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Brehard etal (#500)
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* incorporate work of Brehard et. al.

* use suggestions of AP



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jverzani authored May 23, 2023
1 parent ffb1d73 commit fd31502
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Showing 4 changed files with 240 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name = "Polynomials"
uuid = "f27b6e38-b328-58d1-80ce-0feddd5e7a45"
license = "MIT"
author = "JuliaMath"
version = "3.2.11"
version = "3.2.12"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
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266 changes: 235 additions & 31 deletions src/polynomials/multroot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,21 @@ using ..Polynomials
using LinearAlgebra

multroot(p; verbose=false, kwargs...)
multroot(p; verbose=false, method=:direct, kwargs...)
Use `multroot` algorithm of
to identify roots of polynomials with suspected multiplicities over
`Float64` values, typically.
* `p`: a standard basis polynomial
* `method`: If `:direct` uses a method of Brehard, Poteaux, and Soudant to identify the multiplicity structure of the roots, if `:iterative` uses the Zeng method.
The keyword arguments can be used to adjust the floating-point tolerances.
Returns a named tuple with the identified roots (`values`), the corresponding multiplicities (`multiplicities`) and estimates for the condition number (`κ`) and the backward error (`‖p̃ - p‖_w`).
Expand All @@ -25,9 +33,9 @@ julia> roots(p)
5-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
0.999999677417768 + 0.0im
1.0000003225831504 + 0.0im
1.4141705716005981 + 0.0im
1.4142350577588885 - 3.72273772278647e-5im
1.4142350577588885 + 3.72273772278647e-5im
1.4141705716005881 + 0.0im
1.4142350577588914 - 3.722737728087131e-5im
1.4142350577588914 + 3.722737728087131e-5im
julia> m = Polynomials.Multroot.multroot(p);
Expand All @@ -37,15 +45,19 @@ Dict{Float64, Int64} with 2 entries:
1.0 => 2
## Extended help
The algorithm has two stages. First it uses `pejorative_manifold` to
identify the number of distinct roots and their multiplicities. This
uses the fact if `p=Π(x-zᵢ)ˡⁱ`, `u=gcd(p, p′)`, and `u⋅v=p` then
`v=Π(x-zi)` is square free and contains the roots of `p` and `u` holds
the multiplicity details, which are identified by recursive usage of
`ncgd`, which identifies `u` and `v` above even if numeric
uncertainties are present.
the multiplicity details. The `:iterative` method of Zeng identifies
the multiplicities by recursive usage of `ncgd`, which identifies `u`
and `v` above even if numeric uncertainties are present. The, default,
`:direct` method of Brehard, Poteaux, and Soudant uses division and
does a better job for polynomials of larger degrees.
Second it uses `pejorative_root` to improve a set of initial guesses
Second the algorithm uses `pejorative_root` to improve a set of initial guesses
for the roots under the assumption the multiplicity structure is
correct using a Newton iteration scheme.
Expand All @@ -57,13 +69,14 @@ multiplicity structure:
`Polynomials.ngcd` to assess if a matrix is rank deficient by
comparing the smallest singular value to `θ ⋅ ‖p‖₂`.
* `ρ`: the initial residual tolerance, set to `1e-10`. This is passed
* `ρ`: the initial residual tolerance, set to `1e-13`. This is passed
to `Polynomials.ngcd`, the GCD finding algorithm as a measure for
the absolute tolerance multiplied by `‖p‖₂`.
the absolute tolerance multiplied by `‖p‖₂`. (For the `:iterative`
method, a suggested value is `1e-10`.
* `ϕ`: A scale factor, set to `100`. As the `ngcd` algorithm is called
recursively, this allows the residual tolerance to scale up to match
increasing numeric errors.
recursively for the `:iterative` method, this allows the residual tolerance
to scale up to match increasing numeric errors.
Returns a named tuple with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,48 +105,82 @@ function multroot(p::Polynomials.StandardBasisPolynomial{T}; verbose=false,
return (values=zeros(T,1), multiplicities=[nz-1], κ=NaN, ϵ=NaN)

# Basic algorithm is two steps
z, l = pejorative_manifold(p; kwargs...)
= pejorative_root(p, z, l)
κ, ϵ = stats(p, z̃, l)

verbose && show_stats(κ, ϵ)

(values = z̃, multiplicities = l, κ = κ, ϵ = ϵ)


# The multiplicity structure, `l`, gives rise to a pejorative manifold
# `Πₗ = {Gₗ(z) | z ∈ Cᵐ}`. This first finds the approximate roots, then
# finds the multiplicity structure
function pejorative_manifold(p::Polynomials.StandardBasisPolynomial{T,X};
θ = 1e-8, # zero singular-value threshold
ρ = 1e-10, # initial residual tolerance
ϕ = 100 # residual growth factor
) where {T,X}

# compute initial root approximations with multiplicities
# without any information

# With method = :direct, use the direct method of Brehard, Poteaux, and Soudant
# based on the cofactors v,w s.t. p = u*v and q = u*w

# With method = :iterative, use the iterative strategy of Zeng
# to recover the multiplicities associated to the computed roots

# Better performing :direct method by Florent Bréhard, Adrien Poteaux, and Léo Soudant [Validated root enclosures for interval polynomials with multiplicities](preprint)

function pejorative_manifold(
method = :direct,
θ = 1e-8, # zero singular-value threshold
ρ = 1e-13, # initial residual tolerance, was 1e-10
ϕ = 100, # residual growth factor
) where {T,X}

S = float(T)
u = Polynomials.PnPolynomial{S,X}(S.(coeffs(p)))

nu₂ = norm(u, 2)
θ′, ρ′ = θ * nu₂, ρ * nu₂
θ2, ρ2 = θ * nu₂, ρ * nu₂

u, v, w, ρⱼ, κ = Polynomials.ngcd(u, derivative(u);
satol = θ′, srtol = zero(real(T)),
atol = ρ′, rtol = zero(real(T))
u, v, w, ρⱼ, κ = Polynomials.ngcd(
u, derivative(u),
satol = θ2, srtol = zero(real(T)),
atol = ρ2, rtol = zero(real(T)))
ρⱼ /= nu₂

# root approximations
zs = roots(v)
ls = pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(u,
zs, ρⱼ,
θ, ρ, ϕ)
zs, ls

# recover multiplicities
ls = pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(Val(method),
u, v, w,
zs, nothing,
ρⱼ, θ, ρ, ϕ;

return zs, ls


## ------- Step 1, get multiplicities
# recover the multiplicity of each root approximation
# using the `:iterative` method of Zeng
function pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(
ρⱼ,θ, ρ, ϕ;
kwargs...) where {T}

function pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(u::Polynomials.PnPolynomial{T},
zs, ρⱼ,
θ, ρ, ϕ) where {T}
nrts = length(zs)
ls = ones(Int, nrts)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +208,26 @@ function pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(u::Polynomials.PnPolynomial{T},


# Use `:direct` method of Bréhard, Poteaux, and Soudant
# to recover the multiplicity of each approximate root
# directly from the cofactors v, w s.t. p = u*v and q = u*w
function pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(
kwargs...) where {T}

dv = derivative(v)
ls = w.(zs) ./ dv.(zs)
ls = round.(Int, real.(ls))

return ls

pejorative_root(p, zs, ls; kwargs...)
Expand All @@ -174,10 +241,11 @@ This follows Algorithm 1 of [Zeng](
function pejorative_root(p::Polynomials.StandardBasisPolynomial,
zs::Vector{S}, ls; kwargs...) where {S}
ps = (reverse coeffs)(p)
ps = reverse(coeffs(p))
pejorative_root(ps, zs, ls; kwargs...)

# p is [1, a_{n-1}, a_{n-2}, ..., a_1, a_0]
function pejorative_root(p, zs::Vector{S}, ls;
τ = eps(float(real(S)))^(2/3),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,4 +386,140 @@ function show_stats(κ, ϵ)

## ---- Some alternatives
# compute initial root approximations with multiplicities
# when the number k of distinct roots is known
# If method=direct and leastsquares=true, compute the cofactors v,w
# using least-squares rather than Zeng's AGCD refinement strategy
function pejorative_manifold(
method = :direct,
leastsquares = false,
roundmul = true,
θ = 1e-8, # zero singular-value threshold
ρ = 1e-10, # initial residual tolerance
ϕ = 100, # residual growth factor
) where {T,X}

error("Does this get called?")

S = float(T)
u = Polynomials.PnPolynomial{S,X}(S.(coeffs(p)))

nu₂ = norm(u, 2)

if method == :direct && leastsquares
v,w = _ngcd(u,k)
u, v, w, ρⱼ, κ = Polynomials.ngcd(u, derivative(u), degree(u)-k)
ρⱼ /= nu₂

# root approximations
zs = roots(v)

# recover multiplicities
ls = pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(
u, v, w,
zs, nothing,
ρⱼ, θ, ρ, ϕ)

roundmul && (ls = Int.(round.(real.(ls))))
return zs, ls


# compute initial root approximations with multiplicities
# when the multiplicity structure l is known
# If method=direct and leastsquares=true, compute the cofactors v,w
# using least-squares rather than Zeng's AGCD refinement strategy
function pejorative_manifold(p::Polynomials.StandardBasisPolynomial{T,X},
method = :direct,
leastsquares = false,
roundmul = true,
) where {T,X}

error("Does this one get called?")

S = float(T)
u = Polynomials.PnPolynomial{S,X}(S.(coeffs(p)))

# number of distinct roots
k = sum(l .> 0)

if method == :direct && leastsquares
v, w = _ngcd(u, k)
u, v, w, _, _ = Polynomials.ngcd(u, derivative(u), degree(u)-k)

# root approximations
zs = roots(v)

# recover multiplicities
ls = pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(Val(method), u,v, w, zs, l; leastsquares=leastsquares)
roundmul && (ls = Int.(round.(real.(ls))))
return zs, ls

# use least-squares rather than Zeng's AGCD refinement strategy
function _ngcd(u, k)
@show :_ngcd
n = degree(u)
Sy = Polynomials.NGCD.SylvesterMatrix(u, derivative(u), n-k)
b = Sy[1:end-1,2*k+1] - n * Sy[1:end-1,k] # X^k*p' - n*X^{k-1}*p
A = Sy[1:end-1,1:end .∉ [[k,2*k+1]]]
x = zeros(S, 2*k-1)
Polynomials.NGCD.qrsolve!(x, A, b)
# w = n*X^{k-1} + ...
w = Polynomials.PnPolynomial([x[1:k-1]; n])
# v = X^k + ...
v = Polynomials.PnPolynomial([-x[k:2*k-1]; 1])
v, w

# recover the multiplicity of each root approximation
# using the iterative method of Zeng
# but knowing the total multiplicity structure,
# hence the degree of the approximate GCD at each iteration is known
# if roundmul=true, round the floating-point multiplicities
# to the closest integer
#function pejorative_manifold_iterative_multiplicities(
function pejorative_manifold_multiplicities(
args...; kwargs...) where {T}

ls = ones(Int, length(zs))
ll = copy(l)

while !Polynomials.isconstant(u)
# remove 1 to all multiplicities
ll .-= 1
deleteat!(ll, ll .== 0)
k = length(ll)
u, v, w, ρⱼ, κ = Polynomials.ngcd(u, derivative(u), degree(u)-k)
for z roots(v)
_, ind = findmin(abs.(zs .- z))
ls[ind] += 1

return ls

## --------

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/polynomials/standard-basis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ function Base.divrem(num::P, den::Q) where {T, P <: StandardBasisPolynomial{T},

gcd(p1::StandardBasisPolynomial, p2::StandardBasisPolynomial; method=:eculidean, kwargs...)
gcd(p1::StandardBasisPolynomial, p2::StandardBasisPolynomial; method=:euclidean, kwargs...)
Find the greatest common divisor.
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