In this project Im working (1 how to install and use sass) today I connect succefully sass to my HTML project and connect multiple @import
@import is the way to connent on code to another @extend really cool part with sass is that I can do something like this
%aling-center { text-decoration:none; color: $blue; margin: 0px;
I can pass this line of code just adding @extend
I can put of my color in a code page and using just adding $gold but I have to name its in a separare page
colors.scss $blue: color propeties $white: color propeties $red: color propeties $black: color propeties
I can use this colos like this
&__menu{ backgroung-color: $red
end of this project, I started to refresh my memorie about coding HTML CSS and introducing some ideas consent of SASS, I going to keep practice and anpthers project with the same tegnologies above and adding BOOSTRAPS!
netninja next target!!! making progress with sass!!
I been working with net ninja Sass awesome job so far working cose about sass is loke have superpower on css im agreed on that 10/21/2022
project end!!