K9Crypt allows you to create and share encrypted messages, and now features a blog system.
- Encrypted Messages: Your messages are secured with end-to-end encryption.
- Notification System: Stay informed about important updates, messages, and activities with real-time notifications.
- Blog System: Read and share knowledge with a built-in blog feature.
Follow the steps below to set up K9Crypt:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/k9crypt/website.git cd website
Install the required files:
bun i
Start the infrastructure:
bun run dev
Download and install Pocketbase:
curl -L https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/releases/latest/download/pocketbase_<version>_linux_amd64.zip -o pocketbase.zip unzip pocketbase.zip chmod +x pocketbase
Start Pocketbase:
./pocketbase serve
- Go to the Pocketbase admin panel (usually http://localhost:8090/_/).
- Click on the "Create new collection" button.
- Enter "notifications" as the collection name.
- Add the "title" and "description" fields:
- "title": Text type
- "description": Text type
- Save the collection.
- In the Pocketbase admin panel, create a new collection named "blog".
- Add the following fields:
- "title": Text type
- "content": Rich text type
- "author": Text type
- "image": File type
- "viewCount": Number type
- Save the collection.
K9Crypt offers a notification system powered by Pocketbase. This system allows users to receive real-time notifications about account activities, incoming messages, and other important information. By clicking on the notifications, users can access detailed information and perform necessary actions.
K9Crypt now includes a blog feature where users can read. The blog system offers:
- Viewing all posts, popular posts, or recent posts
- Reading individual blog posts
- Sharing blog posts
- View count tracking
- Estimated reading time for each post
- The blog pages are responsive and include loading indicators for a smooth user experience.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.