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johnnychen94 committed Jul 5, 2020
1 parent c8104a1 commit ab01585
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Showing 28 changed files with 170 additions and 132 deletions.
Empty file added test/equality_metrics.jl
Empty file.
Empty file added test/fileio.jl
Empty file.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
Empty file added test/render.jl
Empty file.
152 changes: 20 additions & 132 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Test
using ImageInTerminal, TestImages, ImageCore, ImageTransformations
using DataFrames, CSVFiles
using Random

if isinteractive()
Expand All @@ -9,145 +10,32 @@ else
@info ("Ten tests should correctly report failure in the transcript"
* " (but not the test summary).")

# check for ambiguities
refambs = detect_ambiguities(ImageInTerminal, Base, Core)

using ReferenceTests
ambs = detect_ambiguities(ReferenceTests, ImageInTerminal, Base, Core)

strip_summary(content::String) = join(split(content, "\n")[2:end], "\n")

@testset "ReferenceTests" begin

@test Set(setdiff(ambs, refambs)) == Set{Tuple{Method,Method}}()

# load/create some example images
lena = testimage("lena_color_256")
camera = testimage("cameraman")
cameras = similar(camera, size(camera)..., 2)
copyto!(view(cameras,:,:,1), camera)
copyto!(view(cameras,:,:,2), camera)
square = Gray{N0f8}[0.1 0.2 0.3; 0.4 0.5 0.6; 0.7 0.6 0.9]
rgb_rect = rand(RGB{N0f8}, 2, 3)

@testset "io2str" begin
@test_throws LoadError eval(@macroexpand @io2str(::IO))
@test_throws ArgumentError @io2str(2)
@test_throws ArgumentError @io2str(string(2))
@test @io2str(print(::IO, "foo")) == "foo"
@test @io2str(println(::IO, "foo")) == "foo\n"
@test @io2str(show(::IO, "foo")) == "\"foo\""
A = ones(30,30)
@test @io2str(show(IOContext(::IO, :limit => true, :displaysize => (5,5)), A)) == "[1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; … ; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0]"

@testset "withcolor" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError @withcolor throw(ArgumentError("foo"))
@test @withcolor Base.have_color == true
@test @withcolor @io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color => true), "test", color=:green)) == "\e[32mtest\e[39m"

@testset "string as txt" begin
foo = "foo"
@test_reference "references/string1.txt" foo * "bar"
@test_reference "references/string1.txt" [foo * "bar"]
A = ones(30,30)
@test_reference "references/string2.txt" @io2str show(IOContext(::IO, :limit=>true, :displaysize=>(5,5)), A)
@test_reference "references/string3.txt" 1337
@test_reference "references/string3.txt" 1338 by=(ref, x)->isapprox(ref, x; atol=10)
@test_reference "references/string4.txt" strip_summary(@io2str show(::IO, MIME"text/plain"(), Int64.(collect(1:5))))

# ignore CRLF/LF differences
@test_reference "references/string5.txt" """
This is a\r
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""
@test_reference "references/string5.txt" """
This is a
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""
const refroot = joinpath(@__DIR__(), "references")

@test_reference "references/string6.txt" """
This on the other hand is a
multiline string that does indeed end with a new line.

@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference "references/string1.txt" "intentionally wrong to check that this message prints"
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference "references/string5.txt" """
This is an incorrect
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""
test_files = [

@testset "string as unknown file type" begin
@test_reference "references/string1.nottxt" "This is not a .txt file, but it should be treated as such.\n"

@testset "images as txt using ImageInTerminal" begin
#@test_throws MethodError @test_reference "references/fail.txt" rand(2,2)

@test_reference "references/camera.txt" camera size=(5,10)
@test_reference "references/lena.txt" lena

@testset "plain ansi string" begin
@io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color=>true), "this should be blue", color=:blue)),
render = ReferenceTests.BeforeAfterFull()
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference(
@io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color=>true), "this should be red", color=:red)),
render = ReferenceTests.BeforeAfterFull()

@testset "string as SHA" begin
@test_reference "references/number1.sha256" 1337
foo = "foo"
@test_reference "references/string1.sha256" foo * "bar"
A = ones(30,30)
@test_reference "references/string2.sha256" @io2str show(IOContext(::IO, :limit=>true, :displaysize=>(5,5)), A)

@testset "images as SHA" begin
@test_reference "references/camera.sha256" camera
@test_reference "references/lena.sha256" convert(Matrix{RGB{Float64}}, lena)

@testset "images as PNG" begin
@test_reference "references/camera.png" imresize(camera, (64,64))
@test_reference "references/camera.png" imresize(camera, (64,64)) by=psnr_equality(25)
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference "references/camera.png" imresize(lena, (64,64))
@test_throws Exception @test_reference "references/camera.png" camera # unequal size

using DataFrames, CSVFiles
@testset "DataFrame as CSV" begin
@test_reference "references/dataframe.csv" DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["a","b","c"])
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference "references/dataframe.csv" DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["c","b","c"])


@testset "Create new $ext" for (ext, val) in (
(".csv", DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["c","b","c"])),
(".png", imresize(camera, (64,64))),
(".txt", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
newfilename = "references/newfilename.$ext"
@assert !isfile(newfilename)
@test_reference newfilename val # this should create it
@test isfile(newfilename) # Was created
@test_reference newfilename val # Matches expected content
rm(newfilename, force=true)

@testset "Create new image as txt" begin
# This is a sperate testset as need to use the `size` argument to ``@test_reference`
newfilename = "references/new_camera.txt"
@assert !isfile(newfilename)
@test_reference newfilename camera size=(5,10) # this should create it
@test isfile(newfilename) # Was created
@test_reference newfilename camera size=(5,10) # Matches expected content
rm(newfilename, force=true)

@testset "ReferenceTests" begin
@test Set(setdiff(ambs, refambs)) == Set{Tuple{Method,Method}}()

for file in test_files
filename = first(splitext(file))
@testset "File: $filename" begin
end # top level testset
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions test/test_reference.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
type_files = [

for file in type_files
type = first(splitext(file))
@testset "Type: $type" begin
include(joinpath("types", file))

# TODO: split this testset into previous files
@testset "Reference regeneration" begin
camera = testimage("cameraman")

@testset "Create new $ext" for (ext, val) in (
(".csv", DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["c","b","c"])),
(".png", imresize(camera, (64,64))),
(".txt", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
newfilename = joinpath(refroot, "newfilename.$ext")
@assert !isfile(newfilename)
@test_reference newfilename val # this should create it
@test isfile(newfilename) # Was created
@test_reference newfilename val # Matches expected content
rm(newfilename, force=true)

@testset "Create new image as txt" begin
# This is a sperate testset as need to use the `size` argument to ``@test_reference`
newfilename = joinpath(refroot, "new_camera.txt")
@assert !isfile(newfilename)
@test_reference newfilename camera size=(5,10) # this should create it
@test isfile(newfilename) # Was created
@test_reference newfilename camera size=(5,10) # Matches expected content
rm(newfilename, force=true)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/testutils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
strip_summary(content::String) = join(split(content, "\n")[2:end], "\n")
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/types/dataframe.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
refdir = joinpath(refroot, "dataframe")

@testset "DataFrame as CSV" begin
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "dataframe.csv") DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["a","b","c"])
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference joinpath(refdir, "dataframe.csv") DataFrame(v1=[1,2,3], v2=["c","b","c"])

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions test/types/image.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# load/create some example images
refdir = joinpath(refroot, "image")

lena = testimage("lena_color_256")
camera = testimage("cameraman")
cameras = similar(camera, size(camera)..., 2)
copyto!(view(cameras,:,:,1), camera)
copyto!(view(cameras,:,:,2), camera)
square = Gray{N0f8}[0.1 0.2 0.3; 0.4 0.5 0.6; 0.7 0.6 0.9]
rgb_rect = rand(RGB{N0f8}, 2, 3)

@testset "images as txt using ImageInTerminal" begin
#@test_throws MethodError @test_reference "references/fail.txt" rand(2,2)

@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.txt") camera size=(5,10)
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "lena.txt") lena

@testset "images as SHA" begin
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.sha256") camera
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "lena.sha256") convert(Matrix{RGB{Float64}}, lena)

@testset "images as PNG" begin
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.png") imresize(camera, (64,64))
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.png") imresize(camera, (64,64)) by=psnr_equality(25)
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.png") imresize(lena, (64,64))
@test_throws Exception @test_reference joinpath(refdir, "camera.png") camera # unequal size
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/types/number_array.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
refdir = joinpath(refroot, "number_array")
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions test/types/string.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
refdir = joinpath(refroot, "string")

@testset "string as unknown file type" begin
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string1.nottxt") "This is not a .txt file, but it should be treated as such.\n"

@testset "string as txt" begin
foo = "foo"
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string1.txt") foo * "bar"
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string1.txt") [foo * "bar"]
A = ones(30,30)
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string2.txt") @io2str show(IOContext(::IO, :limit=>true, :displaysize=>(5,5)), A)
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string3.txt") 1337
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string3.txt") 1338 by=(ref, x)->isapprox(ref, x; atol=10)
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string4.txt") strip_summary(@io2str show(::IO, MIME"text/plain"(), Int64.(collect(1:5))))

# ignore CRLF/LF differences
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string5.txt") """
This is a\r
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string5.txt") """
This is a
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""

@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string6.txt") """
This on the other hand is a
multiline string that does indeed end with a new line.

@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string1.txt") "intentionally wrong to check that this message prints"
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string5.txt") """
This is an incorrect
multiline string that does not end with a new line."""

@testset "string as SHA" begin
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "number1.sha256") 1337
foo = "foo"
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string1.sha256") foo * "bar"
A = ones(30,30)
@test_reference joinpath(refdir, "string2.sha256") @io2str show(IOContext(::IO, :limit=>true, :displaysize=>(5,5)), A)

@testset "plain ansi string" begin
joinpath(refdir, "ansii.txt"),
@io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color=>true), "this should be blue", color=:blue)),
render = ReferenceTests.BeforeAfterFull()
@test_throws ErrorException @test_reference(
joinpath(refdir, "ansii.txt"),
@io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color=>true), "this should be red", color=:red)),
render = ReferenceTests.BeforeAfterFull()
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
@testset "io2str" begin
@test_throws LoadError eval(@macroexpand @io2str(::IO))
@test_throws ArgumentError @io2str(2)
@test_throws ArgumentError @io2str(string(2))
@test @io2str(print(::IO, "foo")) == "foo"
@test @io2str(println(::IO, "foo")) == "foo\n"
@test @io2str(show(::IO, "foo")) == "\"foo\""
A = ones(30,30)
@test @io2str(show(IOContext(::IO, :limit => true, :displaysize => (5,5)), A)) == "[1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; … ; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0]"

@testset "withcolor" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError @withcolor throw(ArgumentError("foo"))
@test @withcolor Base.have_color == true
@test @withcolor @io2str(printstyled(IOContext(::IO, :color => true), "test", color=:green)) == "\e[32mtest\e[39m"

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