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  1. The build.zig.zon file expects that you have already fetched the current dvui release. If not run zig fetch
  2. I'm using ubuntu 22 and wayland.

Running the app

  1. The app begins with the horizontal tab-bar displayed above tab content.
  2. Click the Align Left icon at the left side of the tab-bar to convert the horizontal tab-bar to a vertical tab-bar.
  3. On my computer, as soon as the tab-bar switches to vertical, the content area renders an unwanted vibration.
  4. Click on the Eye With Line icon to hide the vertical tab-bar and the unwanted vibration is gone.
  5. Click on the Eye icon to show the hidden vertical tab-bar and the unwanted vibration is still gone.

What I learned. 2 more ways to stop the unwanted vibration

  1. If start the app and make the window less tall before switching to the vertical tab-bar, I do not get the effect. I only get the effect if I keep the window at the same size.
  2. The file src/deps/widgets/tabbar/TabBarItemWidget.zig contains the code that seems to cause the issue. It is shown below. Lines 231 - 250 can be commented out to stop the effect.
  1const std = @import("std");
  2const dvui = @import("dvui");
  34const ContainerLabel = @import("various").ContainerLabel;
  56const Direction = dvui.enums.Direction;
  7const Event = dvui.Event;
  8const Options = dvui.Options;
  9const Rect = dvui.Rect;
 10const RectScale = dvui.RectScale;
 11const Size = dvui.Size;
 12const Widget = dvui.Widget;
 13const WidgetData = dvui.WidgetData;
 1415pub const UserSelection = enum {
 22 ⎥ };
 2324pub const UserAction = struct {
 25user_selection: UserSelection = .none,
 26point_of_context: dvui.Point = undefined,
 27context_widget: *dvui.ContextWidget = undefined,
 28move_from_index: usize = 0,
 29move_to_index: usize = 0,
 30 ⎥ };
 3132pub const TabBarItemWidget = @This();
 3334pub const Flow = enum {
 37 ⎥ };
 3839pub const InitOptions = struct {
 40selected: ?bool = null,
 41flow: ?Flow = null,
 42id_extra: ?usize = null,
 43show_close_icon: ?bool = null,
 44show_move_icons: ?bool = null,
 45show_context_menu: ?bool = null,
 46index: ?usize = null,
 47count_tabs: ?usize = null,
 48 ⎥ };
 4950const horizontal_init_options: InitOptions = .{
 51 ⎥     .id_extra = 0,
 52 ⎥     .selected = false,
 53 ⎥     .flow = .horizontal,
 54 ⎥ };
 5556const vertical_init_options: InitOptions = .{
 57 ⎥     .id_extra = 0,
 58 ⎥     .selected = false,
 59 ⎥     .flow = .vertical,
 60 ⎥ };
 6162wd: WidgetData = undefined,
 63focused_last_frame: bool = undefined,
 64highlight: bool = false,
 65defaults: dvui.Options = undefined,
 66init_options: InitOptions = undefined,
 67activated: bool = false,
 68show_active: bool = false,
 69mouse_over: bool = false,
 7071// Defaults.
 72// Defaults for tabs in a horizontal tabbar.
 73fn horizontalDefaultOptions() dvui.Options {
 74var defaults: dvui.Options = .{
 75 ⎥         .name = "HorizontalTabBarItem",
 76 ⎥         .color_fill = .{ .name = .fill_hover },
 77 ⎥         .corner_radius = .{ .x = 2, .y = 2, .w = 0, .h = 0 },
 78 ⎥         .padding = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 0 },
 79 ⎥         .border = .{ .x = 1, .y = 1, .w = 1, .h = 0 },
 80 ⎥         .margin = .{ .x = 4, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 8 },
 81 ⎥         .expand = .none,
 82 ⎥         .font_style = .body,
 83// .debug = false,
 84 ⎥     };
 85const hover: dvui.Color = dvui.themeGet().color_fill_hover;
 86const hover_hsl: dvui.Color.HSLuv = dvui.Color.HSLuv.fromColor(hover);
 87const darken: dvui.Color = hover_hsl.lighten(-16).color();
 88// const darken: dvui.Color = dvui.Color.darken(hover, 0.5);
 89defaults.color_border = .{ .color = darken };
 90return defaults;
 91 ⎥ }
 9293fn horizontalDefaultSelectedOptions() dvui.Options {
 94const bg: dvui.Color = dvui.themeGet().color_fill_window;
 95var defaults = horizontalDefaultOptions();
 96defaults.color_fill = .{ .color = bg };
 97defaults.color_border = .{ .name = .accent };
 98defaults.margin = .{ .x = 4, .y = 7, .w = 0, .h = 0 };
 99100return defaults;
101 ⎥ }
102103fn verticalDefaultOptions() dvui.Options {
104var defaults: dvui.Options = .{
105 ⎥         .name = "VerticalTabBarItem",
106 ⎥         .color_fill = .{ .name = .fill_hover },
107 ⎥         .color_border = .{ .name = .fill_hover },
108 ⎥         .corner_radius = .{ .x = 2, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 2 },
109 ⎥         .padding = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 1, .h = 0 },
110 ⎥         .border = .{ .x = 1, .y = 1, .w = 0, .h = 1 },
111 ⎥         .margin = .{ .x = 1, .y = 4, .w = 6, .h = 0 },
112 ⎥         .expand = .horizontal,
113 ⎥         .font_style = .body,
114 ⎥         .gravity_x = 1.0,
115 ⎥     };
116const hover: dvui.Color = dvui.themeGet().color_fill_hover;
117const hover_hsl: dvui.Color.HSLuv = dvui.Color.HSLuv.fromColor(hover);
118const darken: dvui.Color = hover_hsl.lighten(-16).color();
119// const darken: dvui.Color = dvui.Color.darken(hover, 0.5);
120defaults.color_border = .{ .color = darken };
121return defaults;
122 ⎥ }
123124pub fn verticalContextOptions() dvui.Options {
125return .{
126 ⎥         .name = "VerticalContext",
127 ⎥         .corner_radius = .{ .x = 2, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 2 },
128 ⎥         .padding = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 0 },
129 ⎥         .border = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 0 },
130 ⎥         .margin = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 0 },
131 ⎥         .expand = .horizontal,
132 ⎥         .gravity_x = 1.0,
133 ⎥         .background = false,
134 ⎥     };
135 ⎥ }
136137fn verticalDefaultSelectedOptions() dvui.Options {
138const bg: dvui.Color = dvui.themeGet().color_fill_window;
139var defaults = verticalDefaultOptions();
140defaults.color_fill = .{ .color = bg };
141defaults.color_border = .{ .name = .accent };
142defaults.margin = .{ .x = 7, .y = 4, .w = 0, .h = 0 };
143return defaults;
144 ⎥ }
145146pub fn verticalSelectedContextOptions() dvui.Options {
147return verticalContextOptions();
148 ⎥ }
149150/// Param label is not owned by this fn.
151pub fn verticalTabBarItemLabel(
152label: *ContainerLabel,
153init_opts: InitOptions,
154call_back: *const fn (implementor: *anyopaque, state: *anyopaque, point_of_context: dvui.Point) anyerror!void,
155call_back_implementor: *anyopaque,
156call_back_state: *anyopaque,
157 ⎥ ) !UserAction {
158var tab_init_opts: TabBarItemWidget.InitOptions = TabBarItemWidget.vertical_init_options;
159if (init_opts.id_extra) |id_extra| {
160tab_init_opts.id_extra = id_extra;
161 ⎥     }
162if (init_opts.selected) |value| {
163tab_init_opts.selected = value;
164 ⎥     }
165tab_init_opts.index = init_opts.index;
166tab_init_opts.id_extra = init_opts.index;
167tab_init_opts.count_tabs = init_opts.count_tabs;
168tab_init_opts.show_close_icon = init_opts.show_close_icon orelse true;
169tab_init_opts.show_move_icons = init_opts.show_move_icons orelse true;
170tab_init_opts.show_context_menu = init_opts.show_context_menu orelse true;
171172return tabBarItemLabel(label, tab_init_opts, .vertical, call_back, call_back_implementor, call_back_state);
173 ⎥ }
174175/// Param label is not owned by this fn.
176pub fn horizontalTabBarItemLabel(
177label: *ContainerLabel,
178init_opts: InitOptions,
179call_back: *const fn (implementor: *anyopaque, state: *anyopaque, point_of_context: dvui.Point) anyerror!void,
180call_back_implementor: *anyopaque,
181call_back_state: *anyopaque,
182 ⎥ ) !UserAction {
183var tab_init_opts: TabBarItemWidget.InitOptions = TabBarItemWidget.horizontal_init_options;
184if (init_opts.id_extra) |id_extra| {
185tab_init_opts.id_extra = id_extra;
186 ⎥     }
187if (init_opts.selected) |value| {
188tab_init_opts.selected = value;
189 ⎥     }
190tab_init_opts.index = init_opts.index;
191tab_init_opts.id_extra = init_opts.index;
192tab_init_opts.count_tabs = init_opts.count_tabs;
193tab_init_opts.show_close_icon = init_opts.show_close_icon orelse true;
194tab_init_opts.show_move_icons = init_opts.show_move_icons orelse true;
195tab_init_opts.show_context_menu = init_opts.show_context_menu orelse true;
196197return tabBarItemLabel(label, tab_init_opts, .horizontal, call_back, call_back_implementor, call_back_state);
198 ⎥ }
199200// Param label is not owned by tabBarItemLabel.
201// Display the button-label and return it's rect if clicked else null.
202// Display each icon:
203// * If icon is clicked and no cb then return button-label rect.
204// * If icon is clicked and cp then run callback and return null.
205// * CB icons only is init_opts.selected == true.
206fn tabBarItemLabel(label: *ContainerLabel, init_opts: TabBarItemWidget.InitOptions, direction: Direction, call_back: *const fn (implementor: *anyopaque, state: *anyopaque, point_of_context: dvui.Point) anyerror!void, call_back_implementor: *anyopaque, call_back_state: *anyopaque) !UserAction {
207var user_action: UserAction = UserAction{};
208const tbi = try tabBarItem(init_opts);"init_opts.show_context_menu:{}", .{init_opts.show_context_menu.?});
211const tab: *dvui.BoxWidget = try, .horizontal, tbi.defaults);
212defer tab.deinit();
213214if (init_opts.show_context_menu.?) {
215const context_widget = try dvui.context(@src(), .{ .expand = .horizontal, .id_extra = @as(u16, @truncate(init_opts.id_extra.?)) });
216defer context_widget.deinit();
217218if (context_widget.activePoint()) |active_point| {
219// The user right mouse clicked.
220// Save this state and keep rendering this item.
221// Return the right mouse click after all is rendered.
222user_action.user_selection = .context;
223try call_back(call_back_implementor, call_back_state, active_point);
224 ⎥         }
225 ⎥     }
226227var layout: *dvui.BoxWidget = try, .horizontal, .{});
228defer layout.deinit();
229230// If there is a badge then display it.
231if (label.badge) |badge| {
232const imgsize = try dvui.imageSize("tab badge", badge);
233try dvui.image(
235"tab badge",
237 ⎥             .{
238 ⎥                 .padding = dvui.Rect{
239 ⎥                     .x = 5, // left
240 ⎥                     .y = 0, // top
241 ⎥                     .w = 0, // right
242 ⎥                     .h = 0, // bottom
243 ⎥                 },
244 ⎥                 .tab_index = 0,
245 ⎥                 .gravity_y = 0.5,
246 ⎥                 .gravity_x = 0.5,
247 ⎥                 .min_size_content = .{ .w = imgsize.w, .h = imgsize.h },
248 ⎥             },
249 ⎥         );
250 ⎥     }
251252if (try dvui.button(@src(), label.text.?, .{}, .{ .id_extra = init_opts.id_extra, .background = false })) {
253if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
254user_action.user_selection = .select_tab;
255 ⎥         }
256return user_action;
257 ⎥     }
258259if (init_opts.show_move_icons) |show_move_icons| {
260if (show_move_icons and init_opts.index.? > 0) {
261// Move left/up icon.
262// This icon is a button.
263switch (direction) {
264.horizontal => {
265if (try dvui.buttonIcon(
269 ⎥                         .{},
270 ⎥                         .{ .id_extra = init_opts.id_extra.? },
271 ⎥                     )) {
272// clicked
273if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
274user_action.user_selection = .move_tab_left_up;
275user_action.move_from_index = init_opts.id_extra.?;
276user_action.move_to_index = init_opts.id_extra.? - 1;
277 ⎥                         }
278return user_action;
279 ⎥                     }
280 ⎥                 },
281.vertical => {
282if (try dvui.buttonIcon(
286 ⎥                         .{},
287 ⎥                         .{ .id_extra = init_opts.id_extra.? },
288 ⎥                     )) {
289// clicked
290if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
291user_action.user_selection = .move_tab_left_up;
292user_action.move_from_index = init_opts.id_extra.?;
293user_action.move_to_index = init_opts.id_extra.? - 1;
294 ⎥                         }
295return user_action;
296 ⎥                     }
297 ⎥                 },
298 ⎥             }
299 ⎥         }
300301if (show_move_icons and init_opts.index.? < init_opts.count_tabs.? - 1) {
302// Move right/down icon.
303// This icon is a button.
304switch (direction) {
305.horizontal => {
306if (try dvui.buttonIcon(
310 ⎥                         .{},
311 ⎥                         .{ .id_extra = init_opts.id_extra.? },
312 ⎥                     )) {
313// clicked
314if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
315user_action.user_selection = .move_tab_right_down;
316user_action.move_from_index = init_opts.id_extra.?;
317user_action.move_to_index = init_opts.id_extra.? + 1;
318 ⎥                         }
319return user_action;
320 ⎥                     }
321 ⎥                 },
322.vertical => {
323if (try dvui.buttonIcon(
327 ⎥                         .{},
328 ⎥                         .{ .id_extra = init_opts.id_extra.? },
329 ⎥                     )) {
330// clicked
331if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
332user_action.user_selection = .move_tab_right_down;
333user_action.move_from_index = init_opts.id_extra.?;
334user_action.move_to_index = init_opts.id_extra.? + 1;
335 ⎥                         }
336return user_action;
337 ⎥                     }
338 ⎥                 },
339 ⎥             }
340 ⎥         }
341 ⎥     }
342343// The custom icons.
344if (label.icons) |icons| {
345const icon_id_extra_base = init_opts.id_extra.? * icons.len;
346var icon_id: usize = 0;
347for (icons, 0..) |icon, i| {
348// display this icon as a button even if no callback.
349icon_id = icon_id_extra_base + i;
350const clicked: bool = try dvui.buttonIcon(
354 ⎥                 .{},
355 ⎥                 .{ .id_extra = icon_id },
356 ⎥             );
357if (clicked) {
358if (icon.call_back) |icon_call_back| {
359// This icon has a call back so call it.
360try icon_call_back(icon.implementor.?, icon.state);
361return user_action;
362 ⎥                 } else {
363// This icon has no call back so select this tab.
364if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
365user_action.user_selection = .select_tab;
366 ⎥                     }
367return user_action;
368 ⎥                 }
369 ⎥             }
370 ⎥         }
371 ⎥     }
372373if (init_opts.show_close_icon) |show_close_icon| {
374if (show_close_icon) {
375if (try dvui.buttonIcon(
379 ⎥                 .{},
380 ⎥                 .{},
381 ⎥             )) {
382// clicked
383if (user_action.user_selection == .none) {
384user_action.user_selection = .close_tab;
385 ⎥                 }
386return user_action;
387 ⎥             }
388 ⎥         }
389 ⎥     }
390391// No user action.
392return user_action;
393 ⎥ }
394395pub fn tabBarItem(init_opts: TabBarItemWidget.InitOptions) !TabBarItemWidget {
396return TabBarItemWidget.init(init_opts);
397 ⎥ }
398399pub fn init(init_opts: InitOptions) TabBarItemWidget {
400var self = TabBarItemWidget{};
401self.init_options = init_opts;
402self.defaults = switch (init_opts.flow.?) {
403.horizontal => blk: {
404switch (init_opts.selected.?) {
405true => break :blk horizontalDefaultSelectedOptions(),
406false => break :blk horizontalDefaultOptions(), //horizontal_defaults,
407 ⎥             }
408 ⎥         },
409.vertical => blk: {
410switch (init_opts.selected.?) {
411true => break :blk verticalDefaultSelectedOptions(),
412false => break :blk verticalDefaultOptions(),
413 ⎥             }
414 ⎥         },
415 ⎥     };
416if (init_opts.id_extra) |id_extra| {
417self.defaults.id_extra = id_extra;
418 ⎥     }
419return self;
420 ⎥ }
421422pub fn install(self: *TabBarItemWidget, opts: struct { process_events: bool = true, focus_as_outline: bool = false }) !void {
423try self.wd.register();
424425if (self.wd.visible()) {
426try dvui.tabIndexSet(, self.wd.options.tab_index);
427 ⎥     }
428429if (opts.process_events) {
430const evts =;
431for (evts) |*e| {
432if (dvui.eventMatch(e, .{ .id =, .r = })) {
433self.processEvent(e, false);
434 ⎥             }
435 ⎥         }
436 ⎥     }
437438try self.wd.borderAndBackground(.{});
439440if (self.show_active) {
441_ = dvui.parentSet(self.widget());
443 ⎥     }
444445var focused: bool = false;
446if ( == dvui.focusedWidgetId()) {
447focused = true;
448 ⎥     } else if ( == dvui.focusedWidgetIdInCurrentSubwindow() and self.highlight) {
449focused = true;
450 ⎥     }
451if (focused) {
452if (self.mouse_over) {
453self.show_active = true;
454// try self.wd.focusBorder();
455_ = dvui.parentSet(self.widget());
457 ⎥         } else {
458focused = false;
459self.show_active = false;
460dvui.focusWidget(null, null, null);
461 ⎥         }
462 ⎥     }
463464if (( == dvui.focusedWidgetIdInCurrentSubwindow()) or self.highlight) {
465const rs = self.wd.backgroundRectScale();
466try dvui.pathAddRect(rs.r, self.wd.options.corner_radiusGet().scale(rs.s));
467try dvui.pathFillConvex(self.wd.options.color(.fill_hover));
468 ⎥     } else if (self.wd.options.backgroundGet()) {
469const rs = self.wd.backgroundRectScale();
470try dvui.pathAddRect(rs.r, self.wd.options.corner_radiusGet().scale(rs.s));
471try dvui.pathFillConvex(self.wd.options.color(.fill));
472 ⎥     }
473_ = dvui.parentSet(self.widget());
474 ⎥ }
475476pub fn activeRect(self: *const TabBarItemWidget) ?dvui.Rect {
477if (self.activated) {
478const rs = self.wd.backgroundRectScale();
479return rs.r.scale(1 / dvui.windowNaturalScale());
480 ⎥     } else {
481return null;
482 ⎥     }
483 ⎥ }
484485pub fn widget(self: *TabBarItemWidget) dvui.Widget {
486return dvui.Widget.init(self, data, rectFor, screenRectScale, minSizeForChild, processEvent);
487 ⎥ }
488489pub fn data(self: *TabBarItemWidget) *dvui.WidgetData {
490return &self.wd;
491 ⎥ }
492493pub fn rectFor(self: *TabBarItemWidget, id: u32, min_size: dvui.Size, e: dvui.Options.Expand, g: dvui.Options.Gravity) dvui.Rect {
494return dvui.placeIn(self.wd.contentRect().justSize(), dvui.minSize(id, min_size), e, g);
495 ⎥ }
496497pub fn screenRectScale(self: *TabBarItemWidget, rect: dvui.Rect) dvui.RectScale {
498return self.wd.contentRectScale().rectToRectScale(rect);
499 ⎥ }
500501pub fn minSizeForChild(self: *TabBarItemWidget, s: dvui.Size) void {
503 ⎥ }
504505pub fn processEvent(self: *TabBarItemWidget, e: *dvui.Event, bubbling: bool) void {
506_ = bubbling;
507var focused: bool = false;
508var focused_id: u32 = 0;
509if (dvui.focusedWidgetIdInCurrentSubwindow()) |_focused_id| {
510focused = == _focused_id;
511focused_id = _focused_id;
512 ⎥     }
513switch (e.evt) {
514.mouse => |me| {
515switch (me.action) {
516.focus => {
517e.handled = true;
518// dvui.focusSubwindow(null, null); // focuses the window we are in
519dvui.focusWidget(, null, e.num);
520 ⎥                 }, => {
522if (me.button == dvui.enums.Button.left) {
523e.handled = true;
524 ⎥                     }
525 ⎥                 },
526.release => {
527e.handled = true;
528self.activated = true;
529dvui.refresh(null, @src(),;
530 ⎥                 },
531.position => {
532e.handled = true;
533// We get a .position mouse event every frame.  If we
534// focus the tabBar item under the mouse even if it's not
535// moving then it breaks keyboard navigation.
536if (dvui.mouseTotalMotion().nonZero()) {
537// self.highlight = true;
538self.mouse_over = true;
539 ⎥                     }
540 ⎥                 },
541else => {},
542 ⎥             }
543 ⎥         },
544.key => |ke| {
545if (ke.code == .space and ke.action == .down) {
546e.handled = true;
547if (!self.activated) {
548self.activated = true;
549dvui.refresh(null, @src(),;
550 ⎥                 }
551 ⎥             } else if (ke.code == .right and ke.action == .down) {
552e.handled = true;
553 ⎥             }
554 ⎥         },
555else => {},
556 ⎥     }
557558if (e.bubbleable()) {
559self.wd.parent.processEvent(e, true);
560 ⎥     }
561 ⎥ }
562563pub fn deinit(self: *TabBarItemWidget) void {
566_ = dvui.parentSet(self.wd.parent);
567 ⎥ }


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