Tasks from mini CTF prepared by JHtC mostly for MIMUW students attending BSK course.
To host it all, you need Docker and docker-compose installed. Then you just fire ./host_tasks.sh
. It will spawn docker containers with all the tasks that needs to be available through net.
The public
directory contains tasks descriptions and files that were available during the CTF.
If you want to host one particular task, just go to its directory and fire docker-compose up
- Tacet
- b73f9
- Eternal
- Disconnect3d
- Gros
- Warfury
- 050 - Surely_they_know_what_they_are_doing - b73f9
- 050 - Online_Crypto - b73f9
- 025 - Introduction_RE - disconnect3d
- 050 - Avid - Tacet
- 050 - Lottery - b73f9
- 050 - Basic_RE - disconnect3d
- 100 - Piece_by_piece - Tacet
- 100 - Labyrinth - b73f9
- 100 - I_am_your_ninja_here - Tacet
- 200 - In_My_Land_I_Was_a_Snake - Eternal
- 025 - Power_Man - Tacet
- 050 - XOR_power - Tacet
- 050 - Remote_factorization - Tacet
- 200 - Mikhail - Eternal & Tacet
- 050 - Test_a_disk - b73f9
- 100 - 10^100 years - Eternal
- 200 - I2C - b73f9
- 050 - phdh - Gros
- 200 - Barsa - Gros
- 050 - leetime - warfury
- 100 - translatespeak1 - disconnect3d
- 200 - translatespeak2 - disconnect3d
- 200 - translatespeak3 - disconnect3d