In this repository there is a platformer video game made by two second year students of the Videogame Design and Development degree. The game has been made using C++ (using SDL and pugi libraires) and the maps have been created using Tiled.
A - Move player left.
D - Move player right.
W - Move player up (only with God Mode).
S - Move player down (only with God Mode).
SPACE - Jump.
L - Invert Gravity.
F1 - Start from the very first level.
F2 - Start from the beginning of the current level.
F3 - Start from the second level.
F4 - Back to main menu.
F5 - Save the current state.
F6 - Load the previous state (even across levels).
F7 - Go to tutorial level.
F8 - Debug UI rects.
F9 - To view colliders and pathfinding.
F10 - God Mode (allows to fly around).
F11 - Enable/Disable FPS cap to 30.
- Josep Lleal Sirvent -Josep's GitHub Link
- Joan Barduena Reyes -Joan's GitHub Link
- Level_load: Instead of creating 2 scenes, we developed a Stuct Level with an Int (level) and a String (MapPath.tmx). So if the int is "1" the map loaded will be "map1.tmx".
Josep Lleal:
- Pathfinding.
- Entities (smasher, bat).
- UML Files.
- Gui.
Joan Barduena:
- God Mode.
- Save and load.
- Sounds.
- Map improvements.
- Animations.
- In-Game UI.
Both members:
- Brofiler.
- Dt and Framerate Cap.
- Solving memory leaks.
- Solving buggs.
- Collisions.
- Entities(player).
Keyboard VirtualKeys:
Enemy(bat): Enemy(smasher): Coins: Hearts:
Name: "Galway"
By: Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
This game has been created by Josep LLeal and Joan Barduena. Licensed under the MIT License.