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The Lyons' Den Delay Time Calculator

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@JosephTLyons JosephTLyons released this 10 May 09:48
· 330 commits to master since this release

v1.3 changes:

  1. Keys: 1 = 1/2x, 2 = 2x, T = Tap Tempo, R = Reset Tap Tempo, Spacebar = Round Value, Up Arrow = +1, Down Arrow = -1, Right Arrow = +5, Left Arrow = -5;
  2. Added a button to invoke a new window to display all the key information, such as which keys trigger which actions and the app version number.
  3. Changed all links to buttons on the bottom and added a link to my software Facebook page
  4. GUI buttons moved and their actions made more clear by their text
    Changed all output fields from text editors to text labels. I did this because values inside text editors can be highlighted and labels cannot be. The highlighting looks cheesy and unprofessional, so I make them all labels to keep from having the option to highlight numbers in the output fields.
  5. Small aesthetic changes due to the new LookAndFeelV4 class of JUCE 5.