Welcome to the FoodTruck Finder Project! This guide will help you get the project up and running on your local machine using Docker. 🚀
- Django;
- Django REST Framework;
- Docker;
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://your-repository-url.git
cd your-project-directory
Build the Project 🏗️ To build the Docker images for the project, run:
make build
This command builds the necessary Docker images as defined in your docker-compose.yml file.
Run the Project 🎉 To start the project, use:
make run
This will start all the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file. You can access the web application at http://localhost:8000.
Stop the Project 🛑 To stop the project and remove the containers, use:
make stop
Database Migrations 📚 Run the migrations with:
make migrations
make migrate
These commands create new migration files and apply them to the database, respectively.
Create Superuser Account 👤 To create a superuser account for the Django admin, run:
make createsuperuser
Follow the prompts to set up the username, email, and password.
Populate the Database with Food Trucks 🍔 To populate the database with food trucks from a CSV file, run:
make populate_trucks
Make sure your CSV file is in the correct format and located in the project directory.
Collect Static Files 📁 To collect static files into the static directory, run:
make collectstatic