DARTPrimate is a C++ library for tracking arbitrary articulated models with a depth camera. It achieves real-time performance with the aid of a highly parallel CUDA implementation and state-of-the-art GPUs.
Note: This build is intended for Ubuntu 16.04.
CUDA 8.0: Download Cuda 8.0 here and follow installation instructions. Be sure to install the CUDA examples as well. Installing Cuda will require an nvidia graphics driver to be installed. We recommend first installing the proprietary drivers as follows instead of the graphics drivers included with Cuda:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-387
The exact version may depend on your card, but nvidia-387 is a safe choice for most popular cards.
Eigen 3: sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
GNU libmatheval: sudo apt-get install libmatheval-dev
tinyxml: sudo apt-get install libtinyxml-dev
GLUT: sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
Pangolin [necessary for the GUI]: Follow the instructions here
OpenCV (3.4.3): Follow the instructions here. After creating the opencv and opencv_contrib directories, enter each one and manually specify the version:
git checkout 3.4.3
At the cmake step, use the following command, replacing -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN=6.1 with the compute capability of your graphics card. For example, the compute capability of a GTX 1080 is 6.1, and the command should be:
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules \
libfreenect2 [necessary for Kinect v2 support]: Follow the instructions here
Open Asset Import Library [for mesh models]: sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev
KinectFusion [for creating meshes]: A modified version supporting Kinect can be obtained here. Note: OpenCV must be installed with CUDA support, as described in the above section.
cd [DARTPrimate directory]
mkdir build
cd build
cmake should be run with the -DCC flag that matches the compute capability of your graphics card. For example, the compute capability of a GTX 1080 is 6.1, so the command should be:
cmake -DCC="61" ..
cd ../Application
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCC="61" ..
To run the application, navigate to the [DARTPrimate directory]/Application/build and execute
./DARTPrimate ../config.toml
You must always include a path to a config file, in which all relevant parameters for the session are specified.
By default, the application is configured to use the Kinect v2. If you want to use an Intel RealSense device, the appropriate lines must be commented and changed in DARTPrimate.cpp before compiling the application.
- Frames vs. Joints vs. SDFs: These are three separate but related ways in which parts of a DART model can be referenced. A frame is a frame of reference in the kinematic chain, a joint is a connection between two frames with a single degree of freedom, and a signed distance function (SDF) implicitly stores all geometry attached to a single frame. Every model has at least one frame (the root) but need not have any joints or signed distance functions. Because loops are not allowed, a model with N joints will have N+1 frames (and N+6 degrees of freedom). The number of SDFs is at most equal to the number of frames, but may be less if there are frames with no geometry attached to them. Functions in the Model class and subclasses that require indexing part of the model will indicate in the parameter name whether the index is by joint, by frame, or by SDF.
DART models are stored as XML files which define the kinematic and geometric structure, optionally reference other mesh files to further describe the geometry. All models open with the "model" tag which has a single attribute, "version" describing the version of the DART XML format (current 1), like so:
<model version ="1">
[model here]
The model can then optionally specify a number of parameters using the "param" tag, with attributes "name" (string) and "value" (floating point), like so:
<param name="armLength" value="1.5"/>
These parameters can then be referenced when defining sizes, positions, or orientations, as described below. Parameters are useful if the same value appears multiple times in your specification (as is often the case) or if you would like to set the parameter values programatically.
After defining parameters, the model may contain a number of hierachically nested "frame" and "geom" tags, which specify new rigid body frames of reference or geometric objects, respectively. The "frame" tag requires four attributes, "jointName" (string), "jointType" (currently accepts either "rotational" or "prismatic", "jointMin" (floating point), and "jointMax" (floating point), the last two of which define the joint limits. Additionally, the frame tag requires three nested tags, "position", "orientation", and "axis", each of which require three floating point attributes, "x", "y", and "z". An example might look like this:
<frame jointName="leftElbow" jointType="rotational" jointMin="0" jointMax="3.1416">
<position x="0" y="0" z="1.5" />
<orientation x="0" y="0" z="1.5708" />
<axis x="1" y="0" z="0"/>
[frame children here]
This snippet defines a new frame of reference relative to its parent (the XML node directly above it in the hierarchy, or the root if the parent is the "model" tag). The transform from this frame of reference to the world is given by:
T_w,f = T_w,pTransR_zR_yR_x*R_axis(theta)
where T_w,p gives the transform from the parent to the world, Trans is a translation-only transform given by the "position" tag, R_z, R_y, and R_x are rotations about the z, y, and x axes (i.e. Euler angles) given by the corresponding entries in the "orientation" tag, and R_axis is a rotation by theta around the axis defined by the "axis" tag, with theta being given by the articulated pose of the model.
Finally, geometry can be rigidly attached to any frame of reference in the model by nesting a "geom" tag within a "frame" tag (or within the "model" tag for root geometry). The geometry tag requires 13 attributes: "type" (currently accepts "sphere","cylinder","cube", or "mesh"), "sx", "sy", and "sz", which define the scaling of the geometry, "tx", "ty", and "tz", which define the translation of the geometry root relative to the rigid body frame of reference, "rx", "ry" and "rz", which define the orientation relative to the rigid body frame of reference (also in Euler angles, as with the "frame" tag), and "red", "green" and "blue", which define the geometry color, which is not used for tracking but will affect how the model is rendered for debugging purposes. If "type" is set to "mesh", there is one final attribute, "meshFile", which gives the location of the mesh file, relative to the location of the XML file.