This repo is for KMDLABS explorers. You need the staked repo for the coin daemons.
Install process:
- Clone staked repo
- Run
from staked repo. - Clone this repo
- Run
- Run
./ noconfig
- Run
- Run
./ >
- Run
chmod +x
- Run
That should do it. You will have all coins running. Further setup needed for cross chain links and URL's, instrutions will follow development of these.
Explorer uses dev branch komodod (as it already included all needed for bitcore insight: txindex
, addressindex
, timestampindex
and zmq support).
Installation is fully automated, just launch
script from this repo. It will install needed dependencies, download and compile komodod source, install correct version of NodeJS and create KMD and all assets explorer folders and launch scripts.
Also, during installation it will used following node-js modules from this repo:
- bitcore-node-komodo
- bitcore-lib-komodo
- bitcore-build-komodo
- insight-api-komodo
- bitcore-message-komodo
- insight-ui-komodo
Some ideas in installation script taken from . Thx to @radix42 , @flamingice , @ca333, @satindergrewal and all authors and contributors for their hard work.
- Import SSH key to GitHub account don't required for install node modules, it will use HTTPS instead of SSH connection to GitHub.
- Errors with
are already fixed . - Display of Notary Node names in "Mined by" section.
- Fixed display of coinbase transactions on mobile devices.
- Fixed block reward display for KMD (it's always 3 KMD).
Installation script was tested on clean installation of Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (other OS, like Debian, not tested ... may be it will required some additional dependencies or something else, pull requests and fixes are welcome).
git clone explorer
cd explorer
If you are get some errors during last install or you break installation process manually - delete *-explorer
, node-modules
folders and *
scripts before launching ./
script again.
After ./
finished his work you will end up with following directory and files structure:
node-modules # folder, containing common NodeJS modules
KMD-explorer # folder for KMD explorer
REVS-explorer # folder for REVS explorer
... # launch script for KMD explorer # launch script for REVS explorer
Corresponding daemons (komodod) for assets will be already started (see last step of ./
After install step is complete run
to change block reward display
for assets to 0.0001 and change assetname in explorer.
You can get this table on your system using
Coin | RPC port | ZMQ port | Web port | P2P port | Magic (hex) | Magic (dec) |
KMD | 8232 | 8332 | 3001 | 7770 | 0x8de4eef9 | 2380590841 |
REVS | 8233 (8233) | 8333 | 3002 | 10195 | 0x4141771a | 1094809370 |
SUPERNET | 8234 (8234) | 8334 | 3003 | 11340 | 0xb9112456 | -1190058922 |
DEX | 8235 (8235) | 8335 | 3004 | 11889 | 0x0ace51e0 | 181293536 |
PANGEA | 8236 (8236) | 8336 | 3005 | 14067 | 0x686a3517 | 1751790871 |
JUMBLR | 8237 (8237) | 8337 | 3006 | 15105 | 0x1e45b23a | 507884090 |
BET | 8238 (8238) | 8338 | 3007 | 14249 | 0x07f56179 | 133521785 |
CRYPTO | 8239 (8239) | 8339 | 3008 | 8515 | 0xaaae7cb4 | -1431405388 |
HODL | 8240 (8240) | 8340 | 3009 | 14430 | 0x00cc1675 | 13375093 |
MSHARK | 8241 (8241) | 8341 | 3010 | 8845 | 0x9ef4e9f0 | -1628116496 |
BOTS | 8242 (8242) | 8342 | 3011 | 11963 | 0x042956ec | 69818092 |
MGW | 8243 (8243) | 8343 | 3012 | 12385 | 0xa796157c | -1483336324 |
COQUI | 8244 (8244) | 8344 | 3013 | 14275 | 0xdf23f344 | -551292092 |
WLC | 8245 (8245) | 8345 | 3014 | 12166 | 0x00592ed5 | 5844693 |
KV | 8246 (8246) | 8346 | 3015 | 8298 | 0xc5f134f4 | -974048012 |
CEAL | 8247 (8247) | 8347 | 3016 | 11115 | 0x905f8c09 | -1872786423 |
MESH | 8248 (8248) | 8348 | 3017 | 9454 | 0xb6bf6b4d | -1228969139 |
MNZ | 8249 (8249) | 8349 | 3018 | 14336 | 0xde6fd053 | -563097517 |
AXO | 8250 (8250) | 8350 | 3019 | 12926 | 0x179d00ba | 396165306 |
ETOMIC | 8251 (8251) | 8351 | 3020 | 10270 | 0xe8902a07 | -393205241 |
BTCH | 8252 (8252) | 8352 | 3021 | 8799 | 0xff5e1cf4 | -10609420 |
PIZZA | 8253 (8253) | 8353 | 3022 | 11607 | 0x3c52bead | 1012055725 |
BEER | 8254 (8254) | 8354 | 3023 | 8922 | 0x6ebbec9f | 1857809567 |
NINJA | 8255 (8255) | 8355 | 3024 | 8426 | 0xb26f8eb3 | -1301311821 |
OOT | 8256 (8256) | 8356 | 3025 | 12466 | 0xad4b5ba7 | -1387570265 |
BNTN | 8257 (8257) | 8357 | 3026 | 14357 | 0x8e321899 | -1909319527 |
CHAIN | 8258 (8258) | 8358 | 3027 | 15586 | 0xe0a98e56 | -525758890 |
PRLPAY | 8259 (8259) | 8359 | 3028 | 9678 | 0x61f88ac5 | 1643678405 |
DSEC | 8260 (8260) | 8360 | 3029 | 11556 | 0xc7b2a699 | -944593255 |
GLXT | 8261 (8261) | 8361 | 3030 | 13108 | 0x1865ac2b | 409316395 |
EQL | 8262 (8262) | 8362 | 3031 | 10305 | 0x58e490b8 | 1491374264 |
VRSC | 8263 (8263) | 8363 | 3032 | 27485 | 0xe2588aad | -497513811 |
ZILLA | 8264 (8264) | 8364 | 3033 | 10040 | 0x204ddb91 | 541973393 |
RFOX | 8265 (8265) | 8365 | 3034 | 32268 | 0x4406ad4c | 1141288268 |
SEC | 8266 (8266) | 8366 | 3035 | 11539 | 0x8f27938c | -1893231732 |
CCL | 8267 (8267) | 8367 | 3036 | 20848 | 0x66ff315c | 1728000348 |
sudo ufw allow 7770/tcp comment 'KMD p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10195/tcp comment 'REVS p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11340/tcp comment 'SUPERNET p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11889/tcp comment 'DEX p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14067/tcp comment 'PANGEA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 15105/tcp comment 'JUMBLR p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14249/tcp comment 'BET p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8515/tcp comment 'CRYPTO p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14430/tcp comment 'HODL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8845/tcp comment 'MSHARK p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11963/tcp comment 'BOTS p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12385/tcp comment 'MGW p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14275/tcp comment 'COQUI p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12166/tcp comment 'WLC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8298/tcp comment 'KV p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11115/tcp comment 'CEAL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 9454/tcp comment 'MESH p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14336/tcp comment 'MNZ p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12926/tcp comment 'AXO p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10270/tcp comment 'ETOMIC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8799/tcp comment 'BTCH p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11607/tcp comment 'PIZZA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8922/tcp comment 'BEER p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8426/tcp comment 'NINJA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12466/tcp comment 'OOT p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14357/tcp comment 'BNTN p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 15586/tcp comment 'CHAIN p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 9678/tcp comment 'PRLPAY p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11556/tcp comment 'DSEC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 13108/tcp comment 'GLXT p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10305/tcp comment 'EQL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 27485/tcp comment 'VRSC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10040/tcp comment 'ZILLA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 32268/tcp comment 'RFOX p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11539/tcp comment 'SEC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 20848/tcp comment 'CCL p2p port'
# sudo ufw allow from any to any port 3001:3036 proto tcp comment 'allow insight web ports'
- Simple (HTTP only):
server {
listen 80;
root /home/user/insight;
access_log /home/user/insight-log/livenet-access.log;
error_log /home/user/insight-log/livenet-error.log;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- HTTP + HTTPS + redirect HTTP->HTTPS + rate limiter + Let's Encrypt support
, your configs examples will be available in helper/nginx/sites-available
- Join Komodo Slack #insight channel to get more information.
- Read more about Insight API here.
- Read about Web Socket API here.
Pull requests with logos, color schemes, fixes and any other contributions are welcome.
Note: you should build VRSC komodod (verusd) manually, also make sure that you run VRSC daemon with correct parameters.
Follow this: to check params.
VRSC will not work with original komodod from Komodo repo!