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TUTLEBOT3 using simple MPC without constrains

This header file contains a class called turtlebot3_MPC that implements a simple Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for the TurtleBot3 robot. The MPC is used to control the robot's velocity and orientation to follow a given trajectory. The class controller also includes a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) component for compare the robot's motion.


  • eigen3: a C++ template library for linear algebra.
  • rclcpp: the ROS 2 C++ client library.
  • std_msgs: a ROS 2 package for standard message definitions.
  • geometry_msgs: a ROS 2 package for geometry-related message definitions.
  • nav_msgs: a ROS 2 package for navigation-related message definitions.
  • sensor_msgs: a ROS 2 package for sensor-related message definitions.


  1. Clone the repository to your ROS2 workspace:
    cd ~/your_ros2_ws/src`
    git clone
  2. Build the package:
    cd ~/your_ros2_ws
    colcon build --packages-select turtlebot3_cpp

Member Functions

The turtlebot3_MPC class has the following member functions:

double simple_MPC(double w, double yaw, double ref)

  • A simple model predictive control (MPC) function that controls the robot's movement.
  • Takes three arguments:
    • w - Desired angular velocity of the robot.
    • yaw - Current orientation of the robot in radians.
    • ref - Desired orientation of the robot in radians.
  • Returns the control action uk_mpc. This control tecnique comes from the MPC strategy from Predictive Control With Constraints: MacIejowski book. Also there is a related paper of a real implementation in a skid-steering robot here.

double simple_PID(double error)

  • A simple proportional-integral-derivative (PID) function that controls the robot's movement.
  • Takes one argument:
    • error - Error in the orientation of the robot.
  • Returns the control action uk_pid.

Future Work

constraints and MIMO controller will be add.


  • This file assumes that the robot is using ROS2 as the middleware.
  • This file has been tested with the TurtleBot3 robot platform.

Related Paper

The article: MBPC controller for UGV Trajectory Tracking

If you found this work usefull and help in your research, please cite our work, Thank you!

  author={Barrero, Oscar and Tique, Juan C.},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE 5th Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC)}, 
  title={MBPC controller for UGV Trajectory Tracking}, 


This code is released under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it in your own projects.


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