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Fuchsia LWSS

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@area area released this 06 May 09:21
· 1087 commits to develop since this release

For Fuchsia LWSS, users will be requested to upgrade their colonies to v9, but for now the improvements are behind-the-scenes if you're using the dapp.

The xDai ColonyNetwork remains at:

xdai: 0x78163f593D1Fa151B4B7cacD146586aD2b686294

The mainnet address for the Network contract remains unchanged, but we recommend is no longer used.


  • Adds support for metatransactions (#962, #976)
  • (Non-contract) Improve performance of the reputation miner in many respects (#985, #996, #997, #1014, #1015, #1021, #1025)
  • Allow domains to be deprecated (#983)
  • Add the concept of 'local skills' to a colony - the same as global skills, that e.g. an expenditure can be tagged with to award reputation in, but exist only for a single colony (#986)
  • Emit some extra events to make front-end lives easier (#1022)
  • Add a new function that will be used by the frontend to allow proposals to be made that affect colony metadata blobs without overwriting changes made while the proposal went through its lifecycle (#1033)


  • Adjust eligibility in reputation mining submissions so that every miner has at least ten minutes to defend a submission before it can be invalidated (#1030)
  • Add some events to Coinmachine to make development of the interface easier (#1022)


  • Tweak version check scripts as we bed them in (#994, #998)
  • Add a new script useful for developing against reputation (#1037)
  • Improve our test suite speed (#999)
  • Update versions of various libraries in the repository (#1012, #1017, #1018, #1019, #1023, #1029, #1038)