Hi, thanks for playing ND Mobile Summit Bingo! this years release was a massive overhaul from last years version. ####Design The Main focus on making the entire game as a Responsive Website, utilizing EM based media queries ( for good reading see The EMs have it: Proportional Media Queries FTW! )
P.S. it is very difficult to maintain a square grid responsively , I about broke down in tears.
The other major improvement is implementing an Off-Canvas menu, transitioned by CSS 3D transforms, which are applied by Modernizr classes. It definately provides a much more native feel than last year's implementation of jQuery Mobile (which i removed entirely)
####Magnific popup To replace jQuery Mobile Dialogs/pages (as that framework was removed) I implemented Magnific Popup, a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin
####Text Messages Modernizer User agent tests were written to attempt to prepopulate a message using different sms uri schemes based on either iOS or Android devices, but I assume this is unreliable and may give issue (but it is cool!)
####Twitter Due to the 1.1 API change , i also removed from last years version some Twitter integrations. I wanted the app to stay entirely HTML5/js and avoid server-side scripting. It Seems much easier to send users directly to Twitter rather than posting by proxy OAuth authentication.
Thanks again for playing!
- Jay Rizzi
Objective was to create a mobile bingo gamefor the ND mobile summit 2012. I decided using HTML5 and javascript without use of server-side coding so that it could be deployed anywhere and quickly
The app checks for a parameter, and if one does not exist redirects to login If parameter (user id) exists , a bingo board is generated from a randomizer function, and board clicks are locally stored in HTML5 db so that button clicks can be remembered
localStorage.setItem(squareStorageKey, $(this).data('value'));
I will say this is mostly custom code, i got my starting place from Jeff Hobbs bingo https://github.com/jeffehobbs/HTML5-bingo/
I utilize jquery.tappable.js http://aanandprasad.com/articles/jquery-tappable/ for the board touch events, and jQuery Mobile was used for graded browser support
*I did note HTC Evo 4 was not displaying correctly, my apologies i had limited access to devices other than IOS
I hope you enjoyed, Thanks