Releases: Jon8RFC/NfcScreenOff
Releases · Jon8RFC/NfcScreenOff
v2.1.1 hotfix
v2.1.1 (jon8rfc) 2024-06-24
- code permitting odex modding after successful classic modding when both exist
- little things in success message forgotten for 2.1.0
- thank you @LordSithek for the bug report!
v2.1.0 (jon8rfc) 2024-06-21
- not reporting when no apk is found
- June 2024 AOSP support
- may support Android 15 beta
- possible additional support for other devices, older devices, and various ROMs
- added paths and uncommon NFC filenames (currently commented out)
- auto-disable module and stop if apk is updated, missing, or moved on subsequent reboots
- support finding moved/updated apk upon boot
- pseudo-update via Magisk, to repatch
- termux-notification upon reboot when repatching is necessary
- (requires termux-notification proper installation)
- code reorganization and refactor
- work in progress
- mounting of directory to just NFC apk
- allow ~30 seconds after each boot for the script to run
- may support Android 15 beta via June 2024 AOSP update
- auto-disable prevents cyclical reboots even if NFC.apk is moved or updated
v2.0.1 (jon8rfc) 2024-03-09
- cURL error checking
- removed repatching check
- allows forced updating for server-side fixes
- allow 30 seconds after each boot for the script to run
- fixed server-side Android 14 compatibility with older Android versions, in NFCScreenOffPatcher v1.1.2
- older Android versions should work again, just as prior to the Android 14 update I made
- tested on Pixel 3 with Android 10 (QP1A.190711.019), 11 (RP1A.200720.009), 12 (SP1A.210812.016.C2)
- tested on Pixel 8 Pro with Android 14 (AP1A.240305.019.A1)
- could support Android 8-9 if cURL functions properly
- Android 13 should work, but I no longer have my Pixel 7 Pro to test
- near the end of the Android 13 life cycle, the NFC apk changed and the Android 14 patching method is required
- this worked on server version 1.1.1 on my Pixel 7 Pro, so it should still determine which Android 13 apk needs the Android 14 patching method
v2.0.0 (jon8rfc) 2023-07-27
- odex and/or "classic" modding to only attempt if files exist, rather than long waiting & failing
- missing "Nfc_st" name from patched apks
- may correct a small handful of successful patches which don't work
- build.prop missing fallbacks for device & rom, for troubleshooting
- Magisk module native update capability
- Fox/Androidacy Magisk Module Manager support
- backup of original, non-patched NFC apk on boot
- allows for updating module and Android
- pre-patch verify:
- if new NFC apk exists
- if repatching/module update
- server connectivity (no excess waiting if down)
- successful zip
- server timeout of 5 seconds (reduce waiting by 2 minutes if down)
- HTTP status response codes support
- custom display for some common codes
- display of server-side textual responses
- custom HTTP status response codes support, if enabled server-side
- distinction between potential patching failure/update-needed (545 & 555) and anything else
- optional textual messages with abort or resume functionality within module
- saving of failed-to-patch zip file(s) for custom HTTP status codes (545 & 555, for now)
- please create a github issue if code 545 or 555; maybe your device can be supported
- build.prop extra fallbacks for device & rom, for troubleshooting
- build.prop version/sdk & module version, for troubleshooting
- NFC apk replace method (permits repatching, module update, proper backup)
- various Magisk terminal outputs/layouts
- refactor & rearrange script
- save long client-side UNIX date as "DATE_ID" in .env, replacing server-side UNIX date instead of "timestamp"
- assists troubleshooting when someone shares info with their DATE_ID
- server set to Jon8RFC's, for now
- maintenance/cost is a factor and may not be sustainable
- Possibly some minor forgotten things, as I didn't use a repo to track changes
As of the June 2023 update, on my Pixel 7 Pro, the NFC service is being disabled/paused/suspended after some time when the screen is off.
This may apply to more devices in the future, or may be a quirk with just my device. A module-based remediation is unknown at this time.
Currently, I'm using a Tasker profile to stop&start the service.
Jon8RFC NFC post 1
Jon8RFC NFC post 2, with Tasker profile download
I think I've fixed this new issue with how Google changed things, server-side, as of October 2023.