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PowerShell GoogleImageSearch Module

A PowerShell module to handle Google Image Search


This module enables users to search Windows lock screen wallpaper images or any another image in Google Search Image. This module works only in Windows PowerShell.

Main feature

  • User can search any image in Google Image Search from PowerShell.
  • User can easily search Windows lockscreen images in Google Image Search from PowerShell.


Run PowerShell as administrator and type:

Install-Module -Name GoogleImageSearch

and import module into workspace by typing:

Import-Module -Name GoogleImageSearch

Basic use

Search-Image -ImagePath C:\Pictures\SomeImageToSearch.jpg

Reads the image SomeImageToSearch.jpg in C:\Pictures path and use this image to query Google Image Search.

Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Pictures' -Filter '*.jpg' | Search-Image

Reads all images in C:\Pictures and pipes them into Search-Image where are used to query Google Image Search.


Search of the five latest downloaded wallpaper images in Google Image Search. It will open five or less tabs in the default web browser.

Search-WindowsLockScreenWallpapers -DumpFiles

Search of the five latest downloaded wallpaper images in Google Image Search. It will open five or less tabs in the default web browser. The wallpaper images will be dumped into C:\Temp directory.

Search-WindowsLockScreenWallpapers -DumpFiles -DumpPath D:\Temp

Search of the five latest downloaded wallpaper images in Google Image Search. It will open five or less tabs in the default web browser. The wallpaper images will be dumped into custom D:\Temp directory. The input directory is created if doesn't exist.

Search-WindowsLockScreenWallpapers -NumberOfImages 2 -DumpFiles -DumpPath D:\Temp

Search of the two latest downloaded wallpaper images in Google Image Search. It will open five or less tabs in the default web browser. The wallpaper images will be dumped into custom D:\Temp directory. The input directory is created if doesn't exist.


GoogleSearchModule at PowerShell Gallery
Script to use Google Image Search with local image as input
Get list of image files with specific dimensions as file objects using PowerShell