a networked game developed for ECSE-414
Setup Instruction
1) Have GCC version 4.9+ installed (does not work with 4.8 and older).
2) Have SFML 2.4+ installed.
On Arch Linux the package is called: libdev-sfml
Note on Ubuntu the package is outdated -> must compile the library
manually see: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.4/compile-with-cmake.php
Precompiled library from sfml-dev.org don't work on all linux distro.
3) Clone the git repo or the source file provided by our team.
4) On the server's machine compile the server.cpp file using:
make server
(assuming you are in the source file directory)
5) On both client's machine compile the main.cpp file using:
make client
(assuming you are in the source file directory)
6) On the server's machine run the following command:
sudo ./server [port]
where [port] is an unused port number without [].
7) On both client's machine run the following command:
sudo ./client [IP] [PORT]
where [IP] is the server's public ip without [].
where [PORT] is the SAME port used by step 6) without [].
Both clients must not have the same public ip
i.e. They must not be on the same local network...