Releases: Judopay/DotNetSDK
Releases · Judopay/DotNetSDK
- Update Api-Version to 6.21
Incremental Auth
- Add optional AllowIncrement boolean flag to CardPaymentModel for CIT preAuths that can be incremented before they are fully collected
- Add optional AllowIncrement boolean flag to WebPaymentRequestModel for payment sessions created through JudoPayDotNet.Clients.WebPayments.IPreAuths (should not be specified on IPayments or ICheckCards)
- Add AllowIncrement to GetWebPaymentResponseModel
- Add JudoPayDotNet.Clients.IPreAuths.IncrementAuth method to increase the authorised amount for an existing CIT preAuth that was set -with AllowIncrement=true
- Add AllowIncrement to PaymentReceiptModel, true on receipts for CIT preAuths that have that flag set to true in the request
- Add IsIncrementalAuth to PaymentReceiptMode, true on receipts for call to incrementalAuth endpoint
Breaking changes
- Remove DelayedAuthorisation request attribute from PaymentModel and WebPaymentRequestModel, and from the response GetWebPaymentResponseModel (use the new incremental authorisation feature instead)
- Drop issueNumber (no longer exposed as a request attribute on Judo Transaction API)
- Drop IRegisterCards interface - ICheckCard or IPreAuths should be used instead
- Remove RecurringPayment, RecurringPaymentType, RelatedReceiptId from CheckCardModel
- Default Api-Version updated to 6.20
- Add ShortUrl to WebPaymentResponseModel
- Add DelayedAuthorisation request attribute to WebPaymentRequestModel (for use in PreAuths only)
- Add ShortReference and DelayedAuthorisation to GetWebPaymentResponseModel
- Update FluentValidation dependency to version 11.8
- Default Api-Version updated to 6.19
- Update UserAgent to start with JudoDotNetSDK
Breaking changes
- ReceiptId is now a string rather than a long (on requests as well as responses)
- Remove support for ConsumerToken, use YourConsumerReference instead
- Remove support for OneUseTokens
- Remove support for ThreeDSecure 1.x
- Removed attributes that are no longer supported on Judo transaction API
- PaymentModel
- PartnerServiceFee
- ConsumerLocation
- DeviceCategory (use ThreeDSecureTwoModel.AuthenticationSource instead)
- AcceptHeaders moved to ThreeDSecureTwoPaymentModel
- UserAgent moved to ThreeDSecureTwoPaymentModel
- SaveCardModel
- IssueNumber (no longer required for Maestro transactions)
- StartDate (no longer required for Maestro transactions)
- PaymentReceiptModel
- PartnerServiceFee
- KountTransactionId
- Refunds
- PostCodeCheckResult (Risks block should be used instead)
- Recurring (RecurringPaymentType should be used instead)
- CollectionModel
- PartnerServiceFee
- RefundModel
- PartnerServiceFee
- WebPaymentRequestModel
- ClientIpAddress
- ClientUserAgent
- PartnerServiceFee
- CardAddressModel
- Line1/2/3 (use Address1/2/3 instead)
- WebPaymentCardAddress
- Line1/2/3 (use Address1/2/3 instead)
- PaymentModel
- Changed PaymentModel.ClientDetails to only accept a string key and value (encrypted by MobileSDK using DeviceDNA)
- Changed PaymentModel.YourPaymentMetaData and WebPaymentRequestModel.YourPaymentMetaData signature from IDictionary<string, string> to IDictionary<string, object>
- Rename PkPaymentModel to ApplePayPaymentModel
- Rename BillingAddress to BillingContact and change object type to match Apple payload
- Remove ShippingAddress
- Remove PaymentInstrumentName and PaymentNetwork, replace with ApplePayPaymentModel
- Remove IPayments.Update and IPreAuths.Update and replace it with IPayments.Cancel and IPreAuths.Cancel that takes a reference parameter.
New attributes/models
- PaymentModel
- RelatedPaymentNetworkTransactionId
- DelayedAuthorisation (for preauths only)
- SaveCardModel
- CardHolderName
- TokenPaymentModel
- CardAddress
- PaymentReceiptModel
- NoOfAuthAttempts (only populated in historic receipts)
- ThreeDSecureReceiptModel
- ChallengeRequestIndicator
- ScaExemption
- WalletType
- GooglePay
- ApplePay
- GooglePayPaymentModel
- RiskModel
- Cv2Check
- ReferencingTransactionBase
- YourPaymentReference
- WebPaymentRequestModel
- IsPayByLink
- PrimaryAccountDetails
- GetWebPaymentResponseModel extending WebPaymentRequestModel that includes the attribtues returned in response to Transactions.Get that are not relevant for calls to create a web payment session
- CompanyName
- PaymentSuccessUrl
- PaymentCancelUrl
- Reference
- Response
- Status
- TransactionType (set on request by which interface was used)
- Receipt
- AllowedCardTypes (new)
- IsThreeDSecureTwo (new)
- NoOfAuthAttempts (new)
New/updated methods
- IPayments
- Cancel
- IPreAuths
- Cancel
- ICheckCards
- Cancel
- Transactions
- Get
- add from request parameter
- add to request parameter
- add yourPaymentReference request parameter
- add yourConsumerReference request parameter
- now returns GetWebPaymentResponseModel
- Get
- Default Api-Version updated to 6.16
- Allow primary account details to be set on ResumeThreeDSecureTwoModel and CompleteThreeDSecureTwoModel for MCC 6012 transactions
- Add RecurringPaymentType (RECURRING/MIT) to receipt responses
- Add PaymentNetworkTransactionId to receipt responses
- Default Api-Version updated to 6.15
ThreeDSecure Two
- Add 3ds2 fields to WebPaymentRequestModel
- Enable the SDK to perform a 3DS2 flow going directly to the Challenge step
- Add CheckCard WebPayments support
- Add State to WebPaymentCardAddress
- Add dynamic response URLs
- Api-Version updated to 6.6
ThreeDSecure Two
- Introduced "challengeRequestIndicator" in transaction request models
- Introduced "scaExemption" in transaction request models
- Made "cv2" optional for Resume and Complete calls
- Added "eci" in the receipt's ThreeDSecure block
General changes
- Made "amount" optional for collection, void and refund
- Added "authCode", "acquirer" and "webPaymentReference" in response models
- Added "primaryAccountDetails" fields in RegisterCard and CheckCard models
- Base APIs updated to use ( for sandbox testing) with certificate pinning checks against public keys
- Api-Version updated to 6.2
ThreeDSecure Two
- See for example
- Added CardHolderName, MobileNumber, PhoneCountryCode, EmailAddress and new ThreeDSecureTwo model to CardPaymentModel, TokenPaymentModel, OneTimePaymentModel, RegisterCardModel, RegisterEncryptedCardModel, CheckCardModel and CheckEncryptedCardModel
- ThreeDSecureTwoModel contains AuthenticationSource, MethodNotificationUrl and ChallengeNotificationUrl
- Add new PaymentRequiresThreeDSecureTwoModel which will be returned with MethodUrl populated if a device details check is required, or ChallengeUrl populated if a consumer challenge is required.
- Add new Resume3DSecureTwo method (to be called after device details check) and Complete3DSecureTwo (to be called after consumer challenge) method to IThreeDS
Request validation
- Delegate request model validation to backing API, return field error codes from backing API (error messages may change between releases but error codes will stay consistent so should be used for processing instead of messages)
Other model changes
- Add WebPaymentReference to PaymentModel to flag transactions that were created from an associated web payment
- Add ClientDetails to RegisterCardModel and RefundModel
- Add Address1/Address2/Address3 to CardAddressModel (deprecate Line1/Line2/Line3)
- Adding authentication by Payment Session when build a JudoPayApi
- Adding Address1, 2 and 3 fields and Country Code
- Removing Country
- Setting Line1, 2 and 3 as Obsolete