This repo is inspired by and extends the functionality further. It allows to graphically control the list of waypoints, add/remove/change_id.. It also allows Saving to file and sending to move_base from a simple drop down menu.
This package is a node that manages a waypoint server. Commands to add/delete/reorder etc are implemented as a menu items on waypoints (through rviz)
To use: add interactive waypoint description through rviz. First waypoint can be spawn through add_waypoint_topic (/initial_pose by default --> default topic of rviz pose initialisation tool)
- <add_waypoint_topic> expects PoseWithCovarianceStamped messages. Spawns waypoints at those poses. (default topic matched the rviz tool topic) #Params:
- add_waypoint_topic (default: /initialpose) See subscriptions
- connect_movebase (default: true) Enables move base functionality. Expects a movebase action server to be available at move_base
- enable_saving (default: true) Enables load/save functions.
- The waypoints will be in the frame of received poses
- pip install easygui. This is for file choice dialog. Should install using rosdep
- ros_msgdict: can be found here