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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 11, 2025. It is now read-only.

OpenAPI definition plugin for server applications based on OpenFusion.


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OpenFusion OpenAPI Plugin


Due to the release of the official API for OpenFusion from part of the OpenFusion team, I decided to archive this repository for ever (for good), meaning no further changes will be applied to this project.

OpenAPI definition plugin for server applications based on OpenFusion.


  • Java - Version 17

  • Database - An existent SQLite database of OpenFusion

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server that supports MIME messages and TLS connections

  • Environment variables

    Variable Type Description Required Default Example
    CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS String The origins that are allowed to access the application, separated by , Yes None http://localhost:3000,
    DATABASE_PATH String The path to the OpenFusion database to connect Yes None C:\Users\user\Desktop\OpenFusion\database.db
    ISSUER_NAME String The name of the entity that will provide JSON Web Tokens and send emails Yes None Great Fusion
    JWT_SECRET String The secret to sign/verify JSON Web Tokens Yes None <JSON Web Token Secret>
    MAIL_SERVER_FROM_ACCOUNT_RELATED_EMAIL_ADDRESS String The e-mail address that will be used to send e-mails related to account management Yes None [email protected]
    MAIL_SERVER_HOST String The host address where the SMTP server is running on No
    MAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD String The password of the user who will send e-mails Yes None <mail server password>
    MAIL_SERVER_PORT Integer The port where the SMTP server is running on No 587 587
    MAIL_SERVER_USERNAME String The user who will be used to sign into the SMTP server Yes None [email protected]
    PORT Integer The port where the application will run on No 8080 80
    PUBLIC_ADDRESS String The public address where clients and browsers will be able to access the application from No http://localhost:8080
    VERIFICATION_TOKEN_SALT_KEY String The salt key to encrypt and decrypt verification tokens Yes None <verification token salt key>
    VERIFICATION_TOKEN_SECURITY_KEY String The key to encrypt and decrypt verification tokens Yes None <verification token security key>


    • All required environment variables must be set before running the application.
    • Never give environment variable values to non-administrator users, since they could hack your server instance.
    • You can generate secrets using tools like Random Key Gen. 256-bit keys are recommended.
    • For setting the PUBLIC_ADDRESS environment variable, you can use your domain name or your public IP address.
    • For security reasons, it is recommended to use a dedicated e-mail account to send e-mails.
    • For security reasons, VERIFICATION_TOKEN_SALT_KEY and VERIFICATION_TOKEN_SECURITY_KEY must be different from each other.
    • For setting up the MAIL_SERVER_* environment variables, check out the SMTP Server setup section.


SSL Configuration

To enable SSL, you can use any of the following methods:

Once you have chosen a method to enable SSL, you can pass the necessary JVM arguments to the application by passing each argument following the -D flag when running the application.

Note that you can also use a reverse proxy (e.g. Nginx, Apache, etc.).


You can check the current state of features here.

API Documentation

The API documentation is available at the endpoint /docs. Keep in mind that the API documentation is only available for users with any of the following levels of permissions:

  • DEVELOPER (Level 50)
  • GAME MASTER (Level 30)
  • MASTER (Level 1)

User Interface

The user interface is available at the endpoint /auth/login.


Using Docker (Recommended)

In order to run the application using Docker, you must have Docker installed on your machine.

For running the application with Docker, you will need to mount both the database and the SSL key store files using Docker volumes and map port 8080 to your host machine.

Docker CLI

  • Windows

    # For running the application without SSL
    > docker run -dp 8080:8080 \
        -v <path\to\database>:${DATABASE_PATH} \
        --env-file <path\to\env\file> \
        --name <container-name> \
        juansecu/openfusion-openapi-plugin:v<version number>
    # For running the application with SSL
    > docker run -dp 8080:8080 \
        -v <path\to\database>:${DATABASE_PATH} \
        <additional volumes for SSL certificates> \
        --env-file <path\to\env\file> \
        --name <container-name> \
        --entrypoint "java <JVM arguments> -jar /app/app.jar" \
        juansecu/openfusion-openapi-plugin:v<version number>
  • MacOS/Linux

    # For running the application without SSL
    $ docker run -dp 8080:8080 \
        -v <path/to/database>:${DATABASE_PATH} \
        --env-file <path/to/env/file> \
        --name <container-name> \
        juansecu/openfusion-openapi-plugin:v<version number>
    # For running the application with SSL
    $ docker run -dp 8080:8080 \
        -v <path/to/database>:${DATABASE_PATH} \
        <additional volumes for SSL certificates> \
        --env-file <path/to/env/file> \
        --name <container-name> \
        --entrypoint "java <JVM arguments> -jar /app/app.jar" \
        juansecu/openfusion-openapi-plugin:v<version number>

Docker Compose

For running the application with Docker Compose, you can use the Docker Compose file provided in this repository for development and production, but for production, you will also need to remove the build property from the openapi service, change the image property to juansecu/openfusion-openapi-plugin:v<version number> and configure the following environment variables:

  • LOCAL_DATABASE_PATH - The path in the host machine to the OpenFusion database to connect
Adding SSL

For running the application with SSL, you will need to set the necessary JVM arguments in the command property of the openapi service, and mount the SSL certificate files using Docker volumes.

# Windows
      - <path\to\database>:/app/database
      # Additional volumes for SSL certificates...
    command: java <JVM arguments> -jar /app/app.jar

# MacOS/Linux
      - <path/to/database>:/app/database
      # Additional volumes for SSL certificates...
    command: java <JVM arguments> -jar /app/app.jar

After configuring the environment variables, you can run the application using the following command:

$ docker compose up -d

Using Java

For running the application with Java, you will need to set the necessary environment variables and follow the instructions below.

For Development

In order to run the application for development, you will need to clone this repository, compile the application and run it using the following commands:

  • Windows

    # --- BUILDING ---
    # For building the application without running tests
    > .\mvnw package -DskipTests
    # For building the application and running tests (not working yet)
    > .\mvnw package
    # --- RUNNING ---
    # For running the application
    > java -jar .\target\openfusion-openapi-plugin-<version number>.jar
  • MacOS/Linux

    # --- BUILDING ---
    # For building the application without running tests
    $ ./mvnw package -DskipTests
    # For building the application and running tests (not working yet)
    $ ./mvnw package
    # --- RUNNING ---
    # For running the application
    $ java -jar ./target/openfusion-openapi-plugin-<version number>.jar

For Production

In order to run the application for production, you will only need to download the latest release from the releases page, set the necessary environment variables and run the application using the following command:

  • Windows

    > java -jar .\openfusion-openapi-plugin-<version number>.jar
  • MacOS/Linux

    $ java -jar ./openfusion-openapi-plugin-<version number>.jar


All notable changes to this project are documented in the file.

Special Thanks

  • CakeCancelot - For clarifying some doubts about the differences between OpenFusion Future version and OpenFusion Academy version databases, how the permissions system works in OpenFusion and validations for user input
  • Ege_E・The Aegean - For clarifying some doubts about the use of OpenFusion graphical assets
  • Finn Hornhoover - For providing information about how time stuff works in OpenFusion
  • Jade - For providing information about how the banning system works in OpenFusion
  • Ninjser - For providing initial stuff for user interface
  • TomTheHuman - For providing the hologram character from OpenFusion


OpenAPI definition plugin for server applications based on OpenFusion.







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