to the login page and select "Vendor" from the drop down menu.
- Login with one of the vendor credential given in the previous step, or the one you registered.
- Click "View Product" to browse all products offered by the vendor account you logged in.
- To introduce new products to the vendor's catalog, click "Add Product" and fill in the product information (Product Name, Listed Price/HKD, Product Tag1, Product Tag2, Product Tag3, Inventory/Unit), click "Save".
- To register for a customer account, go back to the home page and click "Register" tab (
- Select "Customer" from the drop down menu, enter the customer information (username, password, location, phone number).
- Click "Register".
- You should see "Congras! Now you are one of the user" if successful.
- Go back to the login page , select "Customer" and login with the credential you created.
- To discover products using tags, enter a tag in the search bar and click the "magnifier" icon.
- For example, entering "Apple" in the search bar and search, it will return all Apple products.
- The search function also support partial matching, for example, entering "app" or "ple" will also return all Apple products, while entering "sam" will return all Samsung products.
- You can also discover products by their names or partial names. For example, entering "book" will return all products with names containing "book", including "Galaxy Book", "MacBook Pro", "MateBook", etc.
- You can also discover products using their exact names, for example, entering "MacBook Pro" will only return the product "MacBook Pro".