Basic repo containing the initial prototype application for HU's educational program for Software Development, more specifically Group Project 2019
This is a Polymer application, based on bower running on npm
Before running the application class as a Java Application execute the instructions as mentioned in webapp/todo.md and webapp/app/todo.md, they will inform you to run bower update as well as polymer lint on said locations. This will take quite a while.
After these steps you can run controller.Application as a Java Application and navigate to [http://localhost:8888 "http://localhost:8888"]
##Development kit
Please note the following versions were used in developing a running version of gp: gp2.4 and higher:
- java version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15 LTS
- npm 6.8.0
- bower 1.8.8
- polymer-cli 1.9.6