The Lyons' Den Delay Time Calculator
v1.3 changes:
- Keys: 1 = 1/2x, 2 = 2x, T = Tap Tempo, R = Reset Tap Tempo, Spacebar = Round Value, Up Arrow = +1, Down Arrow = -1, Right Arrow = +5, Left Arrow = -5;
- Added a button to invoke a new window to display all the key information, such as which keys trigger which actions and the app version number.
- Changed all links to buttons on the bottom and added a link to my software Facebook page
- GUI buttons moved and their actions made more clear by their text
Changed all output fields from text editors to text labels. I did this because values inside text editors can be highlighted and labels cannot be. The highlighting looks cheesy and unprofessional, so I make them all labels to keep from having the option to highlight numbers in the output fields. - Small aesthetic changes due to the new LookAndFeelV4 class of JUCE 5.