Code and data for "Teodoridis, Florenta and Lu, Jino and Furman, Jeffrey L., Mapping the Knowledge Space: Frontier Tools in Unassisted Machine Learning"
Introduce an approach based on an unassisted machine learning technique, Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP), that flexibly flexibly identifies patterns in large scale text corpora and enables the mapping of the knowledge landscape.
We use USPTO patent data from PatentsView (
Please cite David Blei's work ( The code builds on topic modeling developed by his lab.
This code is built on the code in
Output files:
(1) assignee_hhi_diversification_measures.csv (available at This file contains the HDP- and CPC-based Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI) diversification measures for each USPTO assignee in each year between 1976 and 2019
- hhi_hdp: the HDP-based HHI concentration measure
- hhi_diversity_hdp: the HDP-based HHI diversification measure (i.e., 1-hhi_hdp)
- hhi_cpc: the CPC-based HHI concentration measure
- hhi_diversity_cpc: the CPC-based HHI diversification measure (i.e., 1-hhi_cpc)
(2) doc_topics.csv (available at This file contains the topic distribution for USPTO patents between 1976 and 2019
- Document ID: USPTO patent id
- Topic No: HDP-generated topics assigned to each patent
- Probability: Topic probability
(3) topics.csv (available at: This file contains the word distribution for the HDP-generated topics
(4) topic_similarity.csv (available at This file contains the pairwise weighted cosine similarity between the HDP topics