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The ROOT macros and TXPConfig are intended to be used alongside the package of functions provided from the FIPPS collaboration at ILL.

Steps to success:

  1. Convert .lst event lists into root TTrees using Lst2Root.cpp

  2. Calibrate one channel by hand: ..* Uncalibrated spectra are contained under QA/ADCSpectraNoCal ..* Create a master XPConfig.txt, and copy each coefficent to each channel. Cal0 is slope, and Cal1 is offset.

  3. Use EngMatrix.C to make an energy vs. channel histogram. A .root file is automatically exported.

  4. Use LinearGainMatch.C to make XPLinear.txt. The following transition energies can be used depending on the source.

Isotope Energy Notes
152Eu 121.7817 (3) keV
1408.013 (3) keV
28Al 1778.987 (15) keV Beta Decay of 28Al
7724.034 (7) keV

When satisfied with the linear gain match. Save XPLinear.txt as XPConfig.txt in the XPConfigs/ folder

  1. Fill out the XPGeometry.txt LUT located in XPConfigs/ according to your experiment.

  2. Use GainMatchRoots.C to gain match each isotope using the above suggested transition energies. Check the energy matricies in each root file containing the source TTrees.

  3. Modify fit_macro/Al-Residual-Fits.C to better fit your experiment. Then use AnalyzeResiduals.C to create the XPResiduals.txt file. Examine the ResidualDiagnostics.root to inspect the quality of the automatic fits.

  4. Examine 152Eu with the residuals, and check if it makes sense.

  5. Gain match experiment, and produce TTree's containing calibrated energies.

  6. Analyize!


The software to turn the unordered .lst files into sorted root TTree's can be found at,


In particular, the two main files to generate the TTrees are CoincidenceOffline.cpp and Lst2Root.cpp.

TODO: Add more details about creating TTrees using the lst-data-process package.

After each .lst file has been transformed into a sorted TTree, the .C macros can be used to produce 1D and 2D analysis histograms. Most macros need to be loaded into root with .L <macro>.C++.

All the ROOT macros use TFileCollections to define the input list of .root files. File collections can be generated using find. For example,

$ find /data3/illdata/rootfiles/*.root > rootlist.txt

And then setting the input argument to rootlist.txt.


  • Create a nice folder structure
  • Remove hardcoded text links
  • Add lots of documentation to make repo useful
  • Make the macros more user friendly and make it easier to do partial analysis with different XPConfigs.
  • Add more geometry information and a macro to compute angular correlations
  • Create a better gain matching system. It does a good job, but it could be much better!


Root functions for handing ILL FIPPS data sets








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