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JonnMsft edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the TeslaPSModule wiki!

2019.02.80 Jon Newman and Ernie Costa (version 1.0.4)

Updates for PSv2 compatibility

2017.02.20 Jon Newman

See for details on using the module with Scheduled Tasks or Azure Automation!

2017.02.13 Jon Newman

Version 1.0.2: Checked in fix to multi-vehicle support. Thanks to Enrique for assistance!

2015.06.15 Jon Newman

I just checked in the update which enables OAUTH. Previously this module used the Tesla REST API. However, just a few days after I checked it in, Tesla withdrew the REST API, and now only supports the OAUTH API. (I never saw an official announcement, but others have noticed the same thing.) I have some publicity for queued up around 2015.06.15 which hopefully will mention TeslaPSModule, so I had to scramble to fix TeslaPSModule before then. This code isn't perfectly organized yet, and a few features are missing, mostly "Set-Tesla" commands which require additional values such as temperature settings.

I borrowed the credential caching approach from I find this pretty convenient.

I owe Hans Jespersen big thanks for and his assistance with the OAUTH transition.