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Timeutils and RageSet calculation
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Belén Torrente committed Sep 1, 2024
1 parent 2e54704 commit 085f82a
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Showing 7 changed files with 498 additions and 157 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ add_executable(geojsondump ./adagucserverEC/geojsondump.cpp)

add_test(testhclasses hclasses/testhclasses)
add_test(testadagucserver adagucserverEC/testadagucserver)
add_test(testtimeutils adagucserverEC/testtimeutils)

target_link_libraries(adagucserver adagucserverEC hclasses CCDFDataModel)
target_link_libraries(h5ncdump adagucserverEC hclasses CCDFDataModel)
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions adagucserverEC/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ add_library(

Expand All @@ -190,3 +193,7 @@ target_link_libraries(adagucserverEC CCDFDataModel hclasses ${NetCDF_LIBRARIES}
# Build unit test executable
add_executable(testadagucserver testadagucserver.cpp)
target_link_libraries(testadagucserver PRIVATE adagucserverEC CCDFDataModel hclasses CppUnitLite)

# Build unit tests for timeutils
add_executable(testtimeutils testtimeutils.cpp)
target_link_libraries(testtimeutils PRIVATE adagucserverEC hclasses CppUnitLite)
251 changes: 115 additions & 136 deletions adagucserverEC/CXMLGen.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,17 +25,48 @@

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "CXMLGen.h"
#include "CDBFactory.h"
#include "LayerTypeLiveUpdate/LayerTypeLiveUpdate.h"
#include "timeutils.h"
// #define CXMLGEN_DEBUG
// #define MEASURE_TIME
const char *CFile::className = "CFile";

const char *CXMLGen::className = "CXMLGen";
int CXMLGen::WCSDescribeCoverage(CServerParams *srvParam, CT::string *XMLDocument) { return OGCGetCapabilities(srvParam, XMLDocument); }

// Function to parse a string to double if numeric
double parseNumeric(std::string const &str, bool &isNumeric) {
auto result = double();
auto i = std::istringstream(str);
i >> result;
isNumeric = ! && i.eof();
return result;

// Sort values that can either be numeric of a string
bool multiTypeSort(const CT::string &a, const CT::string &b) {
// Try to convert strings to numbers
float aNum, bNum;
bool isANum, isBNum;

isANum = false;
aNum = parseNumeric(a.c_str(), isANum);

isBNum = false;
bNum = parseNumeric(b.c_str(), isBNum);

// Do numerical comparison or alphabetical comparison according to type
if (isANum && isBNum) {
return aNum < bNum;
} else {
return a < b;

bool compareStringCase(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) { return strcmp(s1.c_str(), s2.c_str()) <= 0; }

const WMSLayer *getFirstLayerWithoutError(std::vector<WMSLayer *> *myWMSLayerList) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,133 +477,21 @@ int CXMLGen::getDimsForLayer(WMSLayer *myWMSLayer) {
if (store != NULL) {
if (store->size() != 0) {
dataHasBeenFoundInStore = true;
tm tms[store->size()];

try {

// Retrieve all timestamps
std::vector<CT::string> isoTimes;
for (size_t j = 0; j < store->size(); j++) {
store->getRecord(j)->get("time")->setChar(10, 'T');
const char *isotime = store->getRecord(j)->get("time")->c_str();
// CDBDebug("isotime = %s",isotime);
CT::string year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
year.copy(isotime + 0, 4);
tms[j].tm_year = year.toInt() - 1900;
month.copy(isotime + 5, 2);
tms[j].tm_mon = month.toInt() - 1;
day.copy(isotime + 8, 2);
tms[j].tm_mday = day.toInt();
hour.copy(isotime + 11, 2);
tms[j].tm_hour = hour.toInt();
minute.copy(isotime + 14, 2);
tms[j].tm_min = minute.toInt();
second.copy(isotime + 17, 2);
tms[j].tm_sec = second.toInt();
size_t nrTimes = store->size() - 1;
bool isConst = true;
if (store->size() < 4) {
isConst = false;
try {
CTime *time = CTime::GetCTimeInstance(myWMSLayer->dataSource->getDataObject(0)->cdfObject->getVariable("time"));
if (time == nullptr) {
return 1;
if (time->getMode() != 0) {
isConst = false;
} catch (int e) {

CT::string iso8601timeRes = "P";
CT::string yearPart = "";
if (tms[1].tm_year - tms[0].tm_year != 0) {
if (tms[1].tm_year - tms[0].tm_year == (tms[nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10].tm_year - tms[0].tm_year) / double(nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10)) {
yearPart.printconcat("%dY", abs(tms[1].tm_year - tms[0].tm_year));
} else {
isConst = false;
CDBDebug("year is irregular");
if (tms[1].tm_mon - tms[0].tm_mon != 0) {
if (tms[1].tm_mon - tms[0].tm_mon == (tms[nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10].tm_mon - tms[0].tm_mon) / double(nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10))
yearPart.printconcat("%dM", abs(tms[1].tm_mon - tms[0].tm_mon));
else {
isConst = false;
CDBDebug("month is irregular");

if (tms[1].tm_mday - tms[0].tm_mday != 0) {
if (tms[1].tm_mday - tms[0].tm_mday == (tms[nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10].tm_mday - tms[0].tm_mday) / double(nrTimes < 10 ? nrTimes : 10))
yearPart.printconcat("%dD", abs(tms[1].tm_mday - tms[0].tm_mday));
else {
isConst = false;
CDBDebug("day irregular");
for (size_t j = 0; j < nrTimes; j++) {
CDBDebug("Day %d = %d", j, tms[j].tm_mday);

CT::string hourPart = "";
if (tms[1].tm_hour - tms[0].tm_hour != 0) {
hourPart.printconcat("%dH", abs(tms[1].tm_hour - tms[0].tm_hour));
if (tms[1].tm_min - tms[0].tm_min != 0) {
hourPart.printconcat("%dM", abs(tms[1].tm_min - tms[0].tm_min));
if (tms[1].tm_sec - tms[0].tm_sec != 0) {
hourPart.printconcat("%dS", abs(tms[1].tm_sec - tms[0].tm_sec));

int sd = (tms[1].tm_hour * 3600 + tms[1].tm_min * 60 + tms[1].tm_sec) - (tms[0].tm_hour * 3600 + tms[0].tm_min * 60 + tms[0].tm_sec);
for (size_t j = 2; j < store->size() && isConst; j++) {
int d = (tms[j].tm_hour * 3600 + tms[j].tm_min * 60 + tms[j].tm_sec) - (tms[j - 1].tm_hour * 3600 + tms[j - 1].tm_min * 60 + tms[j - 1].tm_sec);
if (d > 0) {
if (sd != d) {
isConst = false;
CDBDebug("hour/min/sec is irregular %d ", j);

// Check whether we found a time resolution
if (isConst == false) {
hasMultipleValues = true;
CDBDebug("Not a continous time dimension, multipleValues required");
} else {
CDBDebug("Continous time dimension, Time resolution needs to be calculated");
hasMultipleValues = false;

if (isConst) {
if (yearPart.length() > 0) {
if (hourPart.length() > 0) {
CT::string estimatedISODuration = estimateISO8601Duration(isoTimes);
hasMultipleValues = estimatedISODuration.empty();
CDBDebug("Calculated a timeresolution of %s", iso8601timeRes.c_str());
CDBDebug("Estimated an ISO duration of %s with length %d", estimatedISODuration.c_str(), estimatedISODuration.length());
if (estimatedISODuration.length() > 0) { // Check if estimatedISODuration is not an empty string
} catch (int e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1561,6 +1480,79 @@ int CXMLGen::getWCS_1_0_0_Capabilities(CT::string *XMLDoc, std::vector<WMSLayer
return 0;

void generateRangeSet(CT::string *XMLDoc, WMSLayer *layer) {
From the documentation:
The optional and repeatable axisDescription/AxisDescription element is for compound observations.
It describes an additional parameter (that is, an independent variable besides space and time),
and the valid values of this parameter, which GetCoverage requests can use to select subsets of a
coverage offering.
if (!layer->dimList.size()) {
XMLDoc->concat(" <rangeSet>\n"
" <RangeSet>\n"
" <name>dimensions</name>\n"
" <label>dimensions</label>\n");
// Dims
for (size_t d = 0; d < layer->dimList.size(); d++) {
WMSLayer::Dim *dim = layer->dimList[d];
CT::string min, max, duration;
CT::string *valueSplit;
std::vector<CT::string> valuesVector;

// Case of min/max(/duration), for time dimension
valueSplit = dim->values.splitToArray("/");
if (valueSplit->count >= 2) {
min = valueSplit[0];
max = valueSplit[1];
// Third value is the interval duration
if (valueSplit->count == 3) {
duration = valueSplit[2];
} else {
// General case of a list of values (of any type)
valueSplit = dim->values.splitToArray(",");
valuesVector = std::vector<CT::string>(valueSplit, valueSplit + valueSplit->count);
std::sort(valuesVector.begin(), valuesVector.end(), multiTypeSort);
min = valuesVector[0];
max = valuesVector.back();

XMLDoc->printconcat(" <axisDescription>\n"
" <AxisDescription>\n"
" <name>%s</name>\n"
" <label>%s</label>\n",
dim->name.c_str(), dim->name.c_str());
if (valueSplit->count >= 2) {
XMLDoc->printconcat(" <values>\n"
" <interval>\n"
" <min>%s</min>\n"
" <max>%s</max>\n",
min.c_str(), max.c_str());
// Precalculate the interval in the case of time (no interval if fewer than 4 values)
if ((dim->name.indexOf("time") != -1) && duration.length() > 0) {
XMLDoc->printconcat(" <res>%s</res>\n", duration.c_str()); // .c_str());
XMLDoc->printconcat(" </interval>\n");
// Print all possible values if there is a relatively small number, for other dimensions
if ((valueSplit->count <= 100) && (dim->name.indexOf("time") == -1)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < valueSplit->count; i++) {
XMLDoc->printconcat(" <singleValue>%s</singleValue>\n", valuesVector[i].c_str());
XMLDoc->printconcat(" </values>\n");
XMLDoc->printconcat(" </AxisDescription>\n"
" </axisDescription>\n");
delete[] valueSplit;

XMLDoc->concat(" </RangeSet>\n"
" </rangeSet>\n");

int CXMLGen::getWCS_1_0_0_DescribeCoverage(CT::string *XMLDoc, std::vector<WMSLayer *> *myWMSLayerList) {

XMLDoc->copy("<?xml version='1.0' encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1687,22 +1679,9 @@ int CXMLGen::getWCS_1_0_0_DescribeCoverage(CT::string *XMLDoc, std::vector<WMSLa
XMLDoc->concat(" </temporalDomain>\n");
XMLDoc->concat(" </domainSet>\n"
" <rangeSet>\n"
" <RangeSet>\n"
" <name>bands</name>\n"
" <label>bands</label>\n"
" <axisDescription>\n"
" <AxisDescription>\n"
" <name>bands</name>\n"
" <label>Bands/Channels/Samples</label>\n"
" <values>\n"
" <singleValue>1</singleValue>\n"
" </values>\n"
" </AxisDescription>\n"
" </axisDescription>\n"
" </RangeSet>\n"
" </rangeSet>\n");
XMLDoc->concat(" </domainSet>\n");
// Generate the XML code for RangeSet, including dimensions (AxisDescriptions)
generateRangeSet(XMLDoc, layer);
// Supported CRSs
XMLDoc->concat(" <supportedCRSs>\n");

Expand Down

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