Free For Geeks is your curated toolbox for building better software. Free resources for all your dev needs.
A collection of links to free resources and tools for developers. It includes everything from Frontend and Backend to DevSecOps, competitive programming and more.
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👩💻 This is for developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts who want to build better software. It includes resources for Frontend, Backend, DevSecOps, competitive programming and more.
Frontend dev bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers. ⭐ 40k stars
- AdminLTE is a fully responsive admin template. Based on Bootstrap 4.4 framework and also the JS/jQuery plugin. ⭐ 44k stars
- Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap ⭐ 37k stars
- Ngx Admin is a free Angular admin dashboard template. ⭐ 25k stars
- Core UI is a free Bootstrap admin template build with HTML. ⭐ 12k stars 💲💲
- Material Dashboard is a free Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design. ⭐ 11k stars
- Tailwind Components - Dashboard is a free Tailwind CSS Dashboard template. ⭐ 568 stars
- Tailwind Toolbox - Dashboard is a free Tailwind CSS Dashboard template. ⭐ 328 stars
🏆 Shadcn Build your component library and own the code.
is a beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source. ⭐ 51.4k stars
- 🥇Tailwind UI is a collection of professionally designed, pre-built, fully responsive HTML snippets you can drop into your Tailwind projects.
- 🥈HeadlessUI is a set of completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. ⭐ 24k stars
- Material UI Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. ⭐ 91k stars
- Ant Design is An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library. ⭐ 90.5k stars
- Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. Use for UI development, testing, and docs. ⭐ 83k stars
- Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications. ⭐ 36.2k stars
- DaisyUI is the most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library. ⭐ 29.6k stars
- React Admin is The React Framework for B2B Apps. | A frontend Framework for building data-driven applications running on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design ⭐ 24k stars
- 🔥 Mantine is a fully featured React components library. ⭐ 24k stars
- Next UI is a collection of beautifully designed, accessible, and customizable UI components for React. ⭐ 18.6k stars
- Semantic UI React ⭐ 13.2k stars
- Radix UI - Primitives is for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. ⭐ 14k stars
- Evergreen is a React UI Framework for building ambitious products on the web. ⭐ 12k stars
- TW-Elements has a 𝙃𝙪𝙜𝙚 collection of Tailwind components, sections and templates ⭐ 13k stars
- Shoelace. Works with all frameworks as well as regular HTML/CSS/JS. ⭐ 11.6k stars
- Reactstrap is a simple and easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components. ⭐ 11k stars
- Tailblocks is a Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. ⭐ 8.7k stars
- Grommet is a React-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package. ⭐ 8.5k stars
- Hyper UI is a collection of beautiful, accessible, and customizable UI components for React. ⭐ 8k stars
- React Suite is a suite of React components. ⭐ 8k stars
- Float UI offers all the vital building blocks you need to transform your idea into a great-looking startup. ⭐ 3k stars
- Meraki UI is a collection of responsive Tailwind CSS components that enhance the user experience of your website. with support for RTL languages, and a sleek Dark Mode. ⭐ 2.3k stars
- React Headless Components is a collection of headless components for React. ⭐ 1k stars
- Tailwind Components is an Open source Tailwind UI components and templates to bootstrap your new apps, projects or landing sites! ⭐ GitHub
- Tailwind Toolbox is a free Tailwind CSS Templates, Components and Resources. ⭐ GitHub
- D3js is a JavaScript library for bespoke data visualization. ⭐ 107k stars
- Chart js is a simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library for designers and developers. ⭐ 63.5k stars
- Recharts is a composable charting library built on React components. Redefined chart library built with
. ⭐ 22k stars - Visx is a collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React. | Develop by Airbnb. ⭐ 18.5k stars
- Plotly is a JavaScript Open Source Graphing Library that makes interactive, publication-quality graphs online. ⭐16.5k stars
- Tremor: React components to build charts and dashboards. ⭐ 14.7k stars
- ApexCharts is a modern charting library that helps developers to create beautiful and interactive visualizations for web pages. ⭐ 13.7k stars
- Nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of D3 and React. ⭐ 12.5k stars
- HighCharts makes it easy for developers to create charts and dashboards for web and mobile platforms. ⭐ 11.8k stars
- Google Chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. Try out our rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools.
- Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs. ⭐ 10.8k stars
- Victory is a React.js components for modular charting and data visualization. ⭐ 10.7k stars
- C3js is a D3-based reusable chart library. ⭐ 9.7k stars
- Dygraphs is a flexible open-source JavaScript charting library. ⭐ 3.2k stars
- Datawrapper is a data visualization tool that enables you to create charts, maps, and tables. ⭐ 1.3k stars
- React Graph Gallery ⭐ GitHub
- Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. ⭐ 40k stars
- Mapbox is a mapping platform for developers. Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL. ⭐ 10k stars 💲💲
- React-map-gl is a suite of React components for Mapbox GL JS. ⭐ 7.5k stars
- React Simple Maps is a library to create beautiful SVG maps in React. ⭐ 3k stars
- Google Map React
- React Leaflet is a React components for Leaflet maps. ⭐ 5k stars
- React Leaflet Map Examples 🍁 A collection of examples on how to use the react-leaflet and leaflet libraries. ⭐ GitHub
- Leaflet Map Examples 🍁 A collection of examples on how to use the leaflet library. ⭐ GitHub
- Pigeon Maps is a ReactJS Map library that uses and exposes the power of the Leaflet API. ⭐ 3.5k stars
- Mapkick is a JavaScript library for interactive maps. Create beautiful, interactive maps with one line of JavaScript ⭐ GitHub
- a11y-dialog a11y-dialog is a lightweight yet flexible script to create accessible dialog windows. ⭐ GitHub
- OpenStreetMaps Free and open-source map data. Explore "a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license."
- React Google Maps is a react components and hooks for the Google Maps JavaScript API. ⭐ GitHub
- Axios.js is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. ⭐ 104k stars
- Redux.js is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. ⭐ 61k stars
- Lodash is a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras. ⭐ 59k stars
- Moment.js is a JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. ⭐ 48k stars
- Day.js ⏰ is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. Its 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API ⭐ 46k stars
- Date-fns is a modern JavaScript date utility library. ⭐ 33.5k stars
- Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript. ⭐ 28k stars
- Immer is a tiny package that allows you to work with immutable state in a more convenient way. It is based on the copy-on-write mechanism. ⭐ 27k stars
- Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources (including across the network).
- Ramda is a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. ⭐ 23.5k stars
- Store.js is Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. ⭐ 14k stars
- Cookiejar is a simple, lightweight, and fast cookie manipulation library for JavaScript. ⭐ GitHub
- cross-storage is a Cross domain local storage, with permissions ⭐ GitHub
- Tempo is the easiest way to work with
in JavaScript. 📆 Parse, format, manipulate, and internationalize dates and times in JavaScript and TypeScript.⭐ 2.2k stars
- Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. ⭐ 97.9k stars
- Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects. ⭐ 48.5k stars
- Pixi.js is a fast, lightweight 2D library that works across all devices. ⭐ 42.1k stars
- Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. ⭐ 22k stars
- React Spring is a spring-physics based animation library for React applications. ⭐ 28k stars
- Framer Motion is a production-ready motion library for React. ⭐ 22.5k stars
- GSAP is a professional-grade JavaScript animation for the modern web. ⭐ 18.3k stars
- A-frame is a web framework for building 3D/AR/VR experiences. ⭐ 16.3k stars
- Matter.js is a a 2D physics engine for the web ▲● ■ ⭐ 16k stars
- Auto Animate is a zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. ⭐ 12k stars
- Swiper is the most modern mobile
touch slider
. ⭐ 39k stars - Flicking is a touch-friendly, responsive, and customizable carousel. ⭐ 7.5k stars
- Glide is a dependency-free JavaScript ES6
slider and carousel
. It's lightweight, flexible, adaptive, and mobile-friendly. ⭐ 7.2k stars - Embla Carousel A lightweight
carousel library
with fluid motion and great swipe precision. ⭐ 5.5k stars - Keen-Slider is a free library agnostic touch slider with native touch/swipe behavior and great performance. ⭐ [4.7k stars](
- Divz is a React component that lets you
scroll, swipe and zoom through HTML content on the 3D z-axis
. Ideal to showcase your portfolio, media or products. ⭐ GitHub
- Core.js is a modular standard library for JavaScript. ⭐ 24k stars
- PDF.js is a PDF Reader in JavaScript ⭐ 34.5k stars
- Video.js is an open-source HTML5 video player. ⭐ 37k stars
- Codemirror.js is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. ⭐ 26.5k stars
- Hammer.js is a JavaScript library for multi-touch gestures. ⭐ 24k stars
- Howler.js is a JavaScript audio library for the modern web. ⭐ 23k stars
- P5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else. ⭐ 20.7k stars
- Draggable.js is a lightweight, responsive, modern drag-and-drop library. ⭐ 17.5k stars
- Luxon is a library for working with dates and times in JavaScript. ⭐ 15k stars
- Nuclear.js Streaming music player that finds free music for you ⭐ 11.3k stars
- Next VideoAdd high-performance video to your Next.js app. ⭐ GitHub
- Hi-mom is a blazingly fast JavaScript library to say hi to your mom!⭐ GitHub
- Danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data. ⭐ GitHub
- Standard.js is a JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer. ⭐ 30k stars
- is a modern JavaScript tutorial. ⭐ 23k stars
- You-Dont-Know-JS is a book series on JavaScript. ⭐ 177k stars
- javascript-algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings ⭐ 181k stars
- TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ⭐ 100k stars
- Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. I'm using the term "schema" to broadly refer to any data type, from a simple string to a complex nested object. ⭐ 30k stars
- Zustand is a small, fast and scalable
bearbones state-management solution
using simplified flux principles. Has a comfy API based on hooks, isn't boilerplatey or opinionated. ⭐ 44.5k stars - React Hook Form is a performant, flexible, and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation. ⭐ 40k stars
- Formik is the world's most popular open source form library for React and React Native. Build forms in React, without the tears. ⭐ 33.6k stars
- Tanstack Table is a headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids ⭐ 25k stars
- DnD-Kit is a modern, lightweight, performant
toolkit for React. ⭐ 12k stars - React Community is a collection of React libraries and tools. ⭐ GitHub
- Sonner is an opinionated toast component for React. ⭐ 7k stars
- Wouter is a tiny router for modern React and Preact apps that relies on Hooks. ⭐ 6.5k stars
- Plasmic is an open-source visual editing and content platform for building websites and apps. Integrate with existing codebases. Ship incredibly fast. ⭐ 5k stars
- React Tabs is an accessible and easy tab component for ReactJS. ⭐ 3k stars
- ReactPlay is a React code editor that allows you to write and preview React code in real time. It is a great tool for learning React, testing code, and creating demos. ⭐ 2k stars
- Virtua is a zero-config, fast and small (~3kB) virtual list (and grid) component for React, Vue, Solid and Svelte. ⭐ 1.5k stars
- React Aria Modal is a fully accessible React modal component. ⭐ 1k stars
- Whatsapp Button is a Simple react component for adding a floating WhatsApp button to your project. ⭐ GitHub
- React-hanger is a collection of utility hooks for React. ⭐ 2k stars
- VeeValidate is the most popular
Vue.js form
library. It takes care of value tracking, validation, errors, submissions and more. ⭐ 10.6k stars
- Create T3 is the best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app. Simply run
npm create t3-app@latest
. T3 stack includes Next.js, tRPC, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Prisma, Drizzle, NextAuth.js. ⭐ GitHub - Create React App is a tool to create React apps with no build configuration. Simply run
npx create-react-app my-app
⭐ 102k stars - Create an Astro project Simply run
npm create astro@latest
. ⭐ GitHub
- Evershop is an Open-Source NodeJS Ecommerce Platform with essential commerce features. | Built with React, modular and fully customizable. ⭐ 3.3k stars
- AI Colors is a tool to generate color palettes using AI.
- Coolors is a tool to generate color palettes.
- Contrast Coolors is a tool to check the contrast of text and background colors.
- Colorable is a tool to check the contrast of text and background colors. ⭐ 2k stars
- CSS Grid Garden is a game for learning CSS grid layout.
- Flex Box Froggy is a game for learning CSS flexbox layout.
- Flukeout is a game for learning CSS selectors.
- Coding Fantasy is a game for learning CSS.
- Tachyons is a functional CSS toolkit. Quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS. ⭐ 12k stars
- ToolJet Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. ⭐ 27k stars
- Webflow is a visual web development platform. ⭐ GitHub
Awesome Python is a curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources. ⭐ 201k stars
ohmyzsh is a delightful, open-source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. ⭐ 170k stars
- Amplication is the Fastest Way in the World to Build Backend Services.🔥🔥🔥 Open-source backend development platform. Build production-ready services without wasting time on repetitive coding. ⭐ 13.3k stars
- Deno is a modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. ⭐ 93k stars
- Go is an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. ⭐ 120.1k stars
- Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications. ⭐ 23.4k stars
- Rust is a language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. ⭐ 93.5k stars
- Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. ⭐ 14.3k stars
- Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. ⭐ 201k stars
- Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. ⭐ 21.6k stars
- PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. ⭐ GitHub
- Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax, intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. ⭐ 77k stars
- Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. ⭐ 77.1k stars
- Spring Boot is an open-source Java-based framework used to create micro-services. It is developed by Pivotal Team and is used to build stand-alone and production-ready spring applications. ⭐ 73.1k stars
- Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework. It is a
micro web framework
written in Python. It is designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability to scale up to complex applications. ⭐ 66.5k stars - NestJS is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript (preserves compatibility with pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). ⭐ 65k stars
- Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework, designed for building web applications and APIs. ⭐ 64k stars
- Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. ⭐ 55k stars
- Koa.js is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. By leveraging async functions, Koa allows you to ditch callbacks and greatly increase error-handling. ⭐ 35k stars
- Phoenix is a web development framework written in Elixir which implements the server-side Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. ⭐ 20.7k stars
- ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework developed by Microsoft for building modern internet-connected applications. It is a modular framework that runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET Core. ⭐ 12.4k stars
- Biome.js is a
toolchain for web projects
, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome offers formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP. ⭐ 10k stars - Format.js is the monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl. ⭐ 14k stars
- Orama - 🌌 Fast, dependency-free, full-text and vector search engine with typo tolerance, filters, facets, stemming, and more. Works with any JavaScript runtime, browser, server, service! ⭐ 8k stars
- flagsmith is an open-source, fully supported, Feature Flag and Remote Config service. Use our hosted API, deploy to your own private cloud, or run on-premise. ⭐ 4.5k stars
- Serverless Stack is a comprehensive guide to creating full-stack serverless applications. ⭐ 20k stars
- Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! ⭐ 46k stars
- Fastify is a fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js. ⭐ 30.5k stars
- Pino.js is a super fast, all natural Node.js logger. ⭐ 13.2k stars
- Piscina.js is a fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation
- Doczilla is a SaaS API empowering the generation of screenshots or PDFs directly from HTML/CSS/JS code. The free plan allows 250 documents month.
- Doppio is a fully managed API to generate and privately store documents and screenshots using top rendering technology. The free plan allows 400 PDFs and Screenshots per month.
- Geekflare API lets you take screenshots, audit websites, TLS scan, DNS lookup, test TTFB, and more. The free plan offers 3,000 API requests.
- Glitterly is a tool to generate dynamic images from base templates. Restful API and nocode integrations. The free tier comes with 50 images/month and five templates.
- Hoppscotch is a lightweight, fast, and customizable app for testing and designing APIs. A free, fast, and beautiful
API request builder
. ⭐ 61k stars - HTTPie is a free command-line HTTP client for the API era. It's a user-friendly cURL alternative. HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time. ⭐ 32.5k stars
- Insomnia is a free API client that allows you to design, debug, test, and mock APIs locally, on Git, or cloud. ⭐ 33.5k stars
- tRPC Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy. ⭐ 32.3k stars
- Bruno is a Fast and Git-Friendly Open-source API client, aimed at revolutionizing the status quo represented by Postman, Insomnia and similar tools out there.⭐ 21k stars
- PipeDream allow you to
create a free endpoint
to which you can send HTTP requests. Any HTTP requests sent to that endpoint will be recorded with the associated payload and headers so you can observe recommendations from webhooks and other services. ⭐ 8.5k stars - Wrap Api
turns any website into a parameterized API
. 30k API calls per month. - Postman is a simplify workflows and create better APIs – faster – with Postman, a collaboration platform for API development. Use the Postman App for free forever. Postman cloud features are also free forever with certain limits. ⭐ 6k stars
- Thunder Client is a free API client for
VS Code
. It's a lightweight, fast, and easy-to-use REST client. ⭐ 3.6k stars - Yaak is a cross-platform desktop app for interacting with REST, GraphQL, and gRPC. It's a Postman alternative to try your APIs.
- Colab is a free Jupyter notebook (Python) environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in the cloud. It includes free GPU and TPU.
- CurlHub is a
proxy service
for inspecting and debugging API calls. The free plan includes 10,000 requests per month. ⭐ GitHub - Firecamp is a free API tool for
API testing, debugging, monitoring, and automation
. ⭐ 1.7k stars - Nightingale A modern, resource-friendly REST client for Windows 10. ⭐ 723 stars
- Apidog is a complete set of tools that connects the entire API lifecycle, helping R&D teams implement best practices for API Design-first development.
- Render API provides a public REST API for managing your services and other resources programmatically. ⭐ GitHub
- API Toolkit - All the tools you need to fully understand what's going on in your APIs and Backends. With automatic API contract validation and monitoring. The free plan covers servers with up to 20,000 requests per month.
- Hook0 is an open-source Webhooks-as-a-service (WaaS) that makes it easy for online products to provide webhooks. Dispatch up to 3,000 events/month with seven days of history retention for free.
- Svix is a
webhooks as a Service
. Build a secure, reliable, and scalable webhook sending platform using the Svix webhook service. Send up to 50,000 messages/month for free. - Webhook Store is a tool for storing third-party webhooks and debug them on localhost (ngrok style). Open source and self-hostable. Free personal domain, free public domains
- Fakerjs is a tool to generate massive amounts of
fake data
in the browser and node.js. ⭐ 11.5k stars - Retool is a
REST API Generator
. A tool to generatefake data
for testing and development. Generate a custom dataset that you can read and write to via a REST API. - Beeceptor is a Rest API mocking and intercepting in seconds. Replace the endpoint in the code and you are ready. It's that simple! Mock a rest API in seconds, fake API response and much more. Free 50 requests per day, public dashboard, open endpoints (anyone with a dashboard link can view submissions and answers).
- DummyJSON is a tool to generate massive amounts of
fake data
in the browser and node.js. ⭐ 1.3k stars - Random User Generator is a free, open-source API for generating random user data. Like Lorem Ipsum, but for people. ⭐ 1.3k stars
- Random Data is a free API for random fake data. It does not require any authentication.
- Microenv allow you to
create fake REST API
for developers with the possibility to generate code and app in a docker container. - QuickMocker is an API Mock, fake API, mock server, simulate or stub API, dummy API and web services, API for tests, test doubles, fake random data, response templating, create webhook, and more. Manage online fake API endpoints under your own subdomain, forward requests to localhost URL for webhooks development and testing, use RegExp and multiple HTTP methods for URL path, prioritize endpoints, more than 100 shortcodes (dynamic or fake response values) for response templating, import from OpenAPI (Swagger) Specifications in JSON format, proxy requests, restrict endpoint by IP address and authorization header. The free account provides one random subdomain, ten endpoints, 5 RegExp URL paths, 50 shortcodes per endpoint, 100 requests per day, and 50 history records in the requests log.
- Pantry is a free API for hosting small pieces of data. It let you setup a small database in seconds. 100 mb of JSON storage. It's like TinyDB but in the cloud.
- kroki is a free API for
creating diagrams
. The free plan includes 1,000 requests per month.
- Google Docs is a free API that lets you connect your app to Google Docs. Convert your docs into JSON.
- ollama let's you run LLM (Large Language Models) on your own machine. It's like OpenAI's GPT-3 but on your own machine. It's free and open-source. It comes with an API that you can listen to through localhost. ⭐ 64.8k stars
- Deepgram AI API is a free API for
speech recognition
. The API provides access tospeech-to-text
, audio transcription, and more.
- SmartParse is a data migration and CSV to API platform that offers time- and cost-saving developer tools. The Free tier includes: Up to 300 processing units, Browser uploads, Data quarantining, Circuit breakers and Job Alerts.
- OCR Space is a free
parses image and pdf files that return the text results in JSON format. Twenty-five thousand requests per month are free. - Parse Hub — Extract data from dynamic sites, turn dynamic websites into APIs, five projects free.
- Mindee is a powerful
OCR software
and an API-first platform that helps developers automate applications' workflows by standardizing the document processing layer through data recognition for key information using computer vision and machine learning. The free tier offers 250 pages per month.
- Sheetson instantly
turn any Google Sheets into a RESTful API
. Free plan available. - SofoData let you
create secure RESTful APIs from CSV files
. Upload a CSV file and instantly access the data via its API allowing faster application development. The free plan includes 2 APIs and 2,500 API calls per month. You don't need a credit card.
- Wordpress API is a free API for WordPress. The API provides access to posts, pages, comments, taxonomies, and more.
- Commerce Layer is a composable
commerce API
that can build, place, and manage orders from any front end. The developer plan allows 100 orders per month and up to 1,000 SKUs for free.
- Big Data Cloud provides fast, accurate, and free (Unlimited or up to 10K-50K/month) APIs for modern web like IP Geolocation, Reverse Geocoding, Networking Insights, Email and Phone Validation, Client Info and more.
- Country State City API is a free API to get country, state, and city details. ⭐ 6.3k stars
- DB-IP is a free IP geolocation API with 1k request per IP per day.lite database under the CC-BY 4.0 License is free too.
- Flags API is a free API to get country flags. ⭐ GitHub
- GeoCod is a Free
geocoding API
: Convert postal addresses into geographic coordinates or convert geographic coordinates into postal addresses (reverse geocoding). - GeoDB Cities API is an online places database. It exposes city, county, island, region, and country data via both GraphQL and REST APIs.
- GeoDataSource Location Search Web Service is a REST API to lookup for city name by using latitude and longitude coordinate. It will return the result in either JSON or XML containing the information of the nearest country, region, city, latitude, longitude, currency code, and more. Free API queries up to 500 times per month.
- IP Geolocation API is a free IP geolocation API. ⭐ GitHub
- IP API is a free IP Geolocation API. Real-time Geolocation & Reverse IP Lookup REST API. ⭐ GitHub
- IP is a reliable
geolocation API
built on AWS, trusted by Fortune 500. The free tier offers 30k lookups/month (1k/day) without signup. ⭐ GitHub - IP City is a free IP Geolocation API. 100 Free requests per day.
- IP Base is a IP geolocation API. Free forever that spans 150 monthly requests.
- IP Geolocation is the
Best IP Geolocation API
. Forever free plan for developers with 30k requests per month (1k/day) limit. - IP Geolocation API is a IP geolocation API from Abstract - Extensive free plan allowing 20,000 monthly requests.
- IP 2 Location is a freemium
IP geolocation and Proxy detection
service. LITE database is available for free download. Import the database in the server and perform a local query to determine the city, coordinates, and ISP information. - is a Freemium, fast and reliable IP geolocation API to determine geolocation data like city, coordinates, ISP, etc. The free plan is available with 30k credits per month. Subscribe to paid plans for more advanced features or contact us for a personalized plan.
- IP info is a fast, accurate, and free (up to 50k/month)
IP address data API
. Offers APIs with details on geolocation, companies, carriers, IP ranges, domains, abuse contacts, and more. All paid APIs can be trialed for free. - IPify is a simple public IP address API.
- IP-Api is an IP geolocation API, Free for non-commercial use, no API key required, limited to 45 req/minute from the same IP address for the free plan.
- Rest Countries is a free API to get information about countries.
- JSON IP is a free unlimited
IP address and geolocation API
. Returns the Public IP address of the client it is requested from. No registration is required for the free tier. Using CORS, data can be requested using client-side JS directly from the browser. Useful for services monitoring change in client and server IPs. Unlimited Requests. - Zipcodebase is a free
Zip Code API
, access to Worldwide Postal Code Data. Ten thousand free requests/month. - Zipcodestack is a free
Zip Code API and Postal Code Validation
. Ten thousand free requests/month.
- Abstract API is a collection for various use cases, including IP geolocation, gender detection, or email validation.
- Public APIs is a
collection of free public APIs
. ⭐ 2.6k stars - Public-api-lists is a collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. ⭐ 9.6k stars
- Free APIs is
collection of free APIs
derived from Public APIs ⭐ 286k stars ⭐ 196k stars - Rapid api is the world’s Largest API Hub Millions of developers find and connect to thousands of APIs, API Development using fun challenges (with solutions!) and interactive examples.
- OpenWeb Ninja - Extremely comprehensive real-time SERP and public data APIs: Google Search, Shopping, Jobs, Images, Lens, News, Google Maps Businesses / Places, Reviews, Photos, Website Emails and Social Contacts Scraper, Amazon, Yelp and more. All APIs include a free tier with 100 to 200 free monthly requests.
- NASA (multiple APIs) is a collection of free API for
. The API provides access to images, videos, asteroids, and more. - Apislist is a collection of free APIs. Curated Playground for the Best Public Web APIs!
- Discord is a free API for Discord.
- Youtube API is a free API for YouTube.
- Watchmode is a freemium API for
movies and TV shows
. The free plan includes 1000 requests per month. - The Movie DB API is a free API for
. The API provides access to movies, TV shows, actors, and more. It's like IMDB but not owned by Amazon. Free for non-commercial use.
- IGDB is a free API for
video games
. The API is free for both non-commercial and commercial projects. - Call Of Duty API Unofficial wrapper for the Call of Duty API. ⭐ GitHub
- TicketMaster is a free API for
. The API provides access to events, attractions, venues, classifications, and more. The free plan includes 500 requests per month. - Spotify API is a free API for Spotify. The API provides access to music, albums, playlists, artists, and more.
- Podcast Index is a free API for podcasts. The API provides access to podcasts, episodes, and more.
- Clarifai is an
image API
for custom face recognition and detection. Able to train AI models. The free plan has 5,000 calls per month. - Unsplash API is a free API for high-quality, curated photos.
-, Waifu API, are some popular free
anime waifus API
- Deck of Cards is an API to simulate a deck of cards. The API provides access to a deck of cards.
- Bored API is a free API for
random activities
. The API provides access to random activities. ⭐ GitHub
- Apify is the platform where developers build, deploy, and publish web scraping, data extraction, and web automation tools. Ready-made scrapers, integrated proxies, and custom solutions. Free plan with $5 platform credits included every month.
- Browser Cat is a headless browser API for automation, scraping, AI agent web access, image/pdf generation, and more. Free plan with 1k requests per month.
- Microlink is a fast, scalable, and reliable high-level API to control a headless browser built for businesses and developers. It
turns any website into data
such as metatags normalization, beauty link previews, scraping capabilities, or screenshots as a service. One hundred reqs/day, every day free. - SerpApi - Real-time search engine
scraping API
. Returns structured JSON results for Google, YouTube, Bing, Baidu, Walmart, and many other machines. The free plan includes 100 successful API calls per month. - ScraperBox is an undetectable
web scraping API
using real Chrome browsers and proxy rotation. Use a simple API call to scrape any web page. The free plan has 1000 requests per month. - ScrapingDog handles millions of proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs to provide you with the HTML of any web page in a single API call. It also includes Web Scraper for Chrome & Firefox and software for instant scraping demand. Free plans are available.
- ZenRows is a
web scraping API & proxy server
that bypasses any anti-bot solution while offering javascript rendering, rotating proxies, and geotargeting. The free tier of 1000 API calls. - Zenscrape is a
web scraping API
with headless browsers, residentials IPs, and straightforward pricing. One thousand free API calls/month and extra credits for students and non-profits.
- Mockae is an open-source fake API that uses Lua to generate dynamic, custom HTTP responses for mocking HTTP requests. ⭐ GitHub.
- Mockfly is a trusted development tool for
API mocking and feature flag management
. Quickly generate and control mock APIs with an intuitive interface. The free tier offers 500 requests per day. - Mocki is a tool that lets you create mock GraphQL and REST APIs synced to a GitHub repository. Simple REST APIs are free to develop and use without signup.
- Mocko Proxy your API, choose which endpoints to mock in the cloud and inspect traffic, for free. Speed up your development and integration tests.
- Mocky is a simple web app to generate custom HTTP responses for mocking HTTP requests. Also available as open source.
- Reqres is a free
hosted REST-API
ready to respond to your AJAX requests.
- Alpha Vantage is a free API for
stock market data
. The API provides access to real-time and historical stock data. The free plan includes 25 requests per day. - Canopy is a GraphQL API for Amazon product, search, reviews, sales and category data. The free plan includes 100 calls per month.
- Currency Beacon is a realtime
currency and Forex Exchange Rate API
for fintech apps. The free plan includes 5,000 calls per month. - Foreign Rates API is a free API for foreign exchange rates. The free plan includes 1,500 requests per month.
- Open Weather API is a free API for weather. The API provides access to current weather data, forecasts, and historical data. The free plan includes 1,000 API calls per day.
- Meteo Source is a
global weather API
for current and forecasted weather data. Forecasts are based on a machine learning combination of more weather models to achieve better accuracy. The free plan comes with 400 calls per day.
- API COLOMBIA is a public api that contains info about Colombia, departments, cities, tourists places and presidents. ⭐ GitHub
- IntelOwl’s is a free API for
threat intelligence
. The API provides access to threat intelligence data. ⭐ 3.2k stars
- World News, World News API are free API for news. The World News API gives you access to thousands of news sources in over 50 languages from over 150 countries. News are semantically tagged allowing for semantic news search like never before.
- News API — Search news on the web with code, and get JSON results. Developers get 3,000 queries free each month.
- Free Dictionary API is a free API for
. The API provides access to definitions, synonyms, antonyms, translations, and more. ⭐ GitHub - Zen Quotes is a free API for
- Mailbox Validator is an
email verification service
using real mail server connection to confirm valid email. The free API plan has 300 verifications per month. - Vatcheckapi is a simple and free
VAT number validation API
. Five hundred free requests per month. - Numlookupapi is a free and reliable
phone number validation API
- 100k free requests / month.
- Disease is a free API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza.
- Open Food Facts is a free API for
food products
. The API provides access to food products, ingredients, and more.
- API Template allow you to
auto-generate images
andPDF documents
with a simple API or automation tools like Zapier & Airtable. No CSS/HTML is required. The free plan comes with 50 images/month and three templates. - Advicement helps you
generate PDF documents with JSON to PDF API
based on LaTeX templates. The free plan allows 50 API calls per month and access to a library of templates. - Export SDK is a
PDF generator API
with drag-and-drop template editor that provides an SDK and no-code integrations. The free plan has 250 monthly pages, unlimited users, and three templates. - PDF-API is a
PDF Automation API
, visual template editor or HTML to PDF, dynamic data integration, and PDF rendering with an API. The free plan comes with one template, 100 PDFs/month. - Gotenberg is a
Docker-powered stateless API for converting HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, Office documents, and images to PDF
. The free plan includes 1000 requests per month. ⭐ 7.1k stars
- Resend (for emails) is an API for sending emails. The free plan includes 100 emails per day or up to 3,000 emails a month.
- HTTP Status Dogs is a free API for
HTTP status codes
. HTTP status codes are boring but not with HTTP Status Dogs. It returns images of dogs for each HTTP status code to make it easier to understand and remember.
- Cloudmersive is a
utility API
platform with full access to expansive API Library including Document Conversion, Virus Scanning, and more with 800 calls/month.
- Calendarific is a developer-friendly, worldwide RESTful API giving you access to public, local & bank holidays and observances; and spanning over 230 countries, 3,300+ states and 100+ languages. The free plan includes 1,000 calls per month.
- DigiDates provides a REST API for time and date calculations. Access to the API is free of charge and currently without limitation.
- Dream Factory is an open source REST API backend for mobile, web, and IoT applications. Hook up any SQL/NoSQL database, file storage system, or external service, and it instantly creates a comprehensive REST API platform with live documentation and user management.
- FraudLabs Pro provides an advanced fraud prevention solution that helps protect your online business from payment fraud (also known as CNP fraud). Screen an order transaction for credit card payment fraud. This REST API will detect all possible fraud traits based on the input parameters of an order. The Free Micro plan has 500 transactions per month.
- Kreya is a free cross-platform GUI tool that helps you
build and test gRPC APIs
faster. Can import gRPC APIs via server reflection.
- Fern is a
no-code API builder
that allows you to create APIs from Google Sheets, Airtable, and other sources. The free plan includes 1000 API calls per month. Use your API definition to generate SDKs in popular languages, and generate API reference documentation webpages. Add Markdown pages to your API reference and host them with Fern for a full documentation solution. OpenAPI fully supported.
- OpenAPI3 Designer — Visually create Open API 3 definitions for free.
- Kong is a unified API platform that helps you manage, secure, and run APIs across any cloud, team, gateway, protocol, or architecture. in other workds, an
API Marketplace
and powerful private and public API tools. With the free tier, some features such as monitoring, alerting, and support, are limited. - Zuplo allow you to
add API Key authentication, rate limiting, and developer documentation to any API
in minutes. The free plan offers up to 10 projects, unlimited production edge environments, 250 API keys, 100K monthly requests, and 1GB egress.
- OpenSky Network is a free API for
air traffic
. It lets you track flights in real-time. The API provides access to flights, airports, and more. - Pixela - Free daystream database service. All operations are performed by API. Visualization with heat maps and line graphs is also possible.
- Arize AI - Machine learning observability for model monitoring and root-causing issues such as data quality and performance drift. Free up to two models.
- Bigml — Hosted machine learning algorithms. Unlimited free tasks for development, limit of 16 MB data/task.
- Comet - The MLOps platform for experiment tracking, model production management, model registry, and complete data lineage, covering your workflow from training to production. Free for individuals and academics.
- Efemarai - Testing and debugging platform for ML models and data. Visualize any computational graph. Free 30 debugging sessions per month for developers.
- Lightly — Improve your machine-learning models by using the correct data. Use datasets of up to 1000 samples for free.
- Monkey learn — Text analysis with machine learning, free 300 queries/month.
- Neptune is a lightweight component that works with any MLOps stack. It helps you track, compare, monitor, and share your ML experiments and models with flexible Python. Log, store, display, organize, compare, and query all your MLOps metadata. Free for individuals: 1 member, 100 GB of metadata storage, 200h of monitoring/month
- Nyckel — Train, deploy, and invoke image and text ML models. Free training with up to 5,000 pieces of training data. 1000 model invokes per month free.
- Preset Cloud is a
hosted Apache Superset
service. Forever free for teams of up to 5 users, featuring unlimited dashboards and charts, a no-code chart builder, and a collaborative SQL editor. - PromptLeo - Prompt engineering platform for creators and developers. It offers a prompt engineering library, forms, and API. The free plan provides one prompt formation, one prompt API endpoint, and 30 generations per month.
- PromptLoop - Use AI and large language models like GPT-3 with a simple spreadsheet formula to transform, comprehend, and analyze text in Google Sheets. The first 2,000 credits are free each month.
- Supportivekoala — Allows you to autogenerate images by your input via templates. The free plan allows you to create up to 100 images per week.
- Roboflow - create and deploy a custom computer vision model with no prior machine learning experience required. The free tier includes up to 1,000 free source images.
- ROBOHASH - Web service to generate unique and cool images from any text.
- Weights & Biases — The developer-first MLOps platform. Build better models faster with experiment tracking, dataset versioning, and model management. Free tier for personal projects only, with 100 GB of storage included.
- — NLP for developers.
- Wolfram — Built-in knowledge-based algorithms in the cloud.
- What The Diff an AI-powered code review assistant. The free plan has a limit of 25,000 monthly tokens (~10 PRs).
- Tavily AI Search API is a search engine optimized for LLMs and RAG, aimed at efficient, quick and persistent search results. 1000 request/month for the Free tier with No credit card required.
- Atlas toolkit - Lightweight library to develop single-page web applications that are instantly accessible. Available for Java, Node.js, Perl, Python, and Ruby.
- Browse AI — Extracting and monitoring data on the web. Fifty credits per month for free.
- Coupler - Data integration tool that syncs between apps. It can create live dashboards and reports, transform and manipulate values, and collect and back up insights. The free plan has unlimited users, 100 runs with 1000 monthly rows, and unlimited integrations.
- Data Dead Drop - Simple, free file sharing. Data self-destroys after access. Upload and download data via the browser or your favorite command line client.
- Data Fetcher - Connect Airtable to any application or API with no code. Postman-like interface for running API requests in Airtable. Pre-built integrations with dozens of apps. The free plan includes 100 runs per month.
- Dataimporter - Tool for connecting, cleaning, and importing data into Salesforce. Free Plan includes up to 20,000 records per month.
- Datalore - Python notebooks by Jetbrains. Includes 10 GB of storage and 120 hours of runtime each month.
- Data Miner - A browser extension (Google Chrome, MS Edge) for data extraction from web pages CSV or Excel. The free plan gives you 500 pages/month.
- Datapane - API for building interactive reports in Python and deploying Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks as self-service tools.
- DB Designer — Cloud-based Database schema design and modeling tool with a free starter plan of 2 Database models and ten tables per model.
- Deepnote - A new data science notebook. Jupyter is compatible with real-time collaboration and running in the cloud. The free tier includes unlimited personal projects, up to 750 hours of standard hardware, and teams with up to 3 editors.
- Diggernaut — Cloud-based web scraping and data extraction platform for turning any website to the dataset or working with it as an API. The free plan includes 5K page requests monthly.
- Hex - a collaborative data platform for notebooks, data apps, and knowledge libraries. Free community version with up to 3 authors and five projects. One compute profile per author with 4GB RAM.
- Observable — a place to create, collaborate, and learn with data. Free: Unlimited notebooks, Unlimited publishing, Five editors per notebook.
- Prefect Cloud is a workflow orchestration tool empowering developers to build, observe, and react to data pipelines. it's a complete platform for dataflow automation. All plans include 20,000 free runs every month. That's enough to power ETL for most small businesses.
- Crawlbase — Crawl and scrape websites without proxies, infrastructure, or browsers. We solve captchas for you and prevent you from being blocked. The first 1000 calls are free of charge.
- SaturnCloud - Data science cloud environment that allows running Jupyter notebooks and Dask clusters. Thirty hours of free computation and 3 hours of Dask per month.
- Simplescraper — Trigger your webhook after each operation. The free plan includes 100 cloud scrape credits.
- Select Star - is an intelligent data discovery platform that automatically analyzes and documents your data. Free light tier with 1 Data Source, up to 100 Tables and 10 Users.
- Shipyard — Low-code data orchestration platform for the cloud. Build with a mix of low-code templates and your code (Python, Node.js, Bash, SQL). Our free developer plan offers 10 hours of runtime every month for one user - more than enough to automate multiple workflows.
- Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. ⭐ GitHub
- Firebase Auth is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. ⭐ GitHub
- Clerk is a developer-first identity and user management platform. ⭐ GitHub
- Supabase Auth is an open-source Firebase alternative. ⭐ GitHub
- NextAuth.js / Auth.js is a complete open-source authentication solution for Next.js applications. ⭐ 22k stars
- Appwrite Auth is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment. ⭐ GitHub
- SuperTokens is an open-source alternative to Auth0/ Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito. ⭐ 12k stars
- Logto is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products. It offers a seamless developer experience and is well-suited for individuals and growing companies. ⭐ 7.5k stars
- Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. ⭐ 65k stars
- Redis is an
in-memory database
that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps. ⭐ 65k stars - Nocodb is an open source Airtable Alternative ⭐ 42k stars
- Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment. ⭐ 40k stars
- PocketBase → Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file. ⭐ 33k stars
- MongoDB is a general-purpose, document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers and for the cloud era. ⭐ 26k stars
- PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. ⭐ 15k stars
- MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. The world's most popular open-source database. ⭐ 10k stars
- GraphQL is the developer-friendly query language for the modern web. It transforms how apps fetch data from an API, enabling you to get exactly what you need with a single query—instead of wrangling responses from a patchwork of REST endpoints. ⭐ 10k stars
- Apache Cassandra is an Open Source NoSQL Database. → Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep. ⭐ 8.5k stars
- Nhost is an open-source backend and development platform that enables developers to build and scale their web and mobile apps. ⭐ 7.5k stars
- SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. ⭐ 5.5k stars
- Amazon DynamoDB is a serverless, NoSQL, fully managed database service with single-digit millisecond response times at any scale, enabling you to develop and run modern applications while only paying for what you use. ⭐ GitHub
- MongoDB Atlas Device is a fully managed cloud database developed by the same people that build MongoDB. Atlas Device SDK is a mobile-first database designed for modern, data-driven applications.
- Oracle Database is a free Oracle Database for Everyone. You get an Oracle Database to use, develop, test, and deploy applications. You can redistribute it – all completely free! ⭐ GitHub
- Directus is an open-source headless CMS and API for custom databases. It decouples the content from the presentation layer, making it easy to manage and deliver content to any device or platform. Directus handles APIs, Auth, Admin, and more. ⭐ 26k stars
- Public Data Sets is a collection of public datasets that Google hosts for you to explore and analyze.
- Kaggle is the world's largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.
- is a platform for modern data teamwork. Discover and share cool data, connect with interesting people, and work together to solve problems faster.
- Google Dataset Search is a search engine for datasets.
- Datahub is a free, powerful data management platform from the Open Knowledge Foundation.
- US Data is the home of the U.S. Government's open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
- Data USA is a comprehensive visualization engine for shared US government data.
- UK Data is the UK government's open data portal.
- Australian Data is the Australian government's open data portal.
- Singapore Data is the Singapore government's open data portal.
- Hong Kong Data is the Hong Kong government's open data portal.
- Colombian Data is the Colombian government's open data portal.
- Mexican Data is the Mexican government's open data portal.
- System Design Primer: Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. ⭐ 250k stars
- PlayWright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. ⭐ 60k stars
- Cypress is a JavaScript End to End Testing Framework. ⭐ 46k stars
- Vitest is the next generation testing framework powered by Vite. ⭐ 12.3k stars
- Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA). ⭐ 9.5k stars
- SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities. ⭐ 8.7k stars
- Fast Check is a property-based testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript. ⭐ 4.1k stars
- Awesome Hacking is a collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters, and security researchers.
- OWASP is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. ⭐ GitHub
- NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- Snyk specializes in JavaScript security ⭐ 5k stars
- Trivy is a container security scanner designed specifically for Docker images. ⭐ 23k stars
- Renovate is a dependency update tool that creates pull requests to keep dependencies up-to-date with the latest versions. ⭐ 17k stars
- Dependabot is a dependency update tool that creates pull requests to keep dependencies up-to-date with the latest versions. ⭐ 5k stars
- Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. ⭐ k stars
- Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser. ⭐ k stars
- Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. ⭐ k stars
- Cypress is a JavaScript End to End Testing Framework. ⭐ k stars
- Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. ⭐ k stars
- Karma is a simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers. ⭐ k stars
- WebdriverIO is a Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js. ⭐ k stars
- Stryker js is a mutation testing framework for JavaScript. ⭐ k stars
- Ava is a Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀 ⭐ k stars
- Ansible is a simple, agentless IT automation technology that can improve your current processes, migrate applications for better optimization, and provide a single language for DevOps practices across your organization. ⭐ 61.2k stars
Web3Forms simplifies form creation, submission handling, and storage for websites without requiring backend setup.
- Formik is a small library that helps you with the 3 most annoying parts: getting values in and out of form state, validation, and handling form submission.⭐ 34k stars
- Joi is a powerful schema description language and data validation library for JavaScript. ⭐ 21k stars
- Formkit is an open-source form framework for Vue. ⭐ 4.5k stars
- Vest is a form validations framework that performs form validations and provides feedback to the user. ⭐ 2.5k stars
- is an endpoint for HTML forms submissions. With notifications, spam blocker and GDPR-compliant data processing.
- Travis CI is a continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub. ⭐ 9k stars
- Circle CI is a modern, developer-friendly continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform. ⭐ GitHub
- Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud. ⭐ GitHub
- Taiga is a project management platform for startups and
agile developers
& designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable. ⭐ GitHub - Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business. ⭐ 35.4k stars
- Kanboard is a simple visual task board software. it is a free and open source Kanban project management software. ⭐ 8.2k stars
- Wekan is an open-source Trello-like kanban. | The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at only. ⭐ 19k stars
- Sentry is a real-time error tracking that gives you insight into production deployments and information to reproduce and fix crashes. ⭐ 37k stars
- UpTimeRobot is a website monitoring service that checks your websites every 5 minutes and alerts you if your sites are down.
- Open Status is the open-source website & API monitoring platform. ⭐ GitHub
- checklyhq is a API monitoring service that checks your APIs every 5 minutes and alerts you if your APIs are down. ⭐ GitHub
- New Relic is a performance monitoring tool that helps you to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your application performance. ⭐ GitHub
- lighthouse is an automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices. For improving the quality of web pages. ⭐ 28k stars
- GTmetrix tells you how your website performs, why it's slow, and how to optimize it.
- Datadog is a cloud-scale monitoring service that provides monitoring of servers, databases, tools, and services through a SaaS-based data analytics platform.
- Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.
- Simple Analytics is a simple, clean, and privacy-friendly analytics tool.
- Matomo is a free and open-source web analytics application that runs on a PHP/MySQL webserver. ⭐ 19k stars
- Plausible is a simple, privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics. | 2 months free ⭐ 18.2k stars
- PostHog is an open-source product analytics tool. ⭐ 17k stars
- Mixpanel is a business analytics service and company that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications. ⭐ k stars
- Amplitude is a product analytics service that provides tools to understand user behavior. ⭐ GitHub
- Snowplow is an open-source platform for event data collection and warehousing. ⭐ 6.7k stars
- Countly is an open-source, self-hosted product analytics tool. ⭐ 5.5k stars
- GoatCounter is a simple web analytics platform. ⭐ 4.1k stars
- Open Web Analytics is an open source alternative to commercial tools such as Google Analytics. Stay in control of the data you collect about the use of your website or app. Please consider sponsoring this project. ⭐ 2.5k stars
- Wallace is a set of CSS analyzers that check your complexity, specificity, performance, Design Tokens and much more. And all of that in a single web app. THE BEST CSS ANALYZER OUT THERE. ⭐ GitHub
- Stylelint is a mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles. ⭐ 11k stars
- PurgeCSS is a tool to remove unused CSS. It can be used as part of your development workflow. ⭐ 7.7k stars
- CSS Stats is a tool to visualize the CSS stats of a website. ⭐ 2.8k stars
Open Source Heroes is a platform that helps you find open-source projects to contribute to. It provides a list of projects that are looking for contributors, and you can filter them by programming language, issue type, and more. Awesome Open Source is a curated list of open-source projects that are looking for contributors.
- Awesome SelfHosted is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of hosting and managing applications instead of renting from Software-as-a-Service providers. ⭐ 172k stars
- Grafana is the open-source analytics and monitoring solution for every database. ⭐ 60k stars
- Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit. ⭐ 52.1k stars
- Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker. ⭐ 46.3k stars
- Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. ⭐ 30k stars
- Portainer is an open-source lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your Docker host or Swarm cluster. ⭐ 28k stars
- Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. ⭐ 26k stars
- qBittorrent is a free and open-source BitTorrent client. ⭐ 24.5k stars
- File Browser is a file manager that provides a web-based interface to manage your files. ⭐ 23k stars
- Homepage is a highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations. ⭐ 16.3k stars
- Transmission is a fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client. ⭐ 11.2k stars
- Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar3, Lidarr, DuckieTV, qBittorrent, Nefarious etc.) into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html or json response, and then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches. Jackett is a single repository of maintained indexer scraping & translation logic - removing the burden from other apps. 11.1k stars
- OpenVPN is an open-source software application that implements virtual private network techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. ⭐ 10k stars
- Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort, and rename them. ⭐ 9.8k stars
- RPI Monitor is a monitoring tool for Raspberry Pi. A monitoring solution for Docker hosts and containers with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter, and alerting with AlertManager. ⭐ 9.5k stars
- Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. 9.2k stars
- Homer is a dead simple static HOMepage for your servER to keep your services on hand, from a simple yaml configuration file. ⭐ 8.5k stars
- Heimdall is a dashboard for all your web applications. It doesn't need to be limited to applications though, you can add links to anything you like. ⭐ 7k stars
- PiVPN is a simple OpenVPN installer, designed for Raspberry Pi. ⭐ 7k stars
- Shell In A Box is a web-based terminal emulator that runs as a web-based SSH client on a web server. ⭐ 2.8k stars
- scrypted is a high performance home video integration and automation platform. ⭐ 3.7k stars
- Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. 3.3k stars
- Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. ⭐ 3k stars
- DuckieTV is a web application built with AngularJS to track your favorite tv-shows with semi-automagic torrent integration. 1.1k stars
- Nefarious is a web application that automatically downloads Movies and TV Shows. 1k stars
- WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. ⭐ GitHub
- JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be.
- cAdvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
- Techno Tim is a full stack software engineer, content creator, and a HomeLab enthusiast. ⭐ GitHub
- Christian Lempa - Educational videos about my Homelab and Tech Projects. ⭐ GitHub
- Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of addressing a growing number of use cases. ⭐ 67.2k stars
- MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use, and deploy search engine. A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow ⭐ 47k stars
- zincsearch is a lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go. ⭐ 16.3k stars
- Algolia is a hosted search engine capable of delivering real-time results from the first keystroke. ⭐ GitHub
- Solr is a standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like API. ⭐ GitHub
- The Fuck is a Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command ⭐ 83k stars
- Hyper is a terminal built on web technologies. ⭐ 36k stars
- Terminus is a terminal for a more modern age. ⭐ 12k stars
- Partytown Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker. ⭐ 12k stars
- Puter is an Open Source Personal Cloud Computer: All your files, apps, and games in one place accessible from anywhere at any time. ⭐ 3.3k stars
- First Contributions helps beginners make your first open source contribution in 5 minutes. ⭐ 42k stars
- FindIssues aims to provide you access to the most recent created issues on github which is not assigned to anyone yet, with its advance search technique. ⭐ GitHub
- First Timers Only is a list of issues that are labeled "first-timers-only". These are issues that are easy to fix and are perfect for beginners. ⭐ GitHub
- My First PR helps beginners make their first open-source contribution. ⭐ GitHub
- Up For Grabs is a list of projects with issues that are labeled "up-for-grabs". These are issues that are easy to fix and are perfect for beginners. ⭐ GitHub
- Good First Issue is a list of projects with issues that are labeled "good-first-issue". These are issues that are easy to fix and are perfect for beginners. ⭐ GitHub
- CodeTriage is a platform that helps you find open-source projects that need help. You can subscribe to projects and get a new issue in your inbox every day. ⭐ GitHub
- 24 Pull Requests is a platform that helps you find open-source projects that need help. You can get paid for fixing issues. ⭐ GitHub
- ProjectsHut is an open source web app that enables users to freely publish their projects and create user profiles within the platform ⭐ GitHub
- ProjectMate Supercharge your open-source contributions with; Discover open-source projects, connect with experienced maintainers, and collaborate with a community of passionate contributors. Join over 200+ registered users who are already making a difference. ⭐ GitHub
- Open Source Friday is a global movement that encourages open-source participation every Friday. ⭐ GitHub
- Open Source Guide is a community guide to open-source for contributors and maintainers. ⭐ 13.5k stars
- Open Source is a community of developers, designers, writers, and thinkers who believe that open-source is the way to make software better.
- Planka is a Free open source kanban board for workgroups. ⭐ 6.2k stars
- Developer portfolios is a list of developer portfolios for your inspiration. ⭐ 7k stars
- Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software. It encourages participation in the open-source community, for beginners and veterans alike.
- Dr. Link Check is a valuable web-based service designed to help website owners and administrators identify and address broken links on their websites. | Freemiun
- Broken link checker is a Node.js package that checks websites and web applications for broken links. ⭐ 1.5k stars
- Responsively is a modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool. ⭐ 21.9k stars
- DDEV is an open-source tool that makes it simple to get local development environments up and running in minutes. Docker-based local PHP+Node.js web development environments. ⭐ 2.5k stars
- Upto.Site is a free URL shortening service that allows users to create short URLs quickly and easily.
- f5bot is a free service that monitors the web for mentions of your brand, product, or other keywords. Get an email when your brand is mentioned on Reddit, Hacker News, or anywhere else on the web.
- Material Design is a collection of tools and resources for developers to build high-quality digital experiences.
- ProductiveHub enhance your productivity and help you beat procrastination, streamlining your journey to peak productivity.
- Freeter is a smarter way to work on your computer. Gather everything you need for work in one place, organized by projects and workflows, and have a quick access to them. For Win, Linux, MacOS. Free and Open-Source. ⭐ 242 stars
- Open Source Design is a community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open-source software.
- Stats: Get
up-to-date stats
on your GitHub activity and contributions, automatically integrated into your with Readme Stats. It is a dynamically generated GitHub stats on your READMEs. ⭐ 64k stars - Awesome GitHub Profile is a curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs. ⭐ 22k stars
- Best Readme Generator is another tool to generate GitHub profile READMEs by filling out a simple form. ⭐ 19.5k stars
- Readme md Generator is a tool to generate a file using a CLI. ⭐ 10.7k stars
- Metrics is a tool to generate GitHub metrics for your profile. It Support GitHub Actions. ⭐ 8.5k stars
- Skill icons is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to generate beautiful and customizable icons representing your programming languages, frameworks, tools, and other technical skills. ⭐ 6.5k stars
- Skill icons (UpToDate) is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to generate beautiful and customizable icons representing your programming languages, frameworks, tools, and other technical skills. ⭐ 81 stars
- Streak is a tool to add a dynamic GitHub streak stats to your GitHub profile. To stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! ⭐ 4k stars
- Profile Summary Cards is a tool to generate GitHub profile summary cards. ⭐ 2.3k stars
- Activity Graph is a tool to add a dynamic activity graph to your GitHub profile. ⭐ 1.4k stars
- Readme Generator is a tool to generate GitHub profile READMEs using a simple UI. It makes it easy to include features in your readme file, such as your work experience, skills, programming languages, and social media links. ⭐ 579 stars
- Typing Effect lets you add a
dynamic typing animation
to your GitHub profile as if you were typing. ⭐ 5k stars - Profile Badges lets you create
personalized badges
to highlight your skills and accomplishments in your GitHub README file. ⭐ 125 stars - Contrib Rocks is a simple way to
generate a dynamic image of contributors
to keep your file in sync. ⭐ 182 stars - Raw githubusercontent is a tool to get the raw content of a file hosted on GitHub. The URL format is:${user}/${repo}/${branch}/${path}
- Visitor Badge is a valuable tool for any GitHub user who wants to track their online presence and build community around their projects. ⭐ 20 stars
- Octicons is a scalable set of icons handcrafted by GitHub. ⭐ 8.1k stars
- Emojis is a simple emoji cheat sheet to use when writing your GitHub README file.
- Repobeats is a way to embed contributor analytics into your GitHub project's README. ⭐ GitHub
- Iconify is a modern icon framework that allows you to use over 50,000 icons from popular icon sets. ⭐ GitHub
- Google Icons is a collection of free, open-source, and customizable icons for your projects.
- Simple Icons is a collection of SVG logos for popular brands. ⭐ 17.7k stars
- Tabler Icons is a set of over 800 free and open-source icons for your web projects. ⭐ 17.4k stars
- Devicon is a collection of icons for popular programming languages, frameworks, and tools. ⭐ 8.2k stars
- Lucide is a set of free, open-source, and customizable icons for your projects. ⭐ 8.1k stars
- React Icons ⭐ 11.2k stars
- is a set of 700+ animated CSS icons. Open-source CSS, SVG and Figma UI Icons. ⭐ 10k stars
- Iconse.js is an icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by
⭐ 5k stars - Radix Icons ⭐ 2.1k stars
- Flagpack is a collection of
flags icons
in SVG format. ⭐ 568 stars - Zondicons is a set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your digital products. ⭐ 56 stars
- Hero Patterns is a collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your web projects. ⭐ GitHub
- Blurred is a Next.js Image blurDataURL generator
- Unpic is the ultimate open source toolkit for displaying images on the web. ⭐ 1.5k stars
- EmojiDB is a database of emojis.
- Gitmoji is an emoji guide for your commit messages.
- Emojicopy is a tool to copy and paste emojis.
- Emojipedia is a comprehensive resource for emojis.
- emoji-picker-element is a lightweight emoji picker, distributed as a web component. ⭐ 1.5k stars
- Conversion Tools is an online File Converter for documents, images, video, audio, and eBooks. REST API is available. Libraries for Node.js, PHP, Python. Support files up to 50 GB (for paid plans). The free tier is limited by file size and number of conversions per day.
- pdfEndpoint - Effortlessly convert HTML or URLs to PDF with a simple API. One hundred conversions per month for free.
- Free File Convert is a tool to convert files from one format to another.
- PDF To Image is a tool to convert PDF files to images.
- Squoosh Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser. ⭐ 20.6k stars
- Imagy is a tool to compress and resize your images.
- Compress jpeg is a tool to compress and resize your images.
- Compress jpg is a tool to compress and resize your images.
- Tiny png is a tool to compress your images.
- Picresize is a tool to resize, shrink, and crop your pictures online.
- Image Compressor is a tool to compress your images.
- BinShare - Create & share code or binaries. Available to share as a beautiful image e.g. for Twitter / Facebook post or as a link e.g. for chats or forums.
- Carbon - create and share code snippets in an aesthetic screenshot-like image format. Usually used to aesthetically share/show off code snippets on Twitter or blog posts.
- Codepng - Create excellent snapshots from your source code to share on social media.
- CodeToImage - Create screenshots of code or text to share on social media.
- Ray - Create beautiful images of your code snippets.
- File Coffee is a platform where you can store up to 15MB/file (30/MB file with an account).
- dafont - The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions, or public domain.
- Everything Fonts - Offers multiple tools; @font-face, Units Converter, Font Hinter and Font Submitter.
- Font Squirrel - Freeware fonts licensed for commercial work. Hand-selected these typefaces and presented them in an easy-to-use format.
- Google Fonts - Many free fonts are easy and quick to install on a website via a download or a link to Google's CDN.
- FontGet - Has a variety of fonts available to download and sorted neatly with tags.
- Fontshare - is a free fonts service. It’s a growing collection of professional-grade fonts, 100% free for personal and commercial use.
- Befonts - Provides several unique fonts for personal or commercial use.
- Font of web - Identify all the fonts used on a website and how they are used.
- free and open source service for delivering font families to websites using CSS.
- Bunny Privacy oriented Google Fonts
- Typegrow (LinkedIn Text Formatter) - A tool to format your LinkedIn posts and comments with bold, italic, and strikethrough text.
- CoreNLP is a Java suite of core NLP tools for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, parsing, coreference, sentiment analysis, etc. ⭐ 9.5k stars
- NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. ⭐ 13k stars
- Apache OpenNLP is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. ⭐ 1.5k stars
- Impress.js is a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind it is similar to PowerPoint but with more features. ⭐ 37.5k stars
- Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in real-time. It is similar to Google Docs. ⭐ 16k stars
- Surveillance Self-Defense "Tips, tools, and how-tos for safer online communications," by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Basic defense guides, tool guides, and more advanced topics covered.
- PrivacyTools "You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. PrivacyTools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance." Considered the standard for finding privacy-conscious alternatives to popular software.
- DeleteMyData Guides for the "simplest way to delete your online accounts". How to delete your account, from Amazon to Google to Facebook to LinkedIn.
- Switching Software "Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software." Mixed recommendations; some good, some bad, but overall an OK reference.
- Security In-A-Box Tools and tactics (guides) for digital security on Linux, Windows, Mac, Mobile, and Web.
- They Track You "A website to raise awareness of online privacy." Information on corporate and government tracking, defense of surveillance, and more. Very good for beginners.
- Richard Stallman Reasons for not using products and services from the biggest technology companies, by the man behind the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation.
- Figma is a web-based graphics editing and user interface design app.
- Sketch is a design toolkit for macOS.
- Canva is a free-to-use online graphic design tool that simplifies the process of creating visual content
- Shots is a tool to create beautiful screenshots for your app or website. Perfect to display your product in a professional way.
- Awesome is a curated list of awesome lists.
- Readme — Beautiful documentation made easy, free for Open Source.
- Versionfeeds — Get notified when a new version of your favorite software is released.
- Tiledesk — Open Source Live Chat and Chatbots for Customer Support.
- Rocket Chat is a free and open-source
team chat collaboration platform
that allows users to communicate securely in real-time across devices on web, desktop, or mobile and to customize their interface with a range of plugins, themes, and integrations with other key software. ⭐ 39k stars - Blynk — A SaaS with API to control, build & evaluate IoT devices. Free Developer Plan with 5 devices, Free Cloud & data storage. Mobile Apps are also available.
- Bricks Note Calculator - a note-taking app (PWA) with a powerful built-in multiline calculator.
- Code Time - an extension for time-tracking and coding metrics in VS Code, Atom, IntelliJ, Sublime Text, and more.
- Cronhooks - Schedule on-time or recurring webhooks. The free plan allows 5 ad-hoc schedules.
- Cron-job - Online cronjobs service. Unlimited jobs are free of charge.
- Datelist - Online booking / appointment scheduling system. Free up to 5 bookings per month, includes 1 calendar
- Domain Forward - A straightforward tool to forward any URL or Domain. Free up to 5 domains and 200k requests per month.
- Elementor — WordPress website builder. Free plan available with 40+ Basic Widgets.
- Form2Channel — Place a static html form on your website and receive submissions directly to Google Sheets, Email, Slack, Telegram, or HTTP. No coding is necessary.
- Format Express - Instant online format for JSON / XML / SQL.
- Fossa - Scalable, end-to-end management for third-party code, license compliance and vulnerabilities.
- Fullcontact — Help your users know more about their contacts by adding social profile to your app. 500 free Person API matches/month
- Hook Relay - Add webhook support to your app without the hassles: done-for-you queueing, retries with backoff, and logging. The free plan has 100 deliveries per day, 14-day retention, and 3 hook endpoints.
- Base64 decoder/encoder — Online free tool for decoding & encoding data.
- Newreleases - Receive notifications on email, Slack, Telegram, Discord, and custom webhooks for new releases from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Python PyPI, Java Maven, Node.js NPM, Node.js Yarn, Ruby Gems, PHP Packagist, .NET NuGet, Rust Cargo and Docker Hub.
- OnlineExifViewer — View EXIF data online instantly for a photo including GPS location and metadata.
- PDFMonkey — Manage PDF templates in a dashboard, call the API with dynamic data, and download your PDF. Offers 300 free documents per month.
- QuickType - Quickly auto-generate models/class/type/interface and serializers from JSON, schema, and GraphQL for working with data quickly & safely in any programming language. Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language.
- RandomKeygen - A free mobile-friendly tool that offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service, or device.
- Redirection — SaaS tool for managing HTTP redirections for businesses, marketing and SEO.
- Redirect pizza - Easily manage redirects with HTTPS support. The free plan includes 10 sources and 100,000 hits per month.
- ReqBin — Post HTTP Requests Online. Popular Request Methods include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD. Supports Headers and Token Authentication. Includes a basic login system for saving your requests.
- Smartcar API - An API for cars to locate, get fuel tank, battery levels, odometer, unlock/lock doors, etc.
- Snappify - Enables developers to create stunning visuals. From beautiful code snippets to fully fletched technical presentations. The free plan includes up to 3 snaps at once with unlimited downloads and 5 AI-powered code explanations per month.
- Sunrise and Sunset - Get sunrise and sunset times for a given longitude and latitude.
- Superfeedr — Real-time PubSubHubbub compliant feeds, export, analytics. Free with less customization
- Videoinu — Create and edit screen recordings and other videos online.
- Meta Tags — Identify the metadata of a webpage.
- Awesome Design Tools is the best design tools and plugins for everything
- ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 family of large language models.
- Gemini is a assistant like ChatGPT, but you can upload photos and for free and it can access the internet. Successor of Google Bard.\
- OpenAI GPT-model powered AI chatbot that's connected to the web. Find articles or ask for current info.
- Phind AI chatbot built for developers in a chat-like form.
- Poe Poe is chat-based AI. Uses GPT-3.5.
- TensorFlow is an Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone ⭐ 190k stars
- Hugging Face - The AI community building the future. ⭐ 124k stars
- PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features: Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration. Deep neural networks built on a tape-based autograd system ⭐ 77.3k stars
- Keras 3 is a multi-backend deep learning framework, with support for JAX, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. ⭐ 61k stars
- OpenAI is an AI research lab ⭐ 55k stars
- FastAI deep learning library ⭐ 25.5k stars
- Allen AI ⭐ GitHub
- DeepAI ⭐ GitHub
- Cody is a coding AI assistant that uses AI and a deep understanding of your codebase to help you write and understand code faster. ⭐ 1.7k stars
- Awesome-chatgpt
- AI Test Kitchen is a platform with currently 3 AI's: ImageFX: allows you to make AI images, MusicFX: Allows you to generate AI Music, TextFX: Can explain words.
- Codeium is a free AI-powered code completion tool. Codeium autocompletes your code with AI in all major IDEs. ⭐ 3k stars
- CodeWhisperer is a code-suggestion tool built by Amazon. It comes equipped with a feature that enables it to conduct security scans on your code.
- Tabnine helps developers create better software, faster by providing insights learned from all the code in the world.
- Hacker Tab is a new tab extension that shows you the latest news from Hacker News, Designer News, Product Hunt, GitHub, and Reddit. ⭐ 586 stars
- Reddit Programming is a subreddit for discussion and news about computer programming.
- TLDR Newsletter is a daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech.
- GitHub trending is a daily snapshot of the most popular projects on GitHub by the number of stars.
- is a browser extension that shows you the latest tech news, tutorials, and tools in your new tab. ⭐ 17.5k stars
- Hugo is the world’s fastest framework for building modern static site websites written in Go. ⭐ 72k stars
- Nuxt is a higher-level framework built on top of Vue.js. ⭐ 52k stars
- Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. ⭐ 48k stars
- Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps. ⭐ 42k stars
- Hexo is a fast, simple, and powerful blog framework. ⭐ 39k stars
- VuePress is a minimalistic static site generator with a Vue-powered theming system. ⭐ 22k stars
- SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications of all sizes, with a beautiful development experience and flexible filesystem-based routing. ⭐ 18k stars
- Eleventy is a simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Written in JavaScript. ⭐ 16k stars
- Zola is a fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. ⭐ 12.5k stars
- Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python. ⭐ 12k stars
- Gridsome is a Vue.js-powered static site generator for building CDN-ready websites for any headless CMS, local files, or APIs. ⭐ 8.5k stars
- Statichunt is a free open-source Jamstack directory that lists hundreds of themes, starters, and resources for static sites. ⭐ 151 stars
- taxonomy is an open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.⭐ 17.4k stars
- Docusaurus is a modern documentation site generator by Facebook. ⭐ 52k stars
- DevDocs is a free and open-source tool for developers that combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. ⭐ 34k stars
- Docsify is a simple and lightweight documentation site generator. ⭐ 26k stars
- GitBook is a knowledge management tool for engineering teams. ⭐ 26k stars
- Docz is a tool for building documentation websites. ⭐ 24k stars
- MkDocs is a simple static site generator for building project documentation. ⭐ 18k stars
- jsdoc is an API documentation generator for JavaScript. It
automatically generates
documentation from your code. ⭐ 15k stars - typedoc is a documentation generator for TypeScript projects. it
automatically generates
documentation from your code. ⭐ 7k stars - Starlight (Astro) Has everything you need to build a stellar documentation website. Fast, accessible, and easy-to-use. ⭐ 4.5k stars
- Docsy is a Hugo theme for technical documentation sites, providing easy site navigation, structure, and more. ⭐ 2.5k stars
Comparison of major documentation tools:
Feature | jsDoc | typedoc | Move Docsify | Move Docusaurus |
Focus | JavaScript code | TypeScript code | General docs | General docs |
Documentation source | Code comments | Type annotations | Markdown, etc. | Markdown, etc. |
Output format | HTML, Markdown, etc. | HTML, Markdown, etc. | Static website | Static website |
Flexibility | Lower | Lower | Higher | Higher |
- JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted Programming language. ⭐ GitHub
- React is a JavaScript library. ⭐ 220k stars
- Next.js is a React framework. ⭐ 119k stars
- Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. ⭐ 76.9k stars
- Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework. ⭐ 45k stars
- Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. ⭐ 77k stars
- Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. ⭐ 95k stars
- Astro is a new kind of static site builder that delivers lightning-fast performance with a modern developer experience. ⭐ 44k stars
- Preact is a fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API. ⭐ 37k stars
- Solid is a declarative JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. ⭐ 32k stars
- htmx is a high power tools for HTML ⭐ 32k stars
- Alpine is a minimal, lightweight, JS framework. ⭐ 28k stars
- Hyperapp is a 1 KB JavaScript library for building frontend applications. ⭐ 20k stars
- Inferno is an extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces. ⭐ 16k stars
- Aurelia is a JavaScript client framework for mobile, desktop, and web leveraging simple conventions and empowering creativity. ⭐ 12k stars
- Cycle.js is a functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code. ⭐ 11k stars
- Analog is the fullstack Angular meta-framework. ⭐ 3k stars
- Filamentphp is a beautifully designed open-source admin panel for Laravel. ⭐GitHub
- Pkl lang is a configuration-as-code language that offers rich validation and tooling. ⭐ GitHub
- SitePoint is a hub for web developers to share their passion for building incredible Internet things.
- Chat.zulip is a powerful, open source group chat application that combines the immediacy of real-time chat with the productivity benefits of threaded conversations.
- A list apart is a webzine that explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
- Speckyboy is an online magazine for web designers and developers.
- Freenom is a domain name registrar that provides free domain registration services.
- is a free domain dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community. ⭐ 5.1k stars
- is a service that allows developers to get a sweet-looking subdomain for their personal websites. ⭐ 2.5k stars
- Bust A Name is a tool to help you find the perfect domain name.
- Lean Domain Search is a tool to help you search for and register available domain names in seconds.
- Domainr is a domain search tool that helps you explore top-level domains and find the perfect domain name.
- Vercel
- Netlify
- Heroku
- GitHub Pages
- Surge is a static web publishing for Front-End Developers. ⭐ 2.8k stars
- Render
- Cloudinary is a cloud-based image and video management solution. ⭐ GitHub
- imgur is a free image hosting service. ⭐ k stars
- Imgix is a real-time image processing and delivery service. ⭐ k stars
- Cloudimage is a smart image management solution. ⭐ k stars
- Imagekit is a real-time image optimization and delivery service. ⭐ k stars
- Sirv is a real-time image optimization and delivery service. ⭐ k stars
- Uploadcare is a cloud-based file handling solution. ⭐ k stars
- jsDelivr is a free Open Source CDN for open source projects. ⭐ 6k stars
- CDNjs is a community-driven content delivery network for web-related libraries. 🤖 CDN assets - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. ⭐ 5k stars
- Resolver A free public DNS resolver provided by Cloudflare with fast and secure DNS resolution.
- AdGuard DNS allows you to control web traffic on your devices by blocking ads, trackers, and malicious domains.
- Bunny DNS provides DNS hosting with 20 million free queries.
- Cloudflare Nameservers Cloudflare DNS is an enterprise-grade authoritative DNS service. It offers fast response times, high redundancy, advanced security features like built-in DDoS mitigation and DNSSEC.
- Duck DNS offers free dynamic DNS (DDNS) with support for up to 5 domains on the free tier. It provides configuration guides for various setups.
- Glauca Nameservers Glauca offers free DNS hosting for up to 3 domains with DNSSEC support.
- Google Public DNS is a DNS service developed by Google.
- Namecheap FreeDNSFreeDNS allows you to keep your domain visible on the internet. It provides DNS hosting with secondary DNS backup to ensure availability.
- NextDNS Resolver Similar to AdGuard DNS, a DNS resolution service which allows you to specify allow/deny lists
- No-IP Nameservers Create an easy to remember hostname and never lose your connection again.
- OpenDNS offers a suite of consumer products that aim to make your internet faster, safer, and more reliable.
- Quad9 is a security and privacy focused non-profit DNS service with no IP logging.
- Dnscrypt-Proxy A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols.
- DNSCrypt v2
- DNS-over-HTTPS
- Anonymized DNSCrypt.
- FreeSSL is a free SSL certificate provider that offers free SSL certificates for single domains, with a simple and quick verification process.
- InfinityFree offers free SSL certificates with fast installation for your InfinityFree account.
- Let's Encrypt is a widely trusted and fully automated SSL certificate provider, offering free SSL certificates to secure your website.
- SSL offers free 90-day SSL certificates for single domains and provides various paid certificate options.
- WoSign provides free SSL certificates for single domains; however, they are not as widely trusted as Let's Encrypt.
- ZeroSSL Provides account driven SSL management and monitoring, certificates are provisioned with a 90 day lifespan on the free tier.
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
- Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web and other information on the Internet.
- Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.
- Software Archive is a collection of software and software-related materials.
- Music Archive is a collection of music and music-related materials.
- Video Archive is a collection of movies and videos.
- Image Archive is a collection of images.
- Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps, and manuscripts in its collections.
- Organism Earth's The Library is a collection of free books, articles, and other resources.
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