❄️ 寒冬之中仍有雪和冰的美丽,保持虔诚,以待春之水暖。
- GIN - 一个高性能的网络框架
gin-gonic/gin: Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
- swagger 文档生成
Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API.
- zap 日志框架
Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
- lumberjack 按大小切分的滚动日志框架
Lumberjack is a Go package for writing logs to rolling files.
- viper 配置加载工具,可读取配置文件、系统变量和远程配置信息;支持热更新
Go configuration with fangs!
- casbin 权限管理工具
Casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control library for Golang projects. It provides support for enforcing authorization based on various access control models.
- gorm 数据库链接管理工具
The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.
- jwt 验证工具
A go (or 'golang' for search engine friendliness) implementation of JSON Web Tokens.
- govalidator 参数校验(未使用)
A package of validators and sanitizers for strings, structs and collections. Based on validator.js.
- validator 文档 参数校验(gin中默认有此组件 对应版本v10.6.1)
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags.
- validate 辅助swagger2.0的参数校验?
This package provides helpers to validate Swagger 2.0. specification (aka OpenAPI 2.0).