K9Shield is a comprehensive security middleware for Node.js applications, providing robust protection against various web security threats. It offers advanced features like DDoS protection, rate limiting, IP management, and security headers management.
- Added advanced data loss prevention module
- Implemented sensitive data detection and masking
- Integrated k9crypt for secure data encryption
- Added custom pattern support for sensitive data
- Enhanced data protection with regex-based detection
- Implemented async encryption and decryption methods
- Added comprehensive data masking techniques for various sensitive information types
const shield = new K9Shield();
// Optional: Scan for sensitive data
const sensitiveDataResult = shield.scanForSensitiveData('Credit Card: 4111-1111-1111-1111');
// Output: { hasSensitiveData: true, detectedData: { creditCard: ['4111-1111-1111-1111'] } }
// Optional: Mask sensitive data
const maskedData = shield.maskSensitiveData('Email: [email protected]');
// Output: 'Email: jo****@example.com'
// Optional: Encrypt sensitive data
const encryptedData = await shield.encryptSensitiveData('Secret Information');
const decryptedData = await shield.decryptSensitiveData(encryptedData);
// Optional: Add custom sensitive pattern
shield.addCustomSensitivePattern('customId', /\bCUST-\d{6}\b/);
- Completely Optional: The data loss prevention module is not mandatory
- Can be Disabled: No impact on core security features
- Modular Design: Use only the features you need
- Performance Overhead: Minimal additional processing
- Recommended for: Applications handling sensitive personal or financial data
Note: While optional, this module provides an additional layer of data protection for applications requiring advanced data handling.
- Features
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Core Components
- Configuration
- Security Features
- API Reference
- Testing
- Examples
- Contributing
- License
DDoS Protection
- Progressive penalty system
- Connection tracking
- Burst detection
- Path-based rate limiting
- Configurable thresholds and block durations
Rate Limiting
- Route-specific limits
- Flexible time windows
- Throttling support
- Ban duration management
- Distributed system support
IP Management
- CIDR notation support
- IPv6 support with IPv4 mapping
- Private IP detection
- Whitelist/Blacklist functionality
- Proxy support
Request Validation
- Method validation
- Payload size limits
- Header validation
- Pattern detection (SQL Injection, XSS, Path Traversal)
- User Agent and Referer filtering
Security Headers
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Permissions Policy
- HSTS support
- XSS protection
- Frame options
- Content type options
Pattern Detection
- SQL Injection patterns
- XSS patterns
- Path traversal attempts
- Custom pattern support
- Regular expression based detection
Logging System
- Multiple log levels
- Automatic rotation
- Archive management
- Performance metrics
- Security event tracking
Request Tracking
- IP tracking
- Request duration
- Path monitoring
- Error logging
- Detailed request information
npm install k9shield
const express = require('express');
const K9Shield = require('k9shield');
const app = express();
const shield = new K9Shield();
// Protect all routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.json({ message: 'A secure endpoint' });
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server running securely');
const shield = new K9Shield({
rateLimiting: {
enabled: true,
default: {
maxRequests: 10, // 10 requests per minute
timeWindow: 60000, // 1 minute
banDuration: 300000 // 5 minutes ban
routes: {
'/api/sensitive-endpoint': {
'POST': {
maxRequests: 3, // Stricter control for sensitive endpoint
timeWindow: 60000, // 1 minute
banDuration: 600000 // 10 minutes ban
security: {
maxBodySize: 1024 * 100, // 100KB payload limit
allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
userAgentBlacklist: ['bad-bot', 'malicious-crawler']
ddosProtection: {
enabled: true,
config: {
maxConnections: 50,
blockDuration: 300,
requestThreshold: 30,
rateLimitByPath: {
'/api/*': 20, // Special limit for API routes
'*': 50 // General limit for all routes
// Block a specific IP
// Whitelist an IP
// Unblock a previously blocked IP
// Remove an IP from whitelist
// Custom patterns for SQL Injection and XSS
const shield = new K9Shield({
errorHandling: {
includeErrorDetails: true,
customHandlers: {
// Custom response for rate limit exceeded
'rateLimitExceeded': (res, data) => {
message: 'Too many requests',
retryAfter: data.retryAfter,
limit: data.limit
// Custom response for DDoS attack
'ddosAttack': (res) => {
message: 'Suspicious traffic detected',
action: 'Access denied'
// Get all log records
const logs = shield.getLogs();
// Get archived log records
const archivedLogs = shield.getArchivedLogs();
// Reset all settings and statistics
// More flexible settings for development environment
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
const shield = new K9Shield({
rateLimiting: { enabled: false }, // Rate limit disabled in development
ddosProtection: { enabled: false } // DDoS protection disabled
// Strict security settings for production
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
const shield = new K9Shield({
rateLimiting: {
enabled: true,
default: { maxRequests: 100, timeWindow: 60000 }
security: {
maxBodySize: 1024 * 1024, // 1MB
allowPrivateIPs: false
ddosProtection: {
enabled: true,
config: {
maxConnections: 200,
blockDuration: 1800000 // 30 minutes block
logging: {
level: 'warning', // Log only critical warnings
maxLogSize: 10000 // More log storage
The main class that orchestrates all security features:
const shield = new K9Shield({
security: {
trustProxy: true,
allowPrivateIPs: false,
maxBodySize: 1024 * 1024 // 1MB
Handles IP address management and validation:
// IP management examples
Manages security patterns and request validation:
// Add custom security patterns
Controls request rates and implements throttling:
const config = {
rateLimiting: {
enabled: true,
default: {
maxRequests: 100,
timeWindow: 60000, // 1 minute
banDuration: 3600000 // 1 hour
routes: {
'/api/data': {
'POST': { maxRequests: 5, timeWindow: 30000 }
Provides DDoS attack prevention:
const config = {
ddosProtection: {
enabled: true,
config: {
maxConnections: 200,
timeWindow: 60000,
blockDuration: 1800000,
requestThreshold: 500,
burstThreshold: 50
const shield = new K9Shield({
security: {
trustProxy: true,
allowPrivateIPs: false,
maxBodySize: 1024 * 1024,
allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
userAgentBlacklist: ['bad-bot', 'malicious-crawler'],
refererBlacklist: ['malicious.com'],
securityHeaders: {
'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY',
'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
csp: {
'default-src': ["'self'"],
'script-src': ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
'style-src': ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'https:']
permissions: {
'geolocation': '()',
'camera': '()',
'microphone': '()'
rateLimiting: {
enabled: true,
default: {
maxRequests: 100,
timeWindow: 60000,
banDuration: 3600000,
throttleDuration: 60000,
throttleDelay: 1000
routes: {
'/api/data': {
'POST': { maxRequests: 5, timeWindow: 30000 }
ddosProtection: {
enabled: true,
config: {
maxConnections: 200,
timeWindow: 60000,
blockDuration: 1800000,
requestThreshold: 500,
burstThreshold: 50,
slowRequestThreshold: 10,
rateLimitByPath: {
'/api/*': 100,
'/auth/*': 20,
'*': 500
logging: {
enable: true,
level: 'info',
maxLogSize: 5000,
archiveLimit: 5
errorHandling: {
includeErrorDetails: true,
customHandlers: {
'rateLimitExceeded': (res, data) => {
message: 'Too many requests',
retryAfter: data.retryAfter,
limit: data.limit,
windowMs: data.windowMs
bypassRoutes: ['/health', '/metrics']
- Global Limits: Set default limits for all routes
- Route-Specific Limits: Configure different limits for specific routes
- Throttling: Progressive slowdown of requests
- Ban System: Temporary IP bans for limit violations
- Connection Tracking: Monitor connection counts
- Burst Detection: Identify sudden request spikes
- Progressive Penalties: Increasing restrictions for violations
- Path-Based Limits: Different limits for different paths
- CSP: Content Security Policy configuration
- HSTS: HTTP Strict Transport Security
- XSS Protection: Cross-site scripting prevention
- Frame Options: Clickjacking prevention
- SQL Injection: Detect SQL injection attempts
- XSS: Cross-site scripting pattern detection
- Path Traversal: Directory traversal prevention
- Custom Patterns: Add your own detection patterns
// IP Management
// Pattern Management
// Configuration
// Logging
// Reset
Run the test server:
node test.js
- Basic Request Test
curl http://localhost:3000/
- Rate Limit Test
for i in $(seq 1 10); do
curl http://localhost:3000/api/test
echo ""
sleep 1
- SQL Injection Test
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/search \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "1 UNION SELECT * FROM users"}'
- XSS Test
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/comment \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"comment": "<script>alert(\"XSS\")</script>"}'
- IP Information
curl http://localhost:3000/ip
- Bypass Routes Test
curl http://localhost:3000/health
curl http://localhost:3000/metrics
- DDoS Test
for i in $(seq 1 100); do
curl http://localhost:3000/ &
- Large Payload Test
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/comment \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"comment": "A...(100KB+)..."}'
K9Shield provides detailed error responses:
- 403: Access Denied / Suspicious Request
- 405: Method Not Allowed
- 413: Payload Too Large
- 429: Too Many Requests
- 500: Internal Server Error
Each error includes:
- Error message
- Error code
- Timestamp
- Additional details (when enabled)
Rate Limiting
- Set appropriate limits based on your application needs
- Use route-specific limits for sensitive endpoints
- Implement proper retry-after headers
DDoS Protection
- Configure thresholds based on your server capacity
- Monitor and adjust settings based on traffic patterns
- Use bypass routes for critical endpoints
Security Headers
- Implement strict CSP policies
- Enable HSTS in production
- Configure appropriate frame options
- Set appropriate log levels
- Implement log rotation
- Monitor security events regularly
We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.