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Use custom DeepHeart SegmentEditorEffect in 3D Slicer

Christian Herz edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 1 revision

Prerequisites (extensions in 3D Slicer)

  1. MONAILabel (ExtensionManager)
  2. SlicerHeart (ExtensionManager)
  3. ValveSegmentation (
  4. DeepHeart (
  5. ExportHeartData

Use from the ValveSegmentation module

  1. Select mid-systolic heart valve (assuming that annulus has already been placed including APSL landmarks)
  2. Select DeepHeart SegmentEditorEffect


  1. [CHOP Internal] Use as the server and click the refresh button.

You will see eligible models for the selected heart valve for running inference in the Model dropdown. If none are available, there might be a chance that the selected valve type or phase is not supported yet.

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  1. Click the Run button and wait until finished.