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Security: Jspa2/GoOS-1


Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

Goto and open a staff help ticket, otherwise use the issues tab.

Supported Versions

Version Supported Support ends
1.5-pre2 On next release.
1.5-pre1 Ended on pre2 release.
1.4 Ended 11/10/2022
1.3 Ended 16/10/2021
1.2 Ended 03/10/2021
1.1 Ended 15/07/2021
1.0.2 Ended 05/07/2021
1.0.1 Ended 01/07/2021
1.0.0 Ended 20/06/2021
DevR Ended 15/06/2021

There aren’t any published security advisories