RBB Client is a set of controls for remote LED lights. The client calls an API that will result in the control of remote lights.
The backend Node server code is here: https://github.com/joseherminiocollas/rgb-agent/tree/f35f6ed1ccc44d6890117c9b3b4e83accf306c24
The User Interface consists of:
3 slider controls, one each for red, green and blue.
A selection component, enabling selection of an effect. Currently, effects supported are: 'glow', 'red-blue', 'chase'
A selection component, enabling the user to select a device or all the devices.
These components, when changed will send calls to a back-end Node server. This back-end service will make the actual calls to control the lights on the device.
This build is based on a fork of:
The origianl starter 'webpack-babel-starter' repository is here:
Currently the fork is a branch that I am using to start specifically Cycle.js applications.