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Releases: JoseDeFreitas/CodewarsLogger

Release 1.4.0

23 Jan 17:51
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This release includes:

  • Wait 2 minutes if the 429 HTTP error "Too Many Requests" gets thrown, fixing the program entirely (as I noticed this exception was thrown if the user had completed many katas, making it impossible to reach the 100% progress) (90d5aa9).
  • Copy the slug of the last saved kata and let the user choose whether to run the loop through all the katas or only until it reaches the saved one, useful for updating the folder rather than looking for code refactors (massively decreasing the execution time). Also, changed the name of the .txt file to "config.txt" (2771b51).
  • Use the slugs of the katas instead of the kata IDs to show the exceptions, making it easier to search for them. Also, remove the warning that told the user that a kata wasn't completed, reducing the text in console; since this is later shown when the program ends, no information is lost (078caa7).
  • Show only the date of kata completion instead of the date and the time (0abbe1b).

Release 1.3.1

10 Aug 13:42
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This release includes:

  • Before navigating through all the katas, tell the user how many katas they have completed (db158da).

Release 1.3.0

07 Feb 21:23
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This release includes:

  • The program now comes with a file named "firefox_location.txt" that contains the default Firefox binary location (depending on the OS). The user can change this if they installed Firefox in another location (1443afe and b5bbee4).
  • Checks for files to exist before continuing with the execution (4764e9d and 3251097).
  • Fixed index file which, while editing it, showed no space between the last element of the list and the next category subtitle (5c7b89e).
  • Fixed error that didn't allow for certain folders to be created due to special characters not accepted by the operating systems (aad78da).
  • Updated .NET version to 8.0 (e599849).
  • Considerably decreased the size of the application (66mb > 5mb) by publishing the application as "framework-dependent"; this is why, now, the user needs to have .NET installed.

Release 1.2.1

28 Jun 12:33
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This release includes:

  • A progress percentage indicator to approximately indicate to the user how much time is left for the program to complete its execution (6764267).

Release 1.2.0

16 Mar 12:37
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This release includes:

  • Now the program uses the Codewars sign-in option, so the user just needs to (and must) provide their Codewars username, email address they used to register and password they chose. If the user signed in with the GitHub OAuth option, they can create a Codewars password and use it. This is to simplify the usage (cd934f3).
  • The error messages are now clearer, as they specify the exact step the program is going through (44917c6).
  • Adds a new exception when a kata has no solutions (because the user trained it but didn't actually complete it, because they didn't pass all the tests) (3d27de5).
  • Change the program name to "CodewarsLogger" (since it no longer refers to a private GitHub repository but a folder) (c468234).

Release 1.1.3

03 Oct 09:43
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This release includes:

  • Now that the program is released as an executable application, the paths of the folders and files to be created should point to the same directory where the executable lies (008ee15).
  • Fix loop behaviour (0d6ec89).
  • If one code challenge throws two or more exceptions, the program will now count them as one, so no IDs are repeated unnecessarily (9fee183).
  • Make introductory text more concise (632b5ce).

Release 1.1.2

23 Sep 21:19
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This release includes:

  • Add count of total completed katas in the file (0453f38).
  • Remove the option to create an index file; now, it will always create it, and it will be called "" instead of "" (so it appears at the main file of the folder) (158b6ca).
  • The link to the kata attached to every kata title on every kata's file was pointing to the API endpoint URL, where it should have pointed to the actual page of the kata (; now, it does (31eb907).
  • Fix portion of code that would throw an error (577b2b2).

Release 1.1.1

06 Sep 10:13
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This release includes:

Release 1.1.0

30 Aug 15:58
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This release includes:

  • Faster program usage (you don't need to download the code and run it using the dotnet runtime, just run the executable file);
  • Both GitHub OAuth and Codewars logins accepted without needing to change anything (select the method you want).

Pull request associated: #8.

Release 1.0.0

10 Aug 09:42
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First release of CodewarsGitHubLogger, including:

  • Custom login options;
  • Automatic data retrieving;
  • Automatic file creation and formatting.