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JSLIBS - Jorge Stolfi's C libraries

% Last edited on 2021-06-26 00:54:16 by jstolfi

This repository contains a set of C libraries that I have written over almost 30 years. They were originally intended for "private" use, by myself and maybe my graduate students. I am placing them on GitHub in case someone else finds them useful.

--Jorge Stolfi, IC-UNICAMP 2020-12-07


  • Creator: Jorge Stolfi

  • Supervisor: Jorge Stolfi

  • Intended users: Jorge Stolfi, general public


Each library is in a folder of its own.

Data structures:

libspmat: Functions for generic sparse matrix definition and manipulation, with user-specified element types.

libdgraph: Directed graphs as sparse matrices of booleans, based on {libspmat}.

libjsarray: N-dimensional arrays whose elements are floats, intervals, or other user-specified scalar type. See also {vec.h} in {libjs}.

libsexp: Functions for reading and printing Lisp-like S-expressions.

Function approximation and optimization:

liblsq: Least squares fitting, also with outlier rejection.

libapprox: Object-oriented functions for least-squares functional approximation. Developed with Anamaria Gomide for her Ph. D. Thesis. See also {liblsq}.

libpspulse: Polynomial spline pulses and tents.

libminn: General non-linear n-variate minimization routines.

libminu: Minimization of univariate non-linear functions.

libbbopt: Tools for finding maximum or minimum of functions by the bounding box method, using IA or AA estimators.

libbezier: Bézier representation of univariate polynomials.

libclassif: Procedures for vector clustering and classification, using various methods including the Falcão's Optimal Path Forest. Mainly to compare the accuracy etc of those methods.

Numerical calculus:

libintg: J. Stolfi's implementation of the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods for integration of

Computational geometry and graphics:

libgeo: Basic geometry routines, including linear algebra in {R^2},{R^3}, {R^4}, {R^6} and {R^n}, matrix operations, Gaussian elimination.
Also some tools for homogeneous coordinates in {T^2}, {T^3} and {T^n}, for integer tuples in {Z^2}, {Z^3}, and {Z^n}, for ellipse representations, for quadratic function optimization by the edge-divided simplex method. Also tools for parsing vector arguments from files or the command line. See also {libjsarray}.

libdelaunay: Planar Voronoi/Delaunay construction with quad-edge data structure

libeps: Creation of Encapsulated Postscript files, with emphasis on graphics as opposed to text.

libquad: Representation and tools of the quad-edge and oct-edge data structures. Uses low-order bits of address to indicate flip and rot.

libgem: Implementation of the GEM data structure. Partly developed by Arnaldo Montagner and Lucas Moutinho Bueno for their thesis projects.

libgmap: Representation and manipulation of n-dimensional maps (complexes of topological polytopes), represented internally by the gems of their barycentric subdivisions.

libstmesh: A data structure for triangle meshes with quantized vertices and semi-topological structure. Related to the UTFPR 3D slicing project by Minetto, Volpatto, Habib, and Stolfi (2015).

libstpoly: Representation of polygonal figures by unstructured lists of segments (the "STP" format, a 2D analog of the popular STL format)

libmkgr: Functions to create grids of marks, e.g. calibration grids, quadrille paper, etc.

Images, videos, sounds, tomograms:

libimg: Representation and processing of multichannel two-dimensional images as arrays of {float} values. Image operations include interpolation, deformation, and Fourier-Hartley transform, Also conversion of such images to/from various image file formats (PPM, PNG, JPG). Also functions to represent and manipulate colors as vectors of 3 {float}s in various color spaces.

libift: Functions to build the Image Forest Transform (IFT) of an image.

libcamfirewire: Controlling camera through the Firewire interface. Developed mainly by Rafael Saracchini for his PhD project.

libjsaudio: J. Stolfi's tools for handling audio files.

libppv: Portable multi-dimensional arrays of integer samples for general signal processing (images, videos, sound, spectra, etc.).a

libvoxm: Tools for voxel-based 3D solid modeling using (one-sided) clipped Eucliean distance representation.

libvoxb: Tools for voxel-based 3D solid modeling using binary representation.

libkdtom: Tools for multi-dimensional voxel arrays (similar to those of libppv) but represented by k-d-trees, to save space when there are large uniform regons.

Computer vision and pattern matching:

libmsmatch: Routines for multiscale sequence matching. Derived from Helena Leitão's Ph. D. thesis project with contributions by Rafael Saracchini.

libmultifok: Functions to do multi-focus stereo. >> IN DEVELOPMENT

libpst: Functions for photometric stereo. Developed with Rafael Saracchiní for his Ph. D. thesis project.

libtsai: Tsai's camera calibration routines. Used in Rodrigo Minetto's PhD project.


libdnaenc: Encoding of DNA strings as sequences of points in 3D.

libdnaview: Visualizing DNA strings as curves in 3D.

Interval and affine arithmetic:

libia: Standard interval arithmetic (IA) operations. They provide guaranteed error bounds for the results, accounting for round-off errors. Also axes-aligned boxes (multidimensional intervals). >> {ia_box.h} SUPERSEDED BY {interval.h}

libaa: Basic Affine Arithmetic (AA) operations. They provide guaranteed error bounds for the results, accounting for round off errors, that are usually tighter than those of interval arithmetic (IA). This implementation requires manual allocation of AA forms..

libflt: Operations on floating-point values that parallel those of {libia} and {libaa}. Also parsing of algebraic formulas into a stack-machine pseudo-code.

libaacmp: Compiling formulas into affine arithmetic function calls.

libaafuncs: Some 1-argument and 2-argument test functions for the interval arithmetic library {libia} and the affine arithmetic library {libaa}, as well as the "isomorphic" floating point arithmetic library {libflt}.

libaagraph: Procedures to plot univariate functions using libraries for interval arithmetic {libia}, affine arithmetic {libaa}. and "isomorphic" floating point {libflt}

Natural language processing:

libdicio: Representing word lists as acyclic automata, as in the Dicio project (lucchesi/stolfi). This is a C rewriting of the original Modula-3 libraries.

Drawing buildings, furniture, maps:

libarchdraw: Simple (but not at all user-friendly) tools to generate architectural ground plan sketches.

libsheetcut: Functions for planning the cutting of rectangular plates out of rectangular stock sheets.

libstreetmap: Functions for reading, plotting, and manipulating street maps.


libjs: Miscellaneous hacks: text concatenation, random numbers, bool data type, sign data type, generic self-sized extensible vector data types, integer ranges, assertions with custom messages, simple file parsing tools, structured file parsing, command-line parsing, indexing in multidimensional arrays, heaps of integers, merging and sorting arrays of integers, subsets of {0..31}, linear search and interpolation in tables, program timing, etc..

libbtc: Data analysis related to bitcoin, such as the sum-of-bubbles model and log-quadratic fitting.

libcryptoy: Trivial cryptography tools.

NeuroMat project:

libneuro: EEG processing tools for the NeuroMat project.

libnmsim: Data structures and basic functions for modeling of neurons and neuronal networks.

libnmsim_e: Tools to simulate a neuronal net model as described in {libnmsim}, at the {elem} level (individual neurons and synapses).


Each library has its own Makefile, and a sub-directory "tests". containing one or more programs that check the library and/or provide examples of its use. These makefiles use the generic templates {GENERIC-LIB.make} and {GENERIC-LIB-TEST.make}, respectively, which in turn uses the script {extract-ho-deps} to obtain the module dependency graph. which should have been made available with in the distribution.

The Makefiles assume an environment variable ${PLATFORM} that indicates the machine and operating system. This is to allow the same libraries to be compiled for different target platforms.

The main "Makefile" targets are:

  Deletes all derived files.

  Recreates the files "Deps.make" in the directory
  and all sub-directories. Must be executed manually
  whenever any "#include" directives have changed.
  Rebuilds all libraries and installs the public 
  files in the global repositories.

  Deletes all public files from the global repositories.
  Runs the validation and example programs in the "tests"

Specifically, the makefiles will install the `public' header files in the global repositories

 ${STOLFIHOME}/include - header files (extensions ".h" and ".ho").
 ${STOLFIHOME}/lib - lisp library code.
 ${STOLFIHOME}/bin - shell scripts.
 ${STOLFIHOME}/lib/${PLATFORM} - library files (extension ".a").

When a library imports files from another, it gets them from the global repository.


Instructions for /bin/bash users:

(*) I your home directory is shared among machines with different
    and incompatible OS/architecture combinations (e.g., Linux and
    Solaris, Intel and SPARC), set the variable ${PLATFORM} to a
    string that identifies the hardware and OS for which the
    * libraries are to be compiled. For example
      export PLATFORM="Intel-Linux"
    If you have only one OS/architecture in 
    your network, you may set
      export PLATFORM="."
(*) Set the variable ${STOLFIHOME} to the name of a directory
    where to place the libraries and associated files, for example

      export STOLFIHOME="${HOME}/stolfi-stuff"
(*) Set the variable ${SRCDIR} to the name of the sub-directory 
    of ${STOLFIHOME} where the library sources will live:

      export SRCDIR="${STOLFIHOME}/programs/c"
      mkdir -p ${SRCDIR}
(*) Move the tarfile to that directory:

      mv ~/Downloads/stolfi-JSLIBS-2009-02-10.tgz ${SRCDIR}/

(*) Unpack the tar file with, for example

      cd ${SRCDIR}
      tar -xvzf stolfi-JSLIBS-2009-02-10.tgz

(*) Compile the library:

      make build
(*) Install the library

      make install


Jorge Stolfi's C libraries







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