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Implemented the RunCapabilityPatternNode recipe (#270)
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prescientmoon authored Feb 16, 2021
1 parent 8c9b990 commit ed4b2c6
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Expand Up @@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ Running a web-compatible recipe:
| | :heavy_check_mark: | [RoutingHashReactHooks](recipes/RoutingHashReactHooks) | This recipe shows how to use `purescript-routing` to do client-side hash-based routing in a React-based single-page application (SPA). |
| | :heavy_check_mark: | [RoutingPushHalogenClassic](recipes/RoutingPushHalogenClassic) | This recipe shows how to use `purescript-routing` to do client-side push-state routing in a Halogen-based single-page application (SPA). |
| | :heavy_check_mark: | [RoutingPushReactHooks](recipes/RoutingPushReactHooks) | This recipe shows how to use `purescript-routing` to do client-side push-state routing in a React-based single-page application (SPA). |
| :heavy_check_mark: | | [RunCapabilityPatternNode](recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode) | A skeletal version of an application structuring pattern using purescript-run and free dsls. |
| | :heavy_check_mark: ([try]( | [ShapesHalogenHooks](recipes/ShapesHalogenHooks) | Demonstrates rendering of SVG shapes. |
| | :heavy_check_mark: ([try]( | [ShapesReactHooks](recipes/ShapesReactHooks) | Demonstrates rendering of SVG shapes. |
| | :heavy_check_mark: ([try]( | [SignalRenderJs](recipes/SignalRenderJs) | [Signal]( demo that responds to user input and elapsed time. |
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/.gitignore
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/
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# RunCapabilityPatternNode

A skeletal version of an application structuring pattern using purescript-run and free dsls.

Purescript-run [documentation](

Expanded example of the original design pattern illustrated in Jordan Martinez'

## What's in each "Layer"?

### Layer 4 - Types

Strong types & pure, total functions on those types

You'd hope to write as much of your code in this layer as possible but in this
skeleton it's intentionally almost empty because we're concerned with the less
obvious business of adapting this bit to your application, infrastructure and

### Layer 3 - Application

Effectful functions - `program` and `capabilities`

Called "business logic" in some descriptions of this pattern this layer
contains code that essentially weaves together the concrete code from Layer 4
with the abstract capabilities that can be provided _differently_ in different
scenarios, such as a logging capability that maybe goes to the console in Test
but goes to a Database or a socket or systemd or a logfile in development and

This layer defines:

- a _program_ that will run inside [Run](
- free-dsls for each _capability_

The capabilities are like "empty holes" in our program. We fill them in later, in the interpreting stage.

### Layer 2 (API) & Layer 1 (Infrastructure)

Together these two layers define a complete instance of one monadic container for a program.
Together they define:

- a set of base effects we can interpret our base `program` to
- a `run` function that runs the `program` (implemented as a composition of interpreters)

There are three versions of this monadic container shown here:

- _ProductionSync_ - which runs in Effect
- _ProductionAsync_ - which runs in Reader & Aff
- _Test_ - which doesn't need any extra effects to run

### Layer 0 - Main

This layer is where it all comes together. A `main` is called by the underlying runtime and runs the `program` in one or another Monad.

## Expected Behavior:

The `main` runs the `program` (see linked readme) in three successive, different monad contexts: `Aff`, `Effect` and `Test`.

If you want to verify that a failing test would still terminate the process with an error, you can simply uncomment the second call to `Test.runApp`
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/async.txt
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/
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This file just indicates that the node backend is supported.
It is used for CI and autogeneration purposes.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/spago.dhall
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{ name = "RunCapabilityPatternNode"
, dependencies =
[ "aff"
, "assert"
, "console"
, "effect"
, "node-fs"
, "node-fs-aff"
, "node-readline"
, "transformers"
, "run"
, packages = ../../packages.dhall
, sources = [ "recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/**/*.purs" ]
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/Application.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module App.Application where -- Layers 4 & 3 common to Production and Test

import App.Types (Name, getName)
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Variant.Internal (FProxy)
import Prelude (class Functor, Unit, bind, discard, identity, pure, unit, ($), (<>))
import Run (Run)
import Run as Run

-- | Layer 3
-- | "business" logic: effectful functions

-- We define our capabilities as free dsls
data LoggerF a = Log String a
newtype GetUserNameF a = GetUserName (Name -> a)

-- We have to lift our free dsls into Run
log :: forall r. String -> Run ( logger :: LOGGER | r ) Unit
log str = Run.lift _logger $ Log str unit

getUserName :: forall r. Run ( getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME | r ) Name
getUserName = Run.lift _getUserName $ GetUserName identity

-- | A program which makes us of the dsls we defined earlier.
program :: forall r. Run ( logger :: LOGGER, getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME | r ) String
program = do
log "what is your name?"
name <- getUserName
log $ "Your name is " <> getName name
pure $ getName name

-- Free monads increase the boilerplate for defining the dsls
-- but greatly reduce the boilerplate needed for writing different interpreters

derive instance loggerFunctor :: Functor LoggerF
derive instance getUserNameFunctor :: Functor GetUserNameF

type LOGGER = FProxy LoggerF
type GET_USER_NAME = FProxy GetUserNameF

_logger :: SProxy "logger"
_logger = SProxy

_getUserName :: SProxy "getUserName"
_getUserName = SProxy
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/Main.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module RunCapabilityPatternNode.Main where

import Prelude

import App.Application (program)
import App.Production.Async (Environment, runApp) as Async
import App.Production.Sync (Environment, runApp) as Sync
import App.Test (Environment, runApp) as Test
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Test.Assert (assert)

-- | Layer 0 - Running the `program` in three different contexts
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
-- we can do aff-ish things here with Async/ProductionA version
result <- Async.runApp { asyncEnv: "recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/async.txt" } program
-- ...also able to do synchronous things (within Aff) using liftEffect
liftEffect $ mainSync { productionEnv: "recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/sync.txt" }
liftEffect $ mainTest { testEnv: "Test" }

-- Three different "main" functions for three different scenarios
mainSync :: Sync.Environment -> Effect Unit
mainSync env = void $ Sync.runApp env program

mainTest :: Test.Environment -> Effect Unit
mainTest _ = do
assert $ (Test.runApp program) == "succeeds"
log "first test succeeded, now a failing test which will crash"
-- assert $ (Test.runApp program) == "failing test"

mainAff1 :: Async.Environment -> Effect Unit
mainAff1 env = launchAff_ $ Async.runApp env program
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/ProductionAsync.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
module App.Production.Async where
-- Layer 1 & 2. You can split these in 2 different files if you feel the need to.

import Prelude

import App.Application (GET_USER_NAME, GetUserNameF(..), LOGGER, _getUserName)
import App.Production.Sync as Sync
import App.Types (Name(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Milliseconds(..), delay)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.FS.Aff (readTextFile) as Async
import Run (AFF, EFFECT, Run, on, runBaseAff', send)
import Run as Run
import Run.Reader (READER, ask, runReader)

-- | Layer 2 Define our "Production" Monad but using Aff...
type Environment = { asyncEnv :: String }

-- The `GetUserName` dsl can be interpreted without
-- using `Reader` as an intermediate step (as shown in `ProductionSync`),
-- but I chose to use Reader here just to show off how you'd go about doing it.
type AppMA r = Run ( reader :: READER Environment, aff :: AFF, effect :: EFFECT | r )

-- | Running our monad is just a matter of interpreter composition.
runApp :: Environment -> AppMA ( logger :: LOGGER, getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME ) ~> Aff
runApp env = Sync.runLogger >>> runGetUserName >>> runReader env >>> runBaseAff'

runGetUserName :: forall r. AppMA ( getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME | r ) ~> AppMA r
runGetUserName = Run.interpret (on _getUserName handleUserName send)
handleUserName :: GetUserNameF ~> AppMA r
handleUserName (GetUserName continue) = do
env <- ask
liftAff do -- but we can also run computations in Aff
delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0 -- 1 second
contents <- Async.readTextFile UTF8 env.asyncEnv
pure $ continue $ Name contents
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/ProductionSync.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module App.Production.Sync where
-- Layer 1 & 2. You can split these in 2 different files if you feel the need to.

import Prelude

import App.Application (GetUserNameF(..), LOGGER, LoggerF(..), GET_USER_NAME, _getUserName, _logger)
import App.Types (Name(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.FS.Sync (readTextFile) as Sync
import Run (EFFECT, Run, on, runBaseEffect, send)
import Run as Run

-- | Layer 2 Define our "Production" Monad...
type Environment = { productionEnv :: String }
type AppM r = Run ( effect :: EFFECT | r )

-- | Running our monad is just a matter of interpreter composition.
runApp :: Environment -> AppM ( logger :: LOGGER, getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME ) ~> Effect
runApp env = runLogger >>> runGetUserName env >>> runBaseEffect

runLogger :: forall r. AppM ( logger :: LOGGER | r ) ~> AppM r
runLogger = Run.interpret (on _logger handleLogger send)
handleLogger :: LoggerF ~> AppM r
handleLogger (Log message a) = log message $> a

runGetUserName :: forall r. Environment -> AppM ( getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME | r ) ~> AppM r
runGetUserName env = Run.interpret (on _getUserName handleUserName send)
handleUserName :: GetUserNameF ~> AppM r
handleUserName (GetUserName continue) = do
contents <- liftEffect $ Sync.readTextFile UTF8 env.productionEnv
pure $ continue $ Name contents
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/Test.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module App.Test where
-- Layer 1 & 2. You can split these in 2 different files if you feel the need to.

import Prelude

import App.Application (GetUserNameF(..), LOGGER, LoggerF(..), GET_USER_NAME, _getUserName, _logger)
import App.Types (Name(..))
import Run (Run, extract, on, send)
import Run as Run

-- | Layer 2 Define our "Test" Monad...

type Environment = { testEnv :: String }
type TestM r = Run r

-- | Running our monad is just a matter of interpreter composition.
runApp :: forall a. TestM ( logger :: LOGGER, getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME ) a -> a
runApp = runLogger >>> runGetUserName >>> extract

runLogger :: forall r. TestM ( logger :: LOGGER | r ) ~> TestM r
runLogger = Run.interpret (on _logger handleLogger send)
handleLogger :: LoggerF ~> TestM r
handleLogger (Log _ a) = pure a

runGetUserName :: forall r. TestM ( getUserName :: GET_USER_NAME | r ) ~> TestM r
runGetUserName = Run.interpret (on _getUserName handleUserName send)
handleUserName :: GetUserNameF ~> TestM r
handleUserName (GetUserName continue) = pure $ continue $ Name "succeeds"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/src/Types.purs
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module App.Types where -- Layers 4 & 3 common to Production and Test

-- | Layer 4
-- | Strong types & pure, total functions on those types
newtype Name = Name String

getName :: Name -> String
getName (Name s) = s

-- NB this is the smallest file in this skeletal example
-- but if you can you'd like to have as much of your code
-- as you possibly can in this Layer!!
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions recipes/RunCapabilityPatternNode/sync.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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