add Aqua and add compat entries in Project.toml #203
2 errors and 1 warning
Git failed to fetch [email protected]:JuliaIO/FileIO.jl.git
This can be caused by a DOCUMENTER_KEY variable that is not correctly set up.
Make sure that the environment variable is properly set up as a Base64-encoded string
of the SSH private key. You may need to re-generate the keys with DocumenterTools.
Failed to push:
exception =
failed process: Process(`git fetch upstream`, ProcessExited(128)) [128]
[1] pipeline_error
@ Base ./process.jl:597 [inlined]
[2] run(::Cmd; wait::Bool)
@ Base ./process.jl:512
[3] run
@ ./process.jl:509 [inlined]
[4] (::Documenter.var"#git_commands#27"{String, String, SubString{String}, String, Vector{Any}, Bool, String, String})(sshconfig::String)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:554
[5] (::Documenter.var"#26#32"{String})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:659
[6] cd(f::Documenter.var"#26#32"{String}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[7] #25
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:659 [inlined]
[8] withenv(f::Documenter.var"#25#31"{String, String}, keyvals::Pair{String, String})
@ Base ./env.jl:256
[9] (::Documenter.var"#24#30"{String, String, SubString{String}, String})(sshconfig::String, io::IOStream)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:658
[10] mktemp(fn::Documenter.var"#24#30"{String, String, SubString{String}, String}, parent::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:771
[11] mktemp(fn::Function)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:769
[12] git_push(root::String, temp::String, repo::String; branch::String, dirname::String, target::String, sha::SubString{String}, devurl::String, versions::Vector{Any}, forcepush::Bool, deploy_config::Documenter.GitHubActions, subfolder::String, is_preview::Bool)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:643
[13] git_push
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:530 [inlined]
[14] #18
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:508 [inlined]
[15] mktempdir(fn::Documenter.var"#18#20"{SubString{String}, String, String, String, String, Vector{Any}, Bool, Documenter.GitHubActions, Bool, String, String, String}, parent::String; prefix::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:800
[16] mktempdir(fn::Function, parent::String) (repeats 2 times)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:796
[17] (::Documenter.var"#17#19"{String, String, String, Nothing, String, Vector{Any}, Bool, Documenter.GitHubActions, Bool, String, String, String})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:507
[18] cd(f::Documenter.var"#17#19"{String, String, String, Nothing, String, Vector{Any}, Bool, Documenter.GitHubActions, Bool, String, String, String}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[19] #deploydocs#16
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bFHi4/src/Documenter.jl:484 [inlined]
[20] top-level scope
@ ~/work/FileIO.jl/FileIO.jl/docs/make.jl:20
[21] include(fname::String)
@ Main ./sysimg.jl:38
[22] top-level scope
@ none:8
[23] eval
@ Core ./boot.jl:428 [inlined]
[24] exec_options(opts::Base.JLOptions)
@ Base ./client.jl:291
[25] _start()
@ Base ./client.jl:525
5 docstrings not included in the manual:
FileIO.detectisom :: Tuple{Any} :: Tuple{Union{Type, Formatted}}
FileIO.handle_exceptions :: Tuple{Vector, Any}
These are docstrings in the checked modules (configured with the modules keyword)
that are not included in @docs or @autodocs blocks.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.